Many Pyramid issues focused on a roughly "modern" theme – which includes today, the not-too-distant future, and the not-yet-forgotten past. (In GURPS terms, this is anything from TL5 to early TL8.) This is where any modern or near-modern genre material would be set, including supers, cliffhangers, and horror-based espionage. It also covers topics suitable for many types of gaming – genres such as martial arts, resources like cinematic locations, and settings such as Infinite Worlds.
Pyramid #3/83: Alternate GURPS IV (September 2015)
Consider the Alternatives!
The possibilities are endless with GURPS, and in the latest Pyramid we push the limits of how much awesomeness mortal minds can comprehend! Innovative optional rules, fresh possibilities for making characters, and daring system tweaks can all be found within these pages. Its scintillating selections include "Pointless Monster Hunting," a meaty guide to making characters for GURPS Monster Hunters without character points! Frequent Pyramid contributor Christopher R. Rice shows you what you need to create your champions quickly and easily – plus some new options.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/81: Horrific Creations (July 2015)
Creepy Creations for Countless Campaigns!
Ghoulish things come in small packages. They can also emerge from vats . . . or lurk at crossroads, awaiting the curious. This month's Pyramid checks out the tangibly terrifying, for a suitably scary assortment of situations. Its frightening features include "Iraqi Irruptor Blues," an adventure for GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier, as told by GURPS guru Jason "PK" Levine. Try to find teammates who have been erased from existence, while fighting against monsters setting loose deadly memes, all in pursuit of a boxful of something . . .
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/78: Unleash Your Soul (April 2015)
Tap The Power Of The Spirit!
Heroes and villains are often made of sterner stuff than the rest of humanity. They've got fortitude. They've got style. Most of all, they've got spirit! This month's Pyramid looks at the power of the spirit, and how it can be used for good or nefarious purposes. Our soulful selections include "Blessed Be," an extensive deconstruction of the Blessed advantage from GURPS guru Sean Punch, with lots of ways to refine its scope and abilities. Now you can become Angel-Blooded, a Wilderness Guardian, or a Speaker for the Gods . . . or countless other options you can build and use yourself!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/77: Combat (March 2015)
These Are Fighting Words!
One of the joys of RPGs is the ability to solve a whole range of problems with good old-fashioned battle. This month's Pyramid looks at matters great and small, past and present in relation to GURPS combat. This action-packed issue includes "Combat Writ Large," a detailed compilation and expansion of all things size-related, from GURPS guru Sean Punch. Finally, the rules you need to battle giants, dodge deadly face-eating aliens, or grapple gremlins are in one place!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/75: Hero's Jackpot (January 2015)
Reward Yourself!
Sure, you can say that being a hero means trying to do the right thing in bad situations. But the truth is, sometimes you're doing it for the loot. This month's Pyramid looks at rewards, gifts, and stuff that heroes can use . . . whether they're in the past, present, or future! This vault of awesomeness includes "Just Rewards," a mini-supplement that suggests new and different bonus abilities for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy adventurers, from that series' mastermind Sean Punch. Gain the power of mingled trollblood, become a saint of the city, or have a psychic awakening!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/73: Monster Hunters II (November 2014)
Don't Go Gently Into The Night
Keeping the monsters at bay takes skill, courage, resources, luck, and a secret or two. You'll get most of those with this month's Pyramid. This arcane collection takes on the fight against the forces of darkness, with a special emphasis on GURPS Monster Hunters. This issue's awesome arsenal includes "Tactical Shooting: Monster Hunters," a guide from Hans-Christian Vortisch that arms you with three new shootist styles to apply the advantage you gain from Hans' GURPS Tactical Shooting to the fight against evil.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/69: Psionics II (July 2014)
Over-Mind Matter!
You can move mountains if you put your mind to it . . . sometimes literally! This month's issue looks at the power of the mind. This consciousness-expanding installment includes "A Little Bit Psychic," a meaty mini-supplement from GURPS mastermind Sean Punch. Add dozens of new perks and minor abilities to campaigns where psionics are not the focus, but would still be fun as a little spice.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/67: Tools of the Trade – Villains (May 2014)
Bad Guys Need Great Goodies
A grim determination to make the world a more subjugated place isn't always enough. Whether you're a fantasy monarch, a superspy mastermind, or a Nazi officer, sometimes you need an extra edge . . . something those foolish heroes will never be able to overcome. This month's Pyramid looks at resources that villains can use to bring their goals to fruition. This sinister installment includes "You and What Army?," a collection of tactical fantasy forces for GURPS Mass Combat, written by GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral author Michele Armellini. Learn each of these five groups' tactics, their leaders' motivations, and their Mass Combat stats.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III (March 2014)
New Tools for Tinkerers
You can do anything with GURPS . . . but sometimes, you want to push the envelope even more. This month's Pyramid offers new GURPS character-creation options, rules you can use, and ways to work together like never before. This game-tweaking issue includes "Bucket of Points," GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch's innovative new way to look at character creation that lets the GM have balance and versatility.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/63: Infinite Worlds II (January 2014)
Why Settle for the Whole World?
Don't settle for being stuck in the same old universe when there are infinite worlds to explore! This month's Pyramid reports on what's new in realms beyond, with features that are sure to interest GURPS Infinite Worlds fans or others looking to broaden their horizons with new rules and possibilities. This senses-shattering issue includes "The Power of Sorcery," which describes a new, advantage-based method of GURPS spellcasting from the grimoire of GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic author Jason "PK" Levine. Get started with a sampling of 20 "spells" plus guidelines for making more.
See the sample!

What kind of articles were in issues of Pyramid with modern-era themes? Try these sample articles and see!
- "The Bricks of Marû Dù" from Pyramid #3/05: Horror & Spies.
- "The Temple of Sobek, the Crocodile God" from Pyramid #3/11: Cinematic Locations.
You can also check out the introduction, table of contents, and sample pages for any issue of Pyramid, available via Warehouse 23!