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Everything Added Since 9/19/01

"As per traditional Jewish custom, fruit trees are not
to be harvested for the first three years that they
produce fruit." -
4th-Year Fruit
by Moe Lane
"This Celestial Discord is mostly confined to demons
(although it has shown up in Malakim, and no Lilim has
ever displayed the symptoms)." -
Need (Self-Resonance)
by Moe Lane
"I just can't get past Waitangi Day. I
keep saying the words "Waitangi Day!", over and over
again. In fact, "Waitangi Day!" has pretty much taken
over my brain..." -
Jingle, Ethereal Spirit
by Moe Lane
"Want to make an angel wince? Ask where St. Jerome is." -
by Moe Lane
"These artifacts are always in the form of a kite:
whether angelic or demonic, they will always have a
pair of eyes incorporated into the design." -
Eye Kites
by Moe Lane
"Dominic has his little ways to deal with angels with
poor impulse control." -
Ulysses, Malakite of Judgment
by Moe Lane
"Oh, yes, it took a _lot_ of time and dignity before
Heaven was able to get the Thor-blotter properly
studied..." -
The Song of Blots (Ethereal)
by Moe Lane
"I'm sorry. I keep seeing the words "Conversion of St.
Peter" and I think, "Into what? A living artifact?"" -
The Conversion of St. Peter
by Moe Lane
"This Catholic holy order is, on the surface, just one
of many minor orders: the brothers are all doctors,
nurses and other medical personnel." -
The Order of St. Lazarus
by Moe Lane
"At the time, allowing the Catholic Church to clean up
its lists of saints seemed like a good idea..." -
The Loophole
by Moe Lane
"The Prince of the Media loves Native American mythology. It's such
a useful flail with which to beat Westerners with a
taste for guilt..." -
Bloody Eagle
by Moe Lane
"This is an Editorial written by none other then Sir Laurence, Malakite
Archangel of The Sword, Commander of the Armies of Heaven and Humble
Servant of God, submitted to the "Daily Revelation", Heaven's own
Newsletter, recently created by the Angels of Revelation." -
An Open Letter From Laurence
by Rolland Therrien
"It was about two days after Laurence's depature into the mists of the
Marches, that the guards at the entrance of Blandine's Towers saw the
incoming Ethereals." -
Laurence's Crusade
by Rolland Therrien
"By the time this message reaches you, the Celtic gods will have reached
Blandine's Tower and made their vows of Fealty to Heaven, along with
Alberich, king of the Dwarves, and his court." -
The War on Dreams
by Rolland Therrien
"The third Choir Angel to be created, Aequalis was a quiet servitor of Dominic before he heard the calling of God." -
Choir Angel Aequalis
by Alex Liddell
"He just walked out of David's catacombs on the day of the Fall; he was always by David's side during the fighting, until David turned into a Malakite." -
Choir Angel Vardare
by Alex Liddell
"The Seraph never speaks a word that he doesn't mean." -
Choir Angel Triuwida
by Alex Liddell
"Almost as jaded as his Prince, he now has a new plan and it's truly
sinister indeed." -
The Stamps of the Shal-Mari Postal Service
by Tafka J.
"Stupid name, yes, but that's the younger generation
for you. There's no respect for tradition anymore." -
The Song of Twanging (Celestial)
by Moe Lane
"This one impressed some people. The bugs are hardly even noticeable." -
Essence Magnifier
by William J. Keith
"Cities are the future of mankind. We must remake them in the image of
the Eternal City, or Hell will triumph before
the first shot of Armageddon is fired." -
Jeri(cho), Archangel of Cities
"The following is _very_ heretical, but it takes place starting from a
setting that's _almost_ canon In Nomine." -
Revisionist History: Habbalah
by Jason F. McBrayer
""First thing we'll do is cancel
Lord of the Rings. I don't care how many strings we have to pull, that picture
ain't coming to a theater near you."" -
Nybbas Strikes Back
by Benjamin Acosta
"So the Mercurian of Creation IST Flowers asks my character (Cherub of Stone) if I or anyone else present knows a way to render a human unconscious without either hurting the human or causing disturbance..." -
Neural Override ("Vulcan nerve pinch")
by Janet Anderson
"Angels who were "in uniform" on Earth might carry a small sample of this stone, or prefer tools
or relics using these stones when there was a choice, because its
properties appealed to that Choir." -
Stone Identifications
by William J. Keith
"(Honestly, given the sheer number of artifacts
descended from one of a kind ethereal constructions,
an impartial observer might be forgiven for assuming
that the Crusade was merely just a particularly
demented R&D evaluation / purchasing trip.)" -
Time Drums
by Moe Lane
"Lourdes isn't a Tether. It is, however, a place that
celestials like to keep an eye on." -
by Moe Lane
"Short version: somebody's stolen the statue of Lincoln
- and the chair that he's sitting in - from the
Lincoln Memorial, and nobody can figure out why. " -
Lincoln Is Missing!
by Moe Lane
"Professor Drummond is your stereotypical academic:
very smart, very focussed on his own interests, and
not particularly interested in much outside of them." -
Howard Drummond
by Moe Lane
"Yumiko was just as happy to see her old Prince die:
Makatiel was far too interested in killing off
humanity to make his Lilim really comfortable about
working for him." -
Yumiko, Demon of the Flu
by Moe Lane
"All she ever wanted was a child. That's what God
wanted too, surely: why would She give the Watchers
the ability to procreate with humanity if they weren't
meant to exercise it?" -
by Moe Lane
"Most Celestials are not quite sure to make of the
Internet." -
by Jonathan Walton
"Angels who are assigned to earthly duties need to learn the language." -
The Heavenly School of Human Languages
by John Dallman
"Though if Nike's managed to start wearing crosstrainers and put swooshes on her armor, I have to think she's among the more successful transitional Ethereals to the modern day." -
Ethereal Tough Guys
by Eric Burns
""Who am I? Who am I? I'm what happens, Fern Corbin. I'm what happens to bad men who think they can get away with murder."" -
The Chase
by Eric Burns
"The Aeons are the celestial builders of things and makers of order." -
The Aeons
by Eric Burns
""You realize... if we are caught here, together, we will be killed."" -
A Theory of Kronos
by Eric Burns
"Which may prove that the Symphony _Needs_ someone to give the
Archangel Dominic a kitten and the Demon Prince Andre a piece
of good advice. Or, then again, it may not." -
Netanya, Pt. 1
by Eric Hallstrom
"Which may prove that the Symphony _Needs_ someone to give the
Archangel Dominic a kitten and the Demon Prince Andre a piece
of good advice. Or, then again, it may not." -
Netanya, Pt. 1
by Eric Hallstrom
"Oops." -
Security Leak
by Moe Lane
"Hey, remember that little passage earlier about the
Infernal Combustion Engine, and why Vapula doesn't use
them anymore? Here's one reason why." -
by Moe Lane
"These Songs are useful enough, yes, but it takes a
certain type of mindset to want to have access to
them." -
Songs of Nurturing
by Moe Lane
"Unfortunately, 'almost' allows for a little slippage." -
A Week In The Life, Pt. 2
by Eric Hallstrom
"This Discord is very new: the first reported case of
it was in 1938 AD, as part of one of the most drastic
incidents of Word-shift in the history of the War." -
Flux (Corporeal)
by Moe Lane
"It's the end of the world as we know it,
and I feel fine." -
And I Feel Fine: Introduction
by Earl Wajenberg
"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of distress." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 1: Beginnings of Distress
by Earl Wajenberg
"At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 2: High Heaven
by Earl Wajenberg
"And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 3: The First Horseman
by Earl Wajenberg
"When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 4: The Second and Third Horsemen
by Earl Wajenberg
"When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hell was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 5: The Fourth Horseman
by Earl Wajenberg
"Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 6: The 144,000
by Earl Wajenberg
"The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots
rushing into battle. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 7: The Locusts
by Earl Wajenberg
"On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not withstand it." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 8: The Keys to the Abyss
by Earl Wajenberg
"At that time, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 9: The Rapture
by Earl Wajenberg
"But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 10: Open War
by Earl Wajenberg
"Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. ... He
ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. ... He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 11: The Mark of the Beast
by Earl Wajenberg
"'And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.' ... If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 12: The Two Witnesses
by Earl Wajenberg
"The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the horns of the golden altar that is before God. It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third
of mankind." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 13: The Chimera Riders
by Earl Wajenberg
"Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 14: Plagues, Frogs, and Videotape
by Earl Wajenberg
"Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 15: Armageddon
by Earl Wajenberg
"I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years." -
And I Feel Fine - Part 16: Millennium
by Earl Wajenberg
"But this would only be the starting point for a whole new setting.
