Pyramid was released continuously between 1993 and 2018, ending its third volume in December 2018 with Pyramid #3/122: All Good Things. It began life as a print publication before migrating to electronic horizons. Here is a brief look at its previous two incarnations.
The first volume of Pyramid was a print publication, available in fine game shops everywhere. It ran 30 issues, from May/June 1993 to March/April 1998. This was a general-purpose gaming magazine (with a heavy dose of Steve Jackson Games-related material), covering RPGs, card games, computer games, and other genre gaming. It also covered industry news and developments. Electronic PDF versions of all issues from this volume of Pyramid are available for purchase via Warehouse 23.
Some of the best GURPS Third Edition material from the first volume of Pyramid was compiled into two books. GURPS Best of Pyramid Volume 1 contained the vehicle-centered campaign setting "Sprockets," high-powered rules including "Brain Hacking" and "Willful Weapons," and unique adventures such as the zombie-horror "Trespasser's Isle." GURPS Best of Pyramid Volume 2 contains other treasures from this era, including the complete run of Terra Incognita and Warehouse 23 from Pyramid Volume 1.
The second volume of Pyramid was an online subscription-based website. It ran from April 1998 until November of 2008 – a total of 558 weekly "issues"! It followed a similar mandate to the first volume, being devoted primarily to RPGs but also CCGs, miniature gaming, computer games, and other genre gaming topics. It had a frequently updated news section and also provided occasional in-depth reports on topics of interest to gamers.

Pyramid Classic #01 (May/June 1993)
The issue that started it all! Pyramid Issue 1 is 72 pages of gaming goodness, including Designer's Notes for GURPS Atomic Horror and GURPS Supporting Cast, rules for Godzilla and other giant monsters in Ogre, and The Hole – a multi-genre campaign background for any game system that is still a reader favorite 10 years later.
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #02 (July/August 1993)
Pyramid Issue 2 features some of the industry's leading players – Steve Jackson, Mike Pondsmith, Erick Wujcik, Mike Stackpole, and Loyd Blankenship – writing about what they see in gaming's future. There is also Designer's Notes for GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade and GURPS Bestiary 3/e, support for Ogre, and fantasy roleplaying campaign advice, plus the usual news, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #03 (September/October 1993)
Published in the Fall of 1993, Pyramid Issue 3 features Designer's Notes for GURPS War Against the Chtorr and the first edition of GURPS Vehicles, an article on Tech Magic in GURPS, and a Toon take on the World of Darkness called "Hampire: The Masked Ace Raid." Plus the latest Industry News, a special report from Origins '93, a Car Wars scenario, reviews, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules, too!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #04 (November/December 1993)
Pyramid Issue 4 marks the return of Scott Haring to Steve Jackson Games as editor. Features include a preview of Castle Falkenstein, a Gen Con 1993 report; a look at GURPS New Sun, and a preview of Whispering Vault. Plus industry news, columns, Creatures of the Night, AADA news, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #05 (January/February 1994)
Pyramid Issue 5 has Designer's Notes for Mayfair's Underground RPG, plus the WWF Roleplaying Game and GURPS Lensman. The issue also features Steve Jackson on gaming in Europe, Scott Haring on Cthulhu over the web, Japanese movie monsters in Ogre, the Cheese College for GURPS Magic, plus industry news, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #06 (March/April 1994)
Pyramid Issue 6 includes articles on martial arts in Vampire, witchcraft in the Hero System, Alchemy in Over The Edge, silly sidebars for Toon, and a preview of the latest Amber Diceless Roleplaying supplement. Plus the usual industry news, columns, letters, Creatures of the Night, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #07 (May/June 1994)
Issue 7 of Pyramid marks the magazine's first anniversary, and we do it up right with massive adventures for Kult and GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade! We've also got an article for GURPS Cyberpunk, a complete boardgame, Terra Incognita, Warehouse 23, and the usual reviews, columns, news, Q&A, letters, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #08 (July/August 1994)
Pyramid Issue 8 took a bold look at the latest frontiers in gaming (at the time) – electronic gaming, including those new-fangled game consoles, home computers, and the internet. Other features include the conclusion of "Tervel's Haven," a two-part GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade adventure, an In Nomine short story by Derek Pearcy, Creatures of the Night, Warehouse 23, and Terra Incognita, plus the usual columns, industry news, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #09 (September/October 1994)
Pyramid Issue 9 was published in September, 1994. It featured a first look at INWO, another chapter of "Angels in the Architecture," our series of preview articles for In Nomine, plus "Unlimited Mana" for GURPS. Dinosaurs take on autoduellists in "CAR-NASAURS," and other articles look at Origins '94, Will in GURPS, mock horror adventures, using the internet for gaming, and Hampire live-action roleplaying. All that, plus the usual reviews, industry news, columns, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!
See the sample!
Pyramid Classic #10 (November/December 1994)
It's a blast of gaming nostalgia! Pyramid Issue 10 was the November/December 1994 issue, and featured a report on Gen Con '94, a look at that new phenomenon known as collectible card games, articles for Earthdawn and Nexus, reviews of Castle Falkenstein, Whispering Vault, and more, and the GURPS Vehicles setting, "Sprockets." Plus the usual features, ads for games that came out years ago (and at least one ad for a game that never came out . . .), the top gaming news of the day, plus Bruno! and Murphy's Rules.
See the sample!