The third volume of Pyramid often thought to the future – literally! – with an issue devoted to space or futuristic gaming. (In GURPS terms, this is anything from late TL8 and beyond.) This includes genres such as post-apocalypse or space opera, focussed topics like space colonies, and useful sci-fi gaming resources (who can't use more future technology?). This category is also where you'll find issues devoted to our futuristic settings, such as Transhuman Space.
Pyramid #3/79: Space Atlas (May 2015)
Getting Out of Your System!
If you've got a spaceship, you likely want to leave our solar system and travel to new worlds. This month's Pyramid can help by providing new planets to explore and ways to get there! This passport to the unknown includes "Ostara," a colony of outcast Earth troublemakers who have turned into something else, thanks to a psionic-inducing plague. Presented by David L. Pulver (co-author of GURPS Bio-Tech), this setting features the planet's history, situation, and GURPS stats for its oft-dangerous native life.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/77: Combat (March 2015)
These Are Fighting Words!
One of the joys of RPGs is the ability to solve a whole range of problems with good old-fashioned battle. This month's Pyramid looks at matters great and small, past and present in relation to GURPS combat. This action-packed issue includes "Combat Writ Large," a detailed compilation and expansion of all things size-related, from GURPS guru Sean Punch. Finally, the rules you need to battle giants, dodge deadly face-eating aliens, or grapple gremlins are in one place!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/75: Hero's Jackpot (January 2015)
Reward Yourself!
Sure, you can say that being a hero means trying to do the right thing in bad situations. But the truth is, sometimes you're doing it for the loot. This month's Pyramid looks at rewards, gifts, and stuff that heroes can use . . . whether they're in the past, present, or future! This vault of awesomeness includes "Just Rewards," a mini-supplement that suggests new and different bonus abilities for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy adventurers, from that series' mastermind Sean Punch. Gain the power of mingled trollblood, become a saint of the city, or have a psychic awakening!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/71: Spaceships II (September 2014)
The Ship of Things to Come!
If we're ever to dwell among the stars, the odds are good we'll be using spaceships. Fortunately, this month's Pyramid will help ensure you're not caught empty-handed and star-struck! This armada of adventure includes "Reign of Steel: Deep Space," where GURPS Reign of Steel author David L. Pulver takes that setting nearly two decades into the future . . . and deeper into space. Learn about spaceships (in GURPS Spaceships format) from the various robot factions and get an extensive look at the desperate world of 2064.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III (March 2014)
New Tools for Tinkerers
You can do anything with GURPS . . . but sometimes, you want to push the envelope even more. This month's Pyramid offers new GURPS character-creation options, rules you can use, and ways to work together like never before. This game-tweaking issue includes "Bucket of Points," GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch's innovative new way to look at character creation that lets the GM have balance and versatility.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/62: Transhuman Space II (December 2013)
The Future Is Back!
The world of tomorrow comes into focus again, as countless near-future possibilities coalesce in front of your eyes. This month's issue of Pyramid takes a look at the Transhuman Space setting. The latest installment features "Three Offices, Port Lowell," which explores a handful of the factions active in a bustling Martian town. The Transhuman Space Line Editor, Phil Masters, gives details on a few of the key people (including GURPS stats) and places likely to make the lives of residents and visitors very interesting.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/55: Military Sci-Fi (May 2013)
Get Ready Today for the Wars of Tomorrow
Alert the troops; we're exiting hyperspace! This month's issue looks at the future of face-to-face combat. This issue's intel includes "Tactical Shooting: Tomorrow," an optional extrapolation of GURPS Tactical Shooting by that volume's specialist, Hans-Christian Vortisch. Pulling in material from GURPS Ultra-Tech and GURPS High-Tech, this feature looks at all aspects of TL9 tactical combat, including stats for equipment, two new GURPS techniques, and two new gun-fighting styles.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/54: Social Engineering (April 2013)
Master the Social Arts!
You don't need to be an expert extrovert to play one in your game! This month's issue is devoted to all aspects of interpersonal relations, especially as detailed in GURPS Social Engineering. This issue's "talking points" include "The Civil Arts in GURPS," an optional expansion for Social Engineering by that tome's author, William H. Stoddard. These techniques and styles could be just what your adventurer needs to improve his personal encounters.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/51: Tech and Toys III (January 2013)
It's the Tech of the Town!
There's one fact that science-fiction fans may have noticed: The future keeps getting more awesome! This month's issue is devoted to futuristic technology and gear. Our cutting-edge cache includes "Ultra-Tech Too," a collection of items from Kenneth Peters – the co-author of GURPS Ultra-Tech – that couldn't fit in that original volume. It includes new weapons, defenses, and other underlying tech you can add to a myriad of futuristic settings.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/49: World-Hopping (November 2012)
Pick a World, Any World . . .
Humanity has long looked up from Earth at the vastness of creation and exclaimed, "Get me off this mudball!" Pyramid is here to help, with an issue devoted to world-hopping: places to go, and how to get there. Your space-age strongbox includes "The Fast Reach," an oft-dangerous cluster of star systems that allows speedy travel between two distant regions, as detailed by Matt Riggsby (author of the otherworldly travelogue that is GURPS Locations: Hellsgate). It includes a system map and tips for how to incorporate it into many types of spacefaring settings.
See the sample!

What kind of articles were in sci-fi/futuristic issues of Pyramid? Try these sample articles and see!
- "Deathball" from Pyramid #3/03: Venturing into the Badlands – Post-Apocalypse – written by GURPS Martial Arts author Peter Dell'Orto and GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch.
- "Looting Your Life Pod's Locker" from Pyramid #3/18: Space Exploration.
You can also check out the introduction, table of contents, and sample pages for any issue of Pyramid, available via Warehouse 23!