" -
And I Feel Fine: Closing Remarks
by Earl Wajenberg
"He was created as a true cloud of God, a mass of limbs and organs circling over the site of the least, what would become the Vatican." -
Choir Angels: Contrarilus,Kyriotate Angel of Control
by Alex Liddell
"He was created as a true cloud of God, a mass of limbs and organs circling over the site of the least, what would become the Vatican." -
Choir Angels: Contrarilus,Kyriotate Angel of Control
by Alex Liddell
"They'll be completely off the trail. And Netty's got the perfect place to
keep them off long enough for the heat to die down. It's just the PCs' good fortune that she has to go there anyway. Nobody'll ever think of looking for them in Hell. And would they quit screaming?! They're supposed to be grown celestials!" -
A Week In The Life, Pt. 3
by Eric Hallstrom
"Frederick has the best job in the whole wide world. He knows this, because he used to have the worst." -
Frederick, Demon of Chainsaws
by Moe Lane
"Apparently, Oannes had a sense of humor. Judging from the below, it was both a fairly low and fairly inappropriate sense of humor." -
Numinous Piscis
by Moe Lane
"Celestials love cellphones -- they're easily carried and they make keeping in contact a lot easier than the Kyrio method. (Amazing how many angels were carrying around pigeons or rats before cellphones existed; made them a bit easy to spot.)" -
Phone Cherubim
by Beth McCoy
"As the Angel of Angels, Ruhiel is charged with making sure that Angels are always a force for the betterment of the Symphony as a whole and that the image of angels in human society is never corrupted, both tasks which she takes _very_ seriously. To tell the truth, it isn't all that hard." -
by Jonathan Walton
"The shellacking that the environment's gotten over the last few centuries has convinced the Archangel of Animals that desperate times call for desperate measures." -
Minor Choir: Sasquatches
by Moe Lane
"How can one Symphony be perfect? Isn't there only so much it can encompass?" -
A Repertoire Composed of the Corpus of Cacophony
by Kirt Dankmyer
"Afflicted Calabim will, of course, not immediately notice the effects of
this Discord, until staplers and paper clips begin flying through the air at
their heads." -
Discord: Charged (Corporeal)
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Project SHIVA was, at the start, just another deniable black project started in the middle of the 1950s." -
Project SHIVA
by Moe Lane
"No, it doesn't matter whether or not Washington ever
actually did this: the ethereal civic spirit generated
by the legends sported the relic, and it works, so the
question is moot." -
Washington's Axe
by Moe Lane
"These can only be taken by sincerely believing mortals
(which do not, in this context, include Undead and/or
Saints)." -
Ritual-based Attunements
by Moe Lane
""Yes, we're supposed to help humans, but did you _really_ have to switch clothing with that guy, plus hand over all of our operating funds?"" -
Charitable (Ethereal)
by Moe Lane
"This amusing little artifact is much beloved by
Servitors of Lust and Dark Humor." -
Plastic Beads
by Moe Lane
"Before we get started, something should be made very
clear: Jean never lets things pile up as badly as
Vapula does." -
Spring Cleaning
by Moe Lane
"These Songs are favored among those Soldiers that can
know and use them: properly used, they can thoroughly
confuse anyone trying to ferret out someone's true
nature." -
Songs of Mimicry
by Moe Lane
"Note that reducing a 150lb vessel to a
2 1/2 pound doll will require a division of
mass/weight by 64." -
Numinous Corpus: Doll
by Moe Lane
"This relic is, as near as anyone can make out, the
actual metal knife that Abraham supposedly hefted
while preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's
command." -
Abraham's Knife
by Moe Lane
"The ritual may only be performed on a willing human subject and while the
knowledge of what to do is granted to the subject immediately some
practice might be necessary before it can be used properly." -
Two New Sorcery Rituals
by Richard Drysdale
"This artifact comes from a 3rd Century Christian
martyr fairly noteworthy for both piety and pithiness." -
The Scroll of St. Perpetua
by Moe Lane
"Fair warning, though: running this may not be good for
_your_ health..." -
Untitled (March 8, 2001)
by Moe Lane
"He wasn't always the techno-geek, you know. It's just that his Word has
been practically taken over by the taming and application of "lightning" as
a servant of Man." -
The Bolts
by William J. Keith
"Andrealphus can be a bit of a pain, sometimes. Sad to
say it, but it's true. He also can be very, very
tiresome, what with not getting the point, trying to
corrupt humanity, and not respecting one's personal
space (of course, the Prince of Lust would reply that
he respects personal space very much, indeed)." -
Water Balloons
by Moe Lane
"Syth is very busy; she has a lot of worlds to keep track of." -
Syth, Archangel of the Repertoire
by Kirt Dankmyer
"The Tether still exists (in the middle of the lake,
which makes it a little hard to access in the
summertime)." -
Lake of the 40 Martyrs (Tether to Stone)
by Moe Lane
"The Amphora of Dionysus essentially turns water into wine - wholesale." -
Amphora of Dionysus
by Moe Lane
"Of course, Forces may be recycled, and
often are, and the general consensus is that the act of recycling means that Humpty Dumpty, indeed, may never be put back together again. Something just gets lost in the process. Some people find it impossible to accept that." -
by Moe Lane
"Campaigns not using Collectors can still use this
Songs, as they do have some utility in tracking
Remnants and someone who's recently been injured in
Celestial combat." -
The Songs of Collection
by Moe Lane
"Called "The Song of Pancakes" by more irreverent
celestials: well, actually, most celestials seem to
like calling it this. Even Laurence is on the record
as using the name. " -
Numinous Corpus: Two-Dimensional
by Moe Lane
"These Sorcery rituals are used to summon and command
corporeal entities. Generally, use of them on a
regular basis will attract unwelcome attention from
Jordi: however, the Archangel of Animals has been
known to 'overlook' such antics, depending on why the
entities were summoned and/or commanded." -
Sorcery Rituals: Beast-Mastery
by Moe Lane
"Something's rotten in the state of Iceland.
Well, maybe." -
Sheila's Day
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Thirty years into his Earthly duties, a chance encounter turned
Nethinims? world view completely around. He came across a homeless man
walking a dog. The Mercurian was going to free the dog and was coming
up with a way to teach the human a lesson when his Resonance picked up
on something unexpected..." -
Nethinims, Angel of Pets
by Cameron McCurry
The Turkey Curse
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"The Role Dominic has maintained for the last five hundred years or so (through about eight incarnations) has been as a scholar of the theory of law." -
Superior Roles: Dominic
by William J. Keith
"Since time immemorial, there has always been a certain type of nobility: the kind with wealth to spare, who can indulge their every whim -- and whose whims are better left undescribed before the innocent of heart..." -
Superior Roles: Andrealphus
by William J. Keith
"Rare, because only an
Ofanite can learn this Song, and few Archangels will teach it... dangerous, because it is capable of
destroying the vessels of several demons in one shot...." -
The Song of the Last Stand
by Amanda Kilgore
"It's rather ironic that Micheal, Laurence's own mentor, was the one who
accidentally provided the tool for the Ethereal renaissance. " -
Truth, Justice, and the Heavenly Way
by Rolland Therrien
"See those little Malakim with the wooden swords? The Seraphim who could do
a good impression of grass-snakes? The little Ofanim like blazing Cheerios?" -
by Beth McCoy
"These songs allow the performer to take on different aspects of domestic lagomorphs. Observe house rabbits in (in)action for a few days. You?ll understand.
" -
The Songs of Rabbit Physics
by Amanda Kilgore
"Everyone wonders about Laurence's Roles." -
Superior Roles: Laurence
by Moe Lane
"Jean has built a Temporal Displacement Device. Every Servitor of
Technology knows it. But, typical repressed Elohite that he is, he has
forbidden its use under any circumstances, for some top secret reason with which the Seraphim Council has completely concurred." -
Temporal Displacement Device
by William J. Keith
"This Song, when performed upon someone, will reveal
his or her physical birth date. There is no roll to
resist." -
Song of Birthdays (Corporeal)
by Moe Lane
"Vapula is on an old kick of his - trying to figure out new ways to improve
humanity. Evolution CAN be taken to the next level, if he can only kick
start it a bit... and he's finally figured out just the Song to do it -
THIS time, for SURE!" -
Humanity v2.0 Beta... Or Maybe Not
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"It was WONDERFUL -- her terrible glory went out like I had shot a
light bulb, and while she was looking confused, I vaulted over the
desk, snagging the tire iron I had left on it, and beat Novalis to
death. " -
The Song of Tire Irons
by Neel Krishnaswami
"Vapula swears - he swears - that he didn't create this artifact." -
by Moe Lane
"The equinoxes are special times for celestials." -
The Equinox
by Moe Lane
"As the first of the Astrological signs begins, let us look at the Heavenly
Zodiak, its signs, and its interpretations..." -
The Heavenly Zodiak
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Imagine a gnawing sensation which forces you to devour as much as you
can, without ever ridding yourself of that agonizing hunger.... Then, you can talk about Hunger.
" -
Leitmotiv: Haagenti - The Hunger
by Rolland Therrien
"Of course, it could be Vapula's, but why in the Hell would he make
something like this? Then again, why in the Hell does he make anything?
" -
The Symphonic Connection Amplifier
by Benjamin Acosta
"The espionage service run by Marc, Litheroy and
Zadkiel is, of course, dependent on humans - both
living and blessed souls - to operate." -
The Cadre: Part I
by Maurice Lane
"Incidentally, a group of three or more Cadre members
is called a Convention." -
The Cadre: Part 2
by Maurice Lane
"One of the lesser known artifacts left lying around after the purification
of the Ethereal pantheons, this staff resembles nothing more than the root
of a tree." -
Attis's Staff
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Andrealphus is very, very fond of handing this out as
a punishment: most Servitors of Lust would rather
punch a Malakite of Stone in the nose than get saddled
with this Discord." -
Eunuch (Corporeal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"After the events in The Final Trumpet, many people think Kobal is working
on a joke to redeem himself in the eyes of Hell. They're half right." -
A Brief And Untitled Adventure Seed
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"You've had a day to think about it. So has Kobal. And turning the great
Trump of Fire into a mockery of itself is right up his alley.
" -
A Not-So-Brief And Unnamed Adventure Seed, Part 2
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Once, it is said, there was a reliever who came into being. (And none,
not even the reliever, knew how, for relievers often appear simply when
the essence and wonder of Heaven is made manifest somehow.)" -
A Rumor of Judgment
by Beth McCoy
"Every organized group in the universe (except the most
misanthropic) will eventually come up with an excuse
to have a party. Servitors of Divine Fire and the
Sword are no exception.
" -
by Moe Lane
"No, I'm not talking about the
Oscars. I'm talking about the Lucy's, one of the most famous and coveted
awards in Hell.
No, I'm not talking about the
Oscars. I'm talking about the Lucy's, one of the most famous and coveted
awards in Hell." -
I'd Like To Thank The Academy...
by Benjamin Acosta
"Dear "Mom":I know it's been forever since I've written you, and I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you. How is everything going?" -
A Letter "Home"
by Rev. Pee Kitty
""Let Michael call me Hyena. Let Novalis frown in my presence. Let Gabriel glare at me with her burning gaze. Their scorn means nothing to me."" -
Leitmotiv: Dominic - A Dirty Job
by Rolland Therrien
"The first sets of explosions were somewhat minor: the
next batch weren't (apparently, Baal is - was - a
nuclear power)." -
by Moe Lane
"It usually appears as a scroll,
but more technologically inclined Superiors will
provide this relic in book or even laptop form." -
Scroll of Zoroaster/Book of Crowley
by Moe Lane
"The angel has an olfactory sense comparable to that of
a bloodhound: this can be very useful, in a great
number of ways." -
Smell The Breeze (Animals)
by Moe Lane
"There is a boy that is confined to a mental institution and from the
looks of things, he may be there for the rest of his life." -
Mr. Black
by Cameron McCurry
"It was
almost three years ago that al-Batin'Nur, one of Khalid's Friends of Man,
mentioned something about the Western tradition of "New Year's
Resolutions" to his Archangel, at a time when Khalid was feeling quite
open to inspiration." -
Resolutions of Faith
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Discovered by a Kyriotate of the Wind while working in Egypt, these Songs
allow manipulation of windflow for minor effects." -
Song of Breezes
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"This raises an interesting question; can celestials be differentiated from humans by scent?" -
Sweat Glands?
by Beth McCoy
"Any Songmaster who has heard this Song
and the Song of Fruition will immediately realize the truth; but such an
angel can generally be trusted." -
Song of Bounty
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"The creation of a venerated Catholic Saint, this exquisite and ornate tome
describes the means by which divine perfection may be attained." -
Scala Paradisi: Unique Artifact
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"It was about then that the Archangel of Judgement felt the now-familiar weight on his shoulder disappear. He swiftly turned, but it was too late. Justinian had wandered off." -
by Moe Lane
"This distinction is granted to any blessed soul who died because of (and
in service to) his or her faith." -
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"It was all the fault of the younger generation, honestly. They never really cared about the ideals that sparked the Rebellion in the first place." -
Superior Victory: Flowers
by Moe Lane
"At first, the pretense is simple. Simply avoid Heaven and maintain your
coporeal duties." -
Habbalite of ... Flowers?
by William J. Keith
"Close examination of a Statuette will show up the differences: the color is slightly off, there's the faintest hint of horns on the figure's head, and at any rate the inscription is invariably "Ishtar: Best Picture"." -
by Moe Lane
"This isn't really a relic, per se: it's just an ordinary book written by Saint John Climacus." -
The Ladder of Perfection
by Moe Lane
"This Discord is sometimes called "St. Benjamin's
Folly" (after a minor Saint who had real difficulties
in knowing when to keep his mouth shut) by demons." -
Talkative (Ethereal)
by Moe Lane
"It's not exactly a secret (considering that the organizations of Judgement, Lightning, Protection, Revelations, the Sword, Trade, War and the Wind are regular contributors, it can't very well be), but its actual location is vague." -
The Evidence Locker
by Moe Lane
"This Secret Song is a distant cousin to the infamous Song of Exchange,
though its indirect nature places its users lower on Heaven's "Most
Wanted" list." -
Song of Incarnation (Ethereal) (Secret)
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Well, there's awkward, and then there's awkward." -
What Do You Get For The God Who Has Everything?
by Moe Lane
"This ostrich feather is all that remains of Ma'at, Egyptian Goddess of
Judgment and Death, long since destroyed by the Purity Crusades. Heaven
and Hell have both made concerted efforts to destroy it, but its very
nature makes that nearly impossible." -
The Feather of Ma'at (Unique Relic)
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Sometimes, a reliever just doesn't fledge... normally." -
Hybrid Choirs
by Earl Wajenberg
would very much like to root out the Followers of
Ma'at, root and branch, but she's had little success.
She's lucky that she can keep knowledge of the
movement from being common knowledge." -
Followers of Ma'at
by Moe Lane
"Cleaning house is never fun, but sometimes desperately necessary." -
Cleaning House
by Moe Lane
"The following constitutes a complete collection of fixes for Songs in the
Liber Canticorum for the use of GURPS: In Nomine players." -
IN to GURPS: IN Song Translations
by William J. Keith
"The beans that are roasted to make this coffee are sourced from hydroponics labs within the Halls of Progress, where plants can feed on the intense, conscientous, and hard-working atmosphere without distraction." -
Jean's Special Blend
by Jo Hart
"No one is precisely sure why Eli needed
a three foot, flaming submarine sandwich that could
punch through steel: very few people are sure whether
they want to know." -
Great Hero
by Moe Lane
"The only nice thing about facing a Calabite
is that, when they show up, the gloves come off
anyway." -
Know Your Diabolicals: Christopher
by Moe Lane
"Anatomically and biochemically, they're human (or animal, or whatever).
They have fingerprints, blood types, DNA and so forth; a Superior making a
vessel can make it appear to be a plausible child of two specified
individuals if that's required." -
Suggestions on Vessels
by John Dallman
""He did WHAT!?!"" -
Gone to Graveyards: Vignette the First
by Prodigal
"No one really knows why Belial did it. Maybe he was having a
really bad day Word friction-wise, maybe he lost a bet with
Kobal." -
Novalis: Demon Princess of Thorns
by Michael Walton
"On the surface, it looks like a simple business card, usually with the
angel's name, or nickname, and little if anything else. The more
elaborate have the name in Heavenly script." -
Calling Card
by Amanda Kilgore
"However, no Crusader who was part of the squads sent
to exterminate the unicorns has ever recanted his, her
or its actions. Some monsters should not be permitted to walk under
the open sky." -
by Moe Lane
"Bataan is a textbook case of what happens when you don't guard your Tethers against Word-shift." -
Bataan Death March Road Tether (Flowers)
by Moe Lane
"The Roman ethereal god Vulcan apparently has a sense
of humor. He's also apparently been keeping up with
his technical reading: this gadget is, well,
technological." -
Spectacles of Cybele
by Moe Lane
"A persistent rumor among celestials, the Urim and Thummin are the set (two
pairs) of spectacles supposedly given to Joseph Smith by the angel Moroni
to translate the golden plates found in the nearby hills." -
Urim & Thummin: Unique Artifacts (?)
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"This item is one of the very few mass-produced relics in the storeholds of
the Catholic Church. " -
Missionary Staff
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Charms remain a
small bonus in the life of the occasional believer - a sign that God helps
those who ask for His aid, sometimes in a very direct manner." -
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Believe it or not, Saminga is completely aware of this. He felt the Tether
beginning to weaken years ago, and has been occasionally checking up on
his Seneschal in secret, to see what he's been doing to fix the problem.
" -
The Bataan Death
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Curatio Tectum (Healing Shelter) is located out in the woods of
Alaska. It's well hidden from the world; the nearest town is seventy
miles away and most of the road leading to it is unpaved." -
Curatio Tectum
by Cameron McCurry
"Those with this Attunement will be able to tell
whether a person has been initiated into a ... well,
the intent was 'a Divine Religion'." -
Seal of God/Allah
by Moe Lane
"This Song is a somewhat more powerful (albeit riskier)
variant of Numinous Corpus: Flame. The body of the
performer turns to flame. Clothing and possessions are
not affected, and indeed are in serious danger of
combustion." -
Numinous Corpus: Living Flames (Secret)
by Moe Lane
"Corporations are considered to
be individuals in the eyes of the law, and as they are human fabrications,
sooner or later an Ethereal based on one would crop up." -
Pendrathias, Angel of Shareholders
by Eric Bertish
"Mahanehdan is a model Cherub of Judgement, dedicated in his service
to Heaven and in rooting out Dissonance and Discord amongst his fellow
Angels, no matter how much they complain about him doing it." -
Mahanehdan, Angel of Correctional Facilities
by Rolland Therrien
"Juvenal used to be a Servitor of Stone, but that
didn't last long. He had too much trouble dealing
with the heated emotions going on over the human
proclivity for starting a century-long vendetta over
six square feet of land that really didn't belong to
anyone." -
Juvenal, Angel of Boundaries
by Moe Lane
"The first step is to
identify a target, then use her Attunements and
Distinction until that target is afraid of sleep
itself." -
Dalkiel, Lilim Dame of Restlessness
by Moe Lane
"He never, ever, ever stops moving. For him to stop would mean the destruction of the whole Choir (his words)." -
Marathon, Ofanite Choir Angel
by Alex Liddell
"Humae has the problem with being too nice, and that has manifested into the blessing/curse of the Nice Guy Attunement. To be that damn good at your job screams Celestial to some other Celestials..." -
Humae, Mercurian Choir Angel
by Alex Liddell
"The Grigori as a Choir felt his passing... and couldn't care less." -
Wacae, Grigori Choir Angel
by Alex Liddell
"Once upon a time, Sergius was human - and, by his own
later analysis, a total and complete idiot. Only an
idiot, after all, would actually host a party on a
holiday celebrating the old Roman Republic in Emperor
Caligula's Rome." -
Sergius, Grey Mummy Sorcerer
by Moe Lane
"Wendy used to be just another faceless anthropology
student. This annoyed her greatly: after all, was she
not one of the prettiest and smartest kids in high
school?" -
The Great Dionysia
by Moe Lane
"No, no, NO. Put down the Milton and step away
slowly. The author got it confused." -
Satan, Angel of Temptation
by Moe Lane
"Now, imagine that you're an angel (or Archangel)
wrestling with this incredible amount of frustration
and shame. Misery loves company, so you've all
gathered together to give each other what comfort that
you may. Now imagine that you get told of demonic
activity - any demonic activity. Guess what happens?
" -
Good Friday
by Moe Lane
"All too often, children get forgotten when tragedy strikes. Many
people simply don't understand that children deal with traumatic
situations differently than adults do. Heaven tries to minimize the
damage done to the innocent in The War, but they are not always
successful." -
Comfort Bears
by Cameron McCurry
"The celestial suffers
from a particularly bizarre condition: a short
description of his, her or its current emotional state
will appear on the celestial's forehead at all times." -
Heart On His Sleeve (Ethereal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"All in all, they thought a wonderful joke had been played. What they didn't count on was the punchline being their crucified, eviscerated Vessels being dumped off at the local Tether to Dark
Humor. Servitors of Christopher may be fun loving and peaceful, but that doesn't mean that they are pushovers." -
Concrete Cuddlys
by Cameron McCurry
"A Scipiote's resonance is for organization: like their
creator, they have an eye for the Truth (in this case,
the Truly best way to arrange an area for maximum
effectiveness)." -
by Moe Lane
"At any level, the sideburns appear, and cannot be
removed permanently (attempting to do so will cause
1d6 Mind Hits until they grow back, which usually
takes about an hour)." -
Wuhh-Hunnh (Corporeal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"Such a little thing, to make so many Superiors scream." -
The Ring
by Moe Lane
"Upon this throne, wearing a top-hat and tails, and gazing intently into the crystal on the top of his cane, there is a Demon Prince." -
Whisper Not The Name Of Madness (Part 1)
by Fallen Seraph
"No-one (save Lucifer and Kronos) quite knows where the dashing, smiling Habbalite in the top-hat, tails, and cane came from." -
Whisper Not The Name Of Madness (Part 2)
by Fallen Seraph
"You're dependent on Humans, you know. You're dependent on them to a
degree Andrealphus, one of your closest partners, can never understand." -
It's so hard.
by Matthew Gerber
"Influenza-Calcutta 2009 was a nasty example of the
disease: it had (using only corporeal treatment, of
course) a 40% fatality rate, knocked survivors flat
for at least three weeks, and laughed at normal
containment methods." -
Superior Victory: Animals
by Moe Lane
"Andrealphus thought for a long time, then made her decision. She dressed in
something simple, yet elegant, then proceeded to a tether." -
Gone To Graveyards 2: Gone To Soldiers
by Prodigal
""Truly, this is a beautiful land... I don't know if I should thank
God the Purity Crusade ended before we reached it, or curse Hell for
claiming a hold on it afterwards..."" -
Laurence in the Land of the Kami
by Rolland Therrien
"Cherub: A delight to have. He's very protective of everyone in
the class. I've noticed that problems with bullying have dropped
noticeably." -
Teacher's Report
by Cameron McCurry
""And so," Dominic continued, "I have chosen to travel to Earth, the better
to clarify my own judgment."" -
Gone To Graveyards 3: Gone To Young Girls
by Prodigal
"Judging by the architectural
styles of the skyscrapers around me, it was the U.S. I ran through
skylines in my head and decided that I'd been set down in Houston, Texas.
All right. That would be a good place to start." -
After Hell
by William J. Keith
""Now, I know what the next question is: 'But why make
those organs functional?' Again, there was a
practical reason: very few Roles require vows of
celibacy."" -
Sex Ed - Heaven
by Moe Lane
"This is the first thing about Asmodeus' voice: it
never seems to go above a whisper, yet it is always
audible." -
Sex Ed - Hell
by Moe Lane
"A celestial with this discord generates a sort of 'Celestial Signature' whenever they use a Song, causing physical manifestations of their nature." -
Halo (Discord)
by Phillip
"So, Eli, after talking with Gabriel (who announced Jesus' birth), was very interested in what would happen to this young Prophet, and, as things so happen, at the moment when Jesus was baptised by John in the Jordan River, descended from the sky in the vessel of a dove and used the Kyriotate resonance to possess the young man." -
Eli the Christ?
by Jonathan Walton
"Still, it does look a
bit awkward that someone once known for his loud
condemnation of certain policies has apparently
disappeared just as the adherents of those policies
are finally being fully reintegrated into Heavenly
society." -
St. Perfectus
by Moe Lane
"While these Songs were first discovered by Jean, he is
generally not credited with the accomplishment - at
his own emphatic request." -
Song of Words
by Moe Lane
"Observers - and more importantly, the target
- will see what appears to be an sudden cloud of razor
sharp letters appear and pierce the target's very soul
(it's called an A-bomb because, for some reason, using
the letter A works better than any other letter)." -
by Moe Lane
""And my first guest is..." He looks at the cue card, blinks, then looks at it again... then resonates it before finally tossing it in frustration at seeing it's not a prank, before he says: "Michael, The Firstborn, Archangel of War..."" -
At The Movies With Dominic and Michael
by Rolland Therrien
"David, in all of his Malakite glory, walks onstage -- in his usual state of (non-)attire. Dominic winces. After a shocked pause by the camerman, the camera immediately refocuses to show only a waist-up view of the two Archangels." -
At The Movies With Dominic and David
by Charles Glasgow
"The current design problem is reportedly incorporating translation of the file format into the Attunement. If the rumors are true, Self-Drive currently requires learning a language skill for whatever OS saved the file." -
by Peter Eng
"At GM option, Shedim and Kyriotates may stun humans with reflections or images of their celestial form. "No Reflection" would be a favorite for Vampires." -
Surreal (Corporeal Discord)
by David Streeter
""Good evening, and welcome again to
Sitting in Judgement, Heaven's very own movie review show. I'm your host, and if you don't know who I am, then many of your fellow-viewers no doubt deeply envy your naiveté."" -
At The Movies With Dominic and Marc
by Moe Lane
"The Archangels and the Demon Princes are aware of Vorp. Heaven prefers to leave it alone; even Jean is content to say that Vorp "just is" and changes the subject." -
by Cameron McCurry
"There's another way to play IN cinematically, and that's to play the celestials like movie-celestials." -
In Cineme
by Earl Wajenberg
""Saw what it showed me, and I decided I hadn't anymore place in Hell,"
Saminga had explained to Novalis." -
Gone To Graveyards 4: Gone To Flowers
by Prodigal
"What did he offer me? No, that's not an impudent
question: I'm just not going to tell you." -
Consider Ivy
by Moe Lane
"I see nervous expressions on some faces and rightly so; I imagine that many of the stories you have heard have some basis in truth." -
The Testament of Nehamaiah
by Jo Hart
"This Celestial Discord is one of the inconvenient types that reveal the celestial's nature. It affects both angels and demons, although in a slightly different manner." -
Incandescence (Celestial Discord)
by Fallen Seraph
"No one remembers precisely when Moelane actually became a Superior, or how it occurred, or when he'd ever been assigned a Word for that matter, but at this stage of the game, the point is moot." -
Moelane, Ofanite Archangel of Forbidden Knowledge
by Michael Cleveland
"Dominic is, after all, Heaven's Grand Inquisitor, its major
Boogieman. When Nikki gets involved, Angels tend to be
put through a psychological wringer before being let go, and
some end up getting Cast Out or worse..." -
A Theory About Dominic And Gabriel
by Rolland Therrien
"He was right, up to a point, you know. Not that there's anything wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, of course. When you can bloody well do it, it's not over-confidence.
" -
Michael's Plan
by Rolland Therrien
"The others, understandably, have a narrow point of view, tending to see
everything through the lens of their Word. I don't have that limitation." -
Consider Marc
by Benjamin Acosta
""Your side, my
side, and the truth," is how he put it. I prefer to think of the three sides
in a different way. To me, they are "helping Heaven, helping Hell, and
helping neither."" -
Consider Blades
by Prodigal
"Affected humans simply feel slightly more comfortable when in range: put this relic in a crowded area (such as an airport or bus depot), and within an hour the zone of effect will be noticeably more congested than anywhere else." -
Shepherd's Crook
by Moe Lane
"Servitors of Flowers are the only angels that have
ever exhibited this Discord, despite strenuous efforts
to duplicate the effect by more militant Superiors.
Novalis' Servitors universally dread acquiring BGG, as
it invariably results in even more dissonance." -
Big Green Guy (Corporeal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"Think Corporeal for a moment. When you are so much like someone else that you can predict their actions, you know their moods and can tell their emotions from a simple amount of body language." -
Consider the Rogue
by Alex Liddell
"Those of my Choir have a precious gift: we know the
consequences of our actions upon humans in a way that
no other angels may duplicate. The delicate dance of
electrons and neurons, stimulus and response, the
transmutation of chemistry and physics into the soul:
that is what we deal with every day of our existence." -
Consider Lightning
by Moe Lane
"Perhaps a part
of me must acknowledge that he did show us another path... but only in
the way I must acknowledge the first human to realize he could voluntarily
place his arm into a meat grinder!" -
Consider Something New
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"It is not the truth that is important, any more than the molecules within the blooming flower are more important than the flower itself, gently spreading its petals and inviting the bee to come and drink." -
Consider Revelations
by Eric Burns
"They accuse both myself and those serving me of "only
seeing things in black and white," in denial of the fact that this is all
there is to see. All things either Are or Are Not; all questions
ultimately are answered Yes or No, if you but ask them properly." -
Consider Judgment
by Prodigal
"Maybe that's what happens when you devour Oblivion; it stays with you,
becoming a bottomless pit inside your gut, constantly gnawing at your
insides, howling to be filled, if not by what you feed it, then by your own
flesh, which it tears and pulls at like a clawing beast..." -
Consider Hunger
by Rolland Therrien
"I sang a Song of my own, and the very brush and deadwood around
him rose and thrust, tripping him up. I had no doubt Novalis would have
been -- well, mildly annoyed, at least. But then, she wouldn't have
approved of my duty today anyway." -
Muted Cacophonies
by William J. Keith
"Unlike the sword, after centuries of practice I
still couldn't keep this weapon from occasionally turning in my hand and
injuring its wielder, but there are simply some weapons that make bearing a
shield impossible.
" -
Honor-Bound, Geas-Bound
by William J. Keith
"What one laughs at, one cannot take
seriously; and what one cannot take seriously, one
eventually forgets about. I am more than content to
be forgotten." -
Consider Protection
by Moe Lane
"What sets me apart from the Host and elevates me to a higher level of
being is that I'm actually trying to learn God's Will, rather than merely
assuming what it is the way so many of my misguided bretheren do." -
Consider Discovery
by Benjamin Acosta
"We stand as alone in the crush of souls in Hell as we did in the shadow
of Jacob's Ladder. The only real difference is that in Hell we know that
we have no allies." -
Consider Solitude
by Ryan Elias
"Gentlemen, this meeting has been called not to cast blame on anyone, but to better refine our sense of priorities and our courses of action. While there is no denying that certain parties here have not accomplished quite as much as others, all of you have still proven to be acceptable." -
Got Napalm?
by Michael Cleveland
"For the first time in my life, someone
else was talking to me as an equal. Someone listened to the questions I
had, someone understood." -
Consider the Inferno
by Cameron McCurry
"What if the real rebellion was when all of the firstborn archangels got together, murdered the Metratron and killed God, a la Murder on the Orient Express?" -
Rebel Rebel
by Jo Hart
"Most Habbalah quickly
discover that the quickest way to whip humans into line is to punish them
when they fail to please you. But until very recently, trying to get a
machine to do what you want by punishing it was an exercise in futility.
" -
Consider Vapula
by Glenn Brown
"You can't just make up the rules as you go,after all.
Doing so would be chaos, as everyone would make up rules allowing
them to win, and everyone would try to force their rules on everyone
else's." -
Consider the Game
by Rolland Therrien
"How can I answer his questions when I don't know the answers myself yet? Oh, quit looking at me. It's not that weird." -
Consider the World
by Matthew Gerber
"They handle their own travel, creativity and demolitions. And
they insist on the exclamation mark!" -
by John Dallman
"Imagine it. An Archangel, viewing the world through the lens of his/her/its Word, suddenly realizes that the Word and God's Will are not the only possiblities." -
On Madness And Archangels
by S.D.
"Your Soldiers should be carefully cleaned of any
residual Celestial influences before use: any more
than a hint of Angelic or Diabolical seasoning will
wreck the delicate flavor of this dish." -
Le Adventure Humanitie Moetic
by Moe Lane
"In any case, to use this Attunement the celestial must
be alone and working on a scientific or technological
problem whose solution requires data that simply isn't
available." -
Well-Reasoned Extrapolation of Existing Factors (Lightning) / Alien Space Bats (Technology) / Flying Butt Monkeys (Mending*)
by Moe Lane
"When people are worried about
whether they're being overheard, they have quite a few
clever ways to ensure their privacy, and one of the
classic methods is to go outside." -
by Moe Lane
"For example,
someone with this Discord should never get into a riot
or bar fight: if there's a choice of who the mob will
attack first, they'll go for the Scapegoat." -
by Moe Lane
"All they seem to want is
money (as if they couldn't get it on their own, if
they bothered to work for it), sex (dude, a little
soap and water would do wonders there) or to have
somebody killed." -
by Moe Lane
"That, after all, is what this Apocalypse is about: not fire, but ashes." -
Gabriel's Own Personal Apocalypse
by Julian Mensch
""Greetings, Dominic. It's a pleasure to be here. I hope you don't mind, I also invited a friend, who's a bit more of an expert in Ancient Egyptian culture
then I am."" -
At The Movies With Dominic And Blandine
by Rolland Therrien
"Knowing Vapula, it'll blow up in an entertaining
fashion (the advantage of this is that he'll still try
if even if it's actually impossible in your particular
campaign): that's why there's an Archangel of
Technology in the first place." -
Superior In A Can
by Moe Lane
"Lilith is
most certainly not stupid, and she realised that while she is indeed
unique, and therefor
valuable, if she ever gave Lucifer reason to replace her, he would." -
A Postulate About Lilith
by Phillip
"The Order of St.
Athanasius is exactly as advertised: a minor
Episcopalian religious Order with no secret links to
the War at all (just like most religious Orders,
churches, mosques, synagogues, stone circles or even
flat rocks)." -
The Order of St. Athanasius
by Moe Lane
"The Discord works by changing a Vessels metabolic structure so that it only works under sunlight. Celestials who don't stay in the Sun find themselves lethargic and unable to perform most simple tasks without re-energising their cells first." -
Photosynthesis (Celestial Discord)
by Alex Liddell
"Death was a fascinating force, but it was, truth be told, slow and inefficient. Anyone could see that the ultimate end of the universe was death, so why stand around doddling? Wouldn't it be better to help everything along a little?" -
Amalgam: Vapulinga
by Jonathan Walton
"Anybody who shows knowledge of this letter is to be reported, priority
alpha-two-alpha." -
The Sealed File: Document 1
by Genevieve "Maya" Cogman
"How dare you defile the Earth with your evil ways! I am Sailor Moon, Champion of Justice! I will right wrongs and triumph over evil! On behalf of Heaven, I shall punish you!" -
The Sailor Team
by William J. Keith
"Other angels, Superiors or not, find Yvaal to be ... baffling. At least one of his many incarnations spends all of his time in the Library of Scripture, where every written testament to God's glory and truth is kept." -
Amalgam: Yvaal
by Jonathan Walton
"Nowadays, Andrevid still works hard to promote his Word in the Symphony, but
it is tempered by that sense of betrayal so long ago. He despises anyone
who would seek to destroy relationships, a throwback to his Mercurian
nature." -
Amalgam: Andrevid
by Phillip
Archangel of Judgment was caught in a quandary Â- his keeping her in Heaven,
away from her proper function, was clearly unjust -Â but his sending her to
Earth would also endanger one of Heaven's most important assets in the War." -
Servants of the Fallen: Ember
by Manny Nepumecino
"In the confusion that followed the exile
of one of Heaven's Choirs, the absence of a single, freshly-minted Malakite
was overlooked." -
Servants of the Fallen: Michelle
by Manny Nepumecino
"Needless to say, the casting out of his entire Choir came as a shock to
Spyd. He'd spent years in faithful service to Heaven and the Lord Commander
of its armies, and what did he get? There was no justice in the verdict, no
justice at all." -
Servants of the Fallen: Spyd
by Manny Nepumecino
"However, this new Tether has not yet been stabilized,
partially because its celestial focus is alternating
between Lilith's Guildhall ... and Michael's section
of the Groves." -
Forts Laredo & Guadelupe Tether
by Moe Lane
"At any rate, Jean had apparently (very calmly,
rationally and objectively) decided that the world had
gone too long without Wisdom. Calmly, rationally,
objectively - and worst of all, sanely - he spent
centuries Collecting her Forces as they became
available." -
Amalgam: Raphael/Belael/Raplial?
by Moe Lane
"Yves, for his part,
understands her Need to kill demons, and even instructs his Malakim to work
closely with her. After all, she knows the enemy better than they do." -
Servants of the Fallen: Ephesus
by Manny Nepumecino
"Soon after recovering from trauma, Rashagal was informed by Asmodeus himself that whatever he had done to get people's attention had been quite effective and that he was never, ever to do it again without clearing it with him first." -
Rashagal's Rape Whistle
by Michael Cleveland
"He was
supposed to be the next Angel of One Bad Mother...
(Shut Your Mouth), but there was this weird twanging
sound, everything went all bluish-purple for a moment
and suddenly there was a small white kitten sitting on
the floor of the Seraphim Council chambers looking
around and desperately trying not to swear." -
Hemah, Angel of Big-Eyed Fluffy Kittens
by Moe Lane
"Ouch."" -
Superior Roles: Litheroy
by Moe Lane
"While attractive, by modern
standards it's extremely gaudy: the hassles of owning
it overwhelm whatever modest advantages are gained
from using it." -
The Crown of St. Edbert
by Moe Lane
"These Songs were first discovered by ethereals,
centuries before the Purity Crusade. Heaven acquired
them during that conflict (using somewhat impolite
methods): Hell merely forced their tame gods to cough
up the knowledge." -
Song of Reincarnation
by Moe Lane
"This drew the attention of Judgment in short order. They
interrogated him mercilessly over the course of several days. They
feared that Maguel was on the road to teaching people about being
Slothful and were determined to put an end to him right then and there." -
Maguel, Angel of Relaxation
by Cameron McCurry
"You have to ask yourself, "Which is a more pleasing
mental image: Laurence using this ability to reward
only his most dutiful and potent of Servitors, or
Laurence using this ability to arm a hundred scared
humans trapped in a toy store so that they may go out
and give a bunch of Calabim the surprise of their
miserable lives?"" -
Plastic He-Man Hollow Sword Of Doom
by Moe Lane
"The Elohite takes no pleasure in this or
in the work that he must do. He simply feels that he has a job to do
and will stop at nothing to pull a demon away from Hell." -
Comes the Redeemer
by Cameron McCurry
"When Baal rebelled against Heaven, Haniel felt a divine fury rise within
him. He denied the anger, refusing the lure of the dark wings...and
learned, for the first time, what it meant to become dissonant. He has
never become dissonant since." -
Servants of the Fallen: Haniel
by Manny Mepumecino
"If you study enough of the reports of appearances of the Holy
Grail, a pattern starts to emerge -- the use of its Songs is said to be,
rather than an imposition of a foreign theme on to the Symphony, an
enhancement and reinforcement of the themes already there." -
Liriel Grail-Chaser
by William J. Keith
"His walkabout around the world has raised a few ires in (Heaven/ Gaming Companies [as appropriate]). He can create, destroy, and Beat People Up. R!/S! T!/U! V?/X? W!/Y! Z" -
Button Men: Eli
by Daniel Sauve
"It was possessing a fairly large potato patch in Buenos Aires when the
unthinkable happened: Haagenti came along." -
Spud, Angel of Potatoes
by Manny Nepumecino
"A Celestial with IPYABT/6 could manifest in full
glory, with a flaming sword in each hand and a 1000
man choir singing in the background ... and have a
human yawn in his face." -
I Pictured You As Being Taller (Ethereal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"It also gives an additional bonus of 1/2 its level, rounded up, to the use of any Technological item, due to a better understanding of the testing processes that the items go through." -
Habbalitic Logic
by Michael Cleveland
"No matter what current differences of
opinion might exist between his fellows and Him, the creation of humanity was a wonderful idea. No other corporeal animal could begin to provide as much sport." -
Zaroff, Demon of the Most Dangerous Game
by Moe Lane
"Lucifer's inner sanctum is ... interesting. Well, it
would be, if anyone ever actually saw it besides the
Prince of Lies." -
Every Damn Year
by Moe Lane
"The soul smiled a touch. He could see he would get along fine here,
so long as he could get a cup of tea and a towel." -
A Vignette, Of Sorts
by Eric Burns
"They thought Beelzebub, the Prince of Corruption was
something? Wait 'till they get a load of Me..." -
Consider Hardcore
by Rolland Therrien
"This domain is home to all
the spirits created from the belief in Ancient
Engineers, Chariots of the Gods, Wise and Benevolent
Space Brothers, Lost Continents (obviously), Secret
Masters, Undersea Kingdoms and every other bit of
pseudoscientific claptrap that's cropped up in the
last 100 years." -
The Lost Continent
by Moe Lane
"Heaven and Hell
have spent so much time fighting each other since then
that they forget to look at the quiet places. The
Grigori have learned to be quiet." -
Consider Song
by Moe Lane
thinks that the other angels leave her alone because they recognize her
effort. In truth, most of Heaven thought that people were dying from
overwork that had no Infernal connection." -
Elpaaliah, Demon of Hard Work
by Cameron McCurry
"These are not canon. These are not even canon in an "IMC" sense. These are based off of a "what-if" at 3am that is loosely connected to some IMC stuff." -
Urim (New Band)
by Beth McCoy
"(VOICEOVER/LILITH: "For the Salvation of the World.")" -
In Anime Movie Trailer
by S.D. Ryukage
"Seeing as it's dissonant for them to ignore
secrets that are harmful to anyone, they tend to worry
about ineffability more than the norm. They worry a
lot more. After all, if you can't know something,
it's effectively a secret, correct?" -
Worrying About Ineffability
by Moe Lane
"The amusing part is that in
Hell it's a good defensive tactic, too: a Word like that isn't likely to
grow into other Words, and so other demons wouldn't feel threatened by his
existance, and thus probably wouldn't be wasting resources to kill him." -
Pudding Words
by Phillip
"In another world, everything was much as our own for a great many eons, and we pick up the story shortly after humans come onto the scene..." -
Mirror IN: The History
by Santiago
"He's there to serve, and he serves well. He also gets to catch all the home football games,
which is nice." -
Testudo, Ethereal Mascot
by Moe Lane
"It started on the Savannah, of all places. (Actually it started in Hell
five hundred years beforehand, in a hidden Principality that very few of
the Royalty in the place knew about. But we'll say it started in Heaven.)" -
Superior Victory: Ronald
by Cthulhu
"Horse is, frankly, impossible. Horses don't become
ghosts. They also don't have 7 Forces in life.
Unfortunately, nobody seemed to explain this to Horse." -
by Moe Lane
"Of course, any group that deliberately
refers to the Old Crusade as 'The Day of Purification
of All Things' while in the presence of Heliopolitans
isn't going to be known for subtle jokes (or tact, for
that matter)." -
Incense of Purification
by Moe Lane
"I laughed my ass off whenever I
saw Data from Star Trek: he reminded me so much of a
Seraph I once knew. Pedantic, never used
contractions, always metaphorically humming the tune
just a shade off-key - if Data had just had the habit
of occasionally screaming in Urdu right before lopping
off a demon's head, he'd been a dead ringer." -
Consider Grunts
by Moe Lane
"Why work for middle management
when you can be an independent contracter. Why accept the treadmill
when you can be pushing the buttons instead?" -
Consider Turncoats
by Eric Burns
"Too many Soldiers were being treated as disposable
tools by the angels that worked with them. Yes, they recognized that
they were fighting for the greater good, but it was hard to keep that in
mind when you could barely afford rent on a room because you kept
getting called away from your job at the last minute." -
People Net
by Cameron McCurry
angels react at -1 to those with DKHOS: it's a sign
that somebody wasn't paying attention in class..." -
Doesn't Know His Own Strength (Corporeal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"There is no crowding in Heaven. This is good for the
inhabitants ... but not so good when an angel faces a
rush hour subway commute for the first time." -
New Skills For New Celestials
by Moe Lane
"I always thought we had some measure of control over our lives. Turns out I was dead wrong. Well I'm not going to have some metaphysical War take over my life. Humanity can stand on its own two feet." -
Consider the Defiant
by Fallen Seraph
"Yeah, I know who you are. Ask me if I care, you
genocidal bastard." -
Consider Believers
by Moe Lane
"These Songs are very much beloved by Soldiers of God.
You see, one of the things that they don't tell you
when you sign up to fight the forces of Hell is that
sometimes you'll never have any time to run errands..." -
Songs of Convenience
by Moe Lane
""Go to the Catacombs and say that you have a personal message from
Marc to David. Tell him, 'Knight to King's Bishop 2. Let us meet at the
site of Sutter's Mill, next local dawn.'"" -
by William J. Keith
"A key may only be acquired from someone who likewise holds the same key.
Most of the (very) few remaining groups which hold knowledge of the keys
hold only two to four of them, while a few more favored groups may hold
as many as six." -
The Keys of Solomon
by Eric Hallstrom
"In this world, the fundamental division between Heaven and Hell isn't about selflessness versus selfishness. Instead, it's more about conformity versus choice." -
Mirror In Nomine: Mechanics
by Santiago
"When it all boils out, they're freaks and madmen. Every last living one of them. Each of them is unable to see anything beyond their own narrow, myopic little world view. " -
Conside the Freaks
by Anthony Damiani
"This unfortunate Discord only appears in Servitors of
Stone: those with it are extraordinarily sensitive to
strong emotional energy that has been expended by
those around them. Actually, 'sensitive' is probably
the wrong word: 'allergic' might be more accurate..." -
Graffiti (Corporeal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"Does a Superior who was once a Servitor of another Prince still hold onto his original Band Attunement if the two of them are friendly?" -
Semi-Canonical Sick Thought
by Michael Cleveland
"Of course, there are plenty of other possibilities for each of these, but this is my list..." -
Celestial Gatherings
by C. McLaren
"As a general note, there is a definite tendency for
demons to overcompensate for their former Diabolic
attitudes and mannerisms. This is not a hard and fast
rule, but it should be considered ... especially as it
may not always be a positive step towards
psychological well being." -
Dealing With The Redeemed
by Moe Lane
"Credit Rating: This attunement allows the angel the ability to pay essence for 'hired'
artifacts." -
Additional Attunements for Trade
by James Walker
"So, you want to know about how Grikklipp - or as you
Humans call him, Marc - created us. Pull up a cushion
and I'll tell you. No, don't worry about paying me:
you've bought this round and I like to talk. " -
Marcfest: Goblin Origins
by Moe Lane
"And thus, a Trade Deal is stuck; One
Lilim, created for Trade (<Maguffin> just as she would for any
other Word </Maguffin>) in exchange for a Malakite, commanded to
Serve Lilith as his Superior for so long as he is Geased." -
Malakite of Freedom
by Daiv
"New Discords for Traders. Midas Touch & Haggling are also appropriate for
demons of Greed, Rules Lawyer for Gamesters." -
Discords for Trade
by James Walker
"Because it's a pure shame what they're planning to do to Clive's books, and he's too proud to ask for our help..." -
Twisted Revenge Fantasy
by Moe Lane
""Get to the Point Already!": Anyone with this Discord will never, ever, be blunt about anything." -
New Ethereal Discord
by S.D. Ryukage
"Despite its name, this Song doesn't actually harm
anyone: it just looks like it does." -
The Song of Atrocities (Ethereal, Restricted)
by Moe Lane
"The base fine is $1.00 per Ethereal Force that the target has (smarter people should know better)..." -
More New Trade Attunements
by Michael Walton
"They would be places of neutrality, where angels of Flowers and perhaps Lightning and Destiny could work to learn what motivates demons so that they could be better Redeemed." -
Embassies of Flowers
by Charles E. Smith
"Granted, even she had to realize that a military response was required in this situation, but by now he'd come to expect a few mild barbs to have been tossed out at Laurence. Perhaps it was simply her acknowledgement that violence had become necessary, but his finely-tuned senses told him that there was something more to it..." -
Reaping What One Sows
by Michael Cleveland
"Certainly Janet's has an outstanding record. The fact
that they are routinely letter bombed is not mentioned, except when
explaining to suspicious government officials why Janet's will not list a
street address." -
Janet's Temps (Organization)
by James Walker
"Sometimes your
assignments are so ineffable that you question your sanity and/or faith, but
you can't talk to anyone about it because a priest will think you
blasphemous and your therapist will diagnose you as dangerously delusional." -
Gold Cross / Gold Shield
by Eric Bertish
"The "coin" of the Celestial Plane's economy is generally taken
to be Essence. This is fine and good, and Marc, as an eminently
practical Archangel, usually goes along with this. But remember
that Marc invented the idea of money, and he has reasons for
wanting to apply it to the Celestial Plane, too.
" -
by Earl Wajenberg
"Each of the two discovered that he wasn't the only
celestial in the room at roughly the same time: in
fact, they came to this realization while reaching for
the same sugar packets." -
by Moe Lane
"Seneschals may be Word-bound to their Tethers. This process grants
the Seneschal significant abilities beyond that granted by simply attuning
them to the Tether; however, it also afflicts them with the main
disadvantage of a Word, namely, the prospect of going into decline and
eventually dying with their Tether." -
Word-binding Seneschals
by William J. Keith
"Admittedly, Jean was never one to act quite as irrational as the two Malakim, but he was blinking and making facial expressions, which was always an indicator for him." -
Another Take On Novalis
by Michael Cleveland
"The Roman goddess Athena was doing her usual
housecleaning (well, temple-cleaning) when she came
across something that she could swear wasn't there
last century. What it was, nobody in Heaven or Hell
is quite sure ... but very shortly after she found
whatever-it-was, three Tethers to Nightmares exploded
quite messily." -
Athena's Device
by Moe Lane
"Sometimes, the rest of Heaven really wonders about Yves." -
Mrflglim: the Translators
by Matthew Gerber
"Of course, rumors in Hell are about as common as flies
around rotten meat (and as about as hard to get rid
of), but this particular one is noteworthy, not least
because repeating it aloud is a good way to have your
Forces scattered." -
by Moe Lane
"It seems that
she chooses people at random, but always finds the right person to help
at the right time." -
by Cameron McCurry
"Your Grace, this is a copy of a letter found during a routine security check
on the exorcist Sandra Bethany. The original has been left untouched, and
another copy sent to Judgement." -
A Sorcerer's Tale
by James Walker
"A letter posted near Tethers of Lightning, Faith, Judgement, and Destiny." -
A Balseraph's View
by Charles E. Smith
"For those who need a reason why the flower children aren't all munched by
the frothing demon hordes..." -
Novalis Servitor Attunement: Rose Thorns
by Vaughn Romero
"This attunement, recently developed as a way to help humans figure it
out for themselves, costs 1 essense to use, and requires a successful
Intelligence roll on the part of the Angel." -
Jean Servitor Attunement: Tech Support
by Phillip Des Jardins
"This attunement, which requires 2 essence to use and a successful Will
roll, causes the victim, who must be in the midst of operating a machine of
some sort, to completely lose any technological skills they may
have, without actually realising this." -
Vapula Servitor Attunement: Bonehead User From Hell
by Phillip Des Jardins
"A Probability Nail is just that: a regular-looking,
possibly slightly rusty, broken iron nail. Those with
sufficient experience will recognize the nail as being
the sort that is used in shoeing horses." -
Probability Nail
by Moe Lane
"The Demon of Sock Puppets has a problem. The Dot COM pet store for
which he was the company mascot has gone bust. After years of TV ads, pet
store openings, and interviews on Good Morning America, Ishmakiel is a
media meme that has outlived his usefulness." -
Sock It To 'Em
by Vaughn Romero
""Hold now, evil villains!"
"Joey," said the Kurth, a mild mannered Djinn, "we're the evil villains."
" -
The Four-Colored Super-Villain
by Emily Dresner-Thornber
"How does one go about redefining the meaning of a word, even an innocuous one like Spam?" -
All Hail Spam!
by Anthony Damiani
"Dreaming up Fates & Destinies as fast as PCs can gain the essence to feed
Divine Destiny/Fated Future gain be difficult." -
Fateful Fairy Stories
by James Walker
"It all started, innocuously enough, with the Halls of
Progress. You'd be surprised how often it all starts
with the Halls of Progress, actually: even before the
Archangel of Creation's little walkabout, that
Cathedral was known for producing some very
interesting changes to the social dynamic." -
by Moe Lane
"But let's face it; everyone has their breaking point. There comes a
time when you have to stop being nice and smack someone around." -
The Partition
by Cameron McCurry
"What would happen if Vapula, through complete accident, tore a hole in the
spacetime continuum that the PCs fell through?" -
Mirror, Mirror
by Erich Arendall
"Hell does not have a legitimate publishing industry,
obviously: if they did, then they'd have to publish
books, and of course you can't let books be freely
available in Hell (if you could, then it wouldn't be
Hell in the first place)." -
Printer's Devils
by Moe Lane
"The world is written not in Heaven, but in the heavens, in the stars." -
Kochab, Renegade Calabite Prince of Constellations
by Erich S. Arendall
"Of course, if the person being resonated is a Seraph, he will be using his true name, so it won't help." -
Seraphim, Mercurians, and True Names
by Janet Anderson
"They stood there arrayed acros the marches, two vast armies each numbering as the stars. The horsemen rode, the beast was loosed, and The End had been decreed. Seas of blood, third of the earth burned up and all that. The time had come for the final battle." -
The Final Battle
by Anthony Damiani
"As Robert Adams once said, when push comes to
shove a 'gentleman' fights with whatever weapons are
at hand." -
Baal's Sword
by Moe Lane
""Anything capable of storing and/or emitting energy
can be made to explode." - Mike's Maxims for
Maximizing Military Mayhem (Malakite)" -
by Moe Lane
"Seraphim: "Truth can rip the heart out of an opposing
force just as well as a physical weapon. Of course,
physical weapons work better on tanks, so bring along
a good supply of both."
" -
Mike's Maxims For Maximizing Military Mayhem
by Moe Lane
"I am a mere Balseraph, some say, or perhaps a bit of Yves cast aside and
into Hell. Some even rumor that I am some fragment of God itself fallen from
grace, or perhaps a refugee from some Symphony that existed before our own." -
Consider Fate
by Prodigal
"How Sorcerers grow quiet when they hear of this
blasphemous book. It's hard to tell whether it's the
quiet of fear, or the quiet of utter greed: both
reactions would make sense." -
The King In Yellow
by Moe Lane
"The god Janus has two faces, each looking away from the other." -
Human Perceptions: Another Theory On Janus/Valefor
by S.D. Ryukage
"It's interesting (if not particularly surprising) that
Jean is absolutely indifferent about actually naming
his creations. If it's a gun, he calls it a gun. If
it's a particle accelerator, he calls it a particle
accelerator. If it's a computerized mechanical tool
designed to resemble a corporeal life form, he calls
it a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble
a corporeal life form. Jean prefers things to be
clear." -
The Necronomicon, v2.3
by Moe Lane
"This attunement allows the angel, with a touch, to negate almost all of the
weight and inertial mass of an object, making it as light and as easy to
move as a feather." -
Janus Servitor Attunement: He Ain't Heavy...
by Douglas Muir
"Whenever the player is stuck for an idea at a critical time and as long as he is around something with an electrical power supply the GM should reveal to the player what to do." -
Three Servitor Attunements for Jean
by Alex Liddell
"In the Spring of 2001, the Demon of Murder Mysteries, a relatively minor Impudite of Secrets, hit on a strategy that worked: the A.I. Interactive Game." -
The Online Conspiracy
by Eric Burns
"Scroud is that rare but dangerous thing: an intelligent, thoughtful
Calabite. Like Haagenti, he worked his way up from the ranks over many
centuries; like Valefor, he claimed his Word by eliminating the previous
Word-holder." -
Proto-Superior: Scroud, Demon of Squalor
by Douglas Muir
"Zoroastrianism was Yves and Eli dry-running monotheism. So why did Yves set Michael up as Ormazd, the god-head figure for the religion?" -
by Fallen Seraph
"The demon (of Lust, natch, and go ahead and keep your mind in the gutter)
who discovered this Song was looking for an Ornamental NC -- but what it
found was much, much, much more interesting." -
Numinous Corpus: Goo
by Beth McCoy
"I keep coming back to the
scenes in the Sandman comics where you would see the Endless from the
perspective of another character. Martian Manhunter saw the flaming
head-thing, Bast saw a big, black cat with red eyes. Something about
this strikes me as Right." -
Religions, Concepts, Words, and whatnot
by Robb Kidd
"Popular theory has it that
the new holder of the Word of Despair was behind the following destruction
of his Habbalite competitor's Heart and corporeal form, sending the other
demon to Limbo for a number of centuries, so that Perdix could gather his
power. It's the type of cunning that is expected to have kept the holder of
such a powerful Word alive for so long." -
Proto-Superiors: Perdix, Demon of Despair
by Erich Arendall
"While there, they several times encountered a Malakite of the Sword, one
Vidatsy by name, who had a hook at the end of his arm. Vidatsy was
missing a hand. And it wasn't just his Vessel, either -- Vidatsy had the
Crippled Discord at level 3." -
Plot Hook: Vidatsy
by Douglas Muir
"Though even then, she knew she was something more than just another
Punisher. Jahi felt sure that Fate held some higher calling for her... and
she developed the habit of collecting things that might help her someday,
even in the very distant future, when that calling was revealed." -
Proto-Superior: Jahi, Demon of Inheritance
by Douglas Muir
"This Servitor Attunement originated with the Wind, but
certain other Archangels began crafting their own
versions, as well. It was either that or watch their
Servitors fall over themselves to do favors for Janus." -
Variable Gravity Field
by Moe Lane
"This Servitor Attunement originated with the Wind, but
certain other Archangels began crafting their own
versions, as well. It was either that or watch their
Servitors fall over themselves to do favors for Janus." -
Variable Gravity Field
by Moe Lane
"Blur: The player's image becomes indistinct as with motion
blur for a number of minutes equal to the player's level in
the Song." -
Numinodes Corpi
by Michael Walton
"Since attunements can outlive Superiors, there would probably still be a
few of these floating around. Not too many after 3,000 years, but a few." -
Attunements for Oannes, Archangel of the Waters
by Douglas Muir
"This discord most commonly manifests among demons of the Media (particularly
in Asia,) but those serving Dark Humor run the closest of seconds (largely
due to Kobal taking grim amusement in forcing it upon those among his
servitors who don't know when to shut up around him)." -
Bad Dubbing (Corporeal Discord)
by Prodigal
"This attunement requires that the Angel using it be attacked first. By dodging/
blocking, or otherwise avoiding or countering the attack, and then taunting his
foe, the Angel gains a bounce to his fighting skill." -
Your Kung Fu Is Weak (Servitor Attunement)
by Daniel Sauve
""Belial!" spaketh Gabriel, an essence-filled froth erupting from the Archangel's celestial mouth. "Prince of the Mountain of Flame, Lighter of the Pit of Darkness, Fire, oh Fire! Why did you take it from me, why?! Oh, traitor! Lackey of Lucifer! Do you think the two of you can steal my Fire?! Light and Destruction do not a Fire make! Etc. Etc. Etc!"" -
Everybody Loves Belial: The Prophecy and the Ofanite
by Jonathan Walton
"Cephalopods -- especially octopi -- have soft,
compressible bodies. The smaller ones can squeeze
themselves through a hole the size of a quarter; any of
them can fit through a hole half the diameter of its head." -
Cephalopod Vessels
by Michael Walton
"When you're on good terms with the Media, it's
expected that you'll take a look at what's on the
tube every once in a while. And the title of the
show... intrigued Lord Andre. It certainly sounded
like it might have possibilities. (WARNING: Somewhere between PG-13 and R.)
" -
Touched By An Angel, Andrealphus Style
by Jaymiel
"But James still stays away from the fighting as best he can. Let
the Celestials fight each other; he's content to protect humanity. " -
James, Saint of War
by Cameron McCurry
"What if
Demonic forces, when added to an Undead, did more then just give them
Attunements? What if it altered the Undead itself?" -
Undead Quirks
by Rolland Therrien
"Azrael, Archangel of Death*: These Grigori can see the last few seconds of a person's life by looking into their eyes and making a successful resonance roll. They will also know whether a person died from Celestial intervention or not." -
Grigori Servitor Attunements
by Michael Cleveland
"That first
shock of peace, serenity and surcease that flows over
a human as he or she realizes that, yes, the bad
things are over for the rest of eternity... well, it
does good things to an angel's own sense of
well-being. You can soak up the tranquility like a
" -
by Moe Lane
"Really, there is a vast pool of celestial talent out there just going to waste. Talent that, whilst it has crossed the line and declared its independence, could still be useful to either Heaven or Hell. And come to think of it, sometimes jobs come up that truly require secret and expendable operatives." -
