Many issues of Pyramid were devoted to a theme that tied in, roughly, to "times of yore." (In GURPS terms, this is anything from TL0 to TL4 – from the dawn of time through 1700 or so.) Since fantasy gaming is so popular, most of these issues also contain magical or fantasy-related ideas. Topics include historical exploration, magic on the battlefield, and tools for clerics.
Pyramid #3/82: Magical Creations (August 2015)
Conjure See How Magical This Issue Is?
Relics! Potions! Charms and more! All of these and other magical enticements have been created for you in this month's Pyramid. This issue's spellbinding summonings include "Dungeon Brewmasters," new rules for brewing potions and chemicals in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, by Jason "PK" Levine, author of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies. You'll also get new lenses and power-ups for alchemists, plus new equipment, traits, and more!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/81: Horrific Creations (July 2015)
Creepy Creations for Countless Campaigns!
Ghoulish things come in small packages. They can also emerge from vats . . . or lurk at crossroads, awaiting the curious. This month's Pyramid checks out the tangibly terrifying, for a suitably scary assortment of situations. Its frightening features include "Iraqi Irruptor Blues," an adventure for GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier, as told by GURPS guru Jason "PK" Levine. Try to find teammates who have been erased from existence, while fighting against monsters setting loose deadly memes, all in pursuit of a boxful of something . . .
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/80: Fantasy Threats (June 2015)
You Can't Spell Wondrous or Hazardous Without Us!
Danger comes in all different kinds in medieval magical worlds. Fortunately, there are heroes to deal with this plethora of perilous problems. This month's Pyramid looks at fantasy threats, from crypt-crawling creatures to personal problems to kingdom-claiming connivers. Its phenomenal features include "The Gryndel Menace," terrifying creatures that may have inspired the legends of dragons – before maturing into something much worse! Discover GURPS stats for the monster in its various life stages, information on the deadly infection it inflicts, details on other strains of the terror, insight into how to use it in various GURPS campaigns, and other awesome info.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/78: Unleash Your Soul (April 2015)
Tap The Power Of The Spirit!
Heroes and villains are often made of sterner stuff than the rest of humanity. They've got fortitude. They've got style. Most of all, they've got spirit! This month's Pyramid looks at the power of the spirit, and how it can be used for good or nefarious purposes. Our soulful selections include "Blessed Be," an extensive deconstruction of the Blessed advantage from GURPS guru Sean Punch, with lots of ways to refine its scope and abilities. Now you can become Angel-Blooded, a Wilderness Guardian, or a Speaker for the Gods . . . or countless other options you can build and use yourself!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/77: Combat (March 2015)
These Are Fighting Words!
One of the joys of RPGs is the ability to solve a whole range of problems with good old-fashioned battle. This month's Pyramid looks at matters great and small, past and present in relation to GURPS combat. This action-packed issue includes "Combat Writ Large," a detailed compilation and expansion of all things size-related, from GURPS guru Sean Punch. Finally, the rules you need to battle giants, dodge deadly face-eating aliens, or grapple gremlins are in one place!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV (February 2015)
Go Fourth, Dungeon Delver!
The teeming tombs of vile creatures are chittering with excitement and they're dying for you to visit! This month's Pyramid returns for a fourth time to the realm of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, with a trove of articles sure to interest players and GMs alike. This issue includes "Psychic Swords Against Elder Evil," a follow-up to GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi by that volume's author, Sean Punch. It presents the psychic slayer template, plus abilities, power-ups, new enemies, and much more!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/75: Hero's Jackpot (January 2015)
Reward Yourself!
Sure, you can say that being a hero means trying to do the right thing in bad situations. But the truth is, sometimes you're doing it for the loot. This month's Pyramid looks at rewards, gifts, and stuff that heroes can use . . . whether they're in the past, present, or future! This vault of awesomeness includes "Just Rewards," a mini-supplement that suggests new and different bonus abilities for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy adventurers, from that series' mastermind Sean Punch. Gain the power of mingled trollblood, become a saint of the city, or have a psychic awakening!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/74: The Wild West (December 2014)
It's Our "Most Wanted" Pyramid Yet!
There's a strange newcomer in town . . . one that promises to shake things up for outlaws and marshals alike. It's this month's Pyramid! In this issue, we turn our steely focus toward Wild West gaming. The gold mine that awaits you includes "Ashiwi County," an in-depth look at the Ashiwi (or, as the Spanish called them, the Zuni) of late 19th-century New Mexico. This guide from Matt Riggsby – in a similar vein as the GURPS Hot Spots volumes he's penned – offers information on the history, religion, government, and more of this Native American culture. It also features two color maps of their central settlement.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/72: Alternate Dungeons (October 2014)
Dungeons, Only Different!
Everyone loves gathering friends for a good GURPS Dungeon Fantasy tomb-looting exploit. But sometimes you want to shake things up. Do things differently. Think "outside the dungeon." This issue takes your Dungeon Fantasy game into unexpected realms. This month's untraditional treasures include "Pointless Slaying and Looting," Dungeon Fantasy mastermind Sean Punch's guide to getting into the crypt-crawling game even faster by getting rid of character points. Design your heroes by picking from a few ready-made packages, and go go go!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/70: Fourth Edition Festival (August 2014)
A Decade of Greatness? Go, Fourth!
It was August 2004 when the GURPS Basic Set for GURPS Fourth Edition made its debut. This month's issue celebrates the first 10 years of the Fourth Edition. Many of the authors who've brought the Fourth Edition to life are here, revisiting classic supplements with new options and material. This star-studded installment includes "Destination: Abydos," Basic Set co-author David L. Pulver's look at how you can use GURPS Banestorm: Abydos with GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, GURPS Mass Combat, and GURPS Zombies. Dungeons and zombies and troops – oh, my!
See the sample!

What kind of articles were in historical/fantasy issues of Pyramid? Try these sample articles and see!
- "On de Medici's Secret Service" from Pyramid #3/10: Crime and Grime, written by the author of GURPS Hot Spots: Renaissance Florence, Matt Riggsby.
- "The Book of Null" from Pyramid #3/13: Thaumatology.
You can also check out the introduction, table of contents, and sample pages for any issue of Pyramid, available via Warehouse 23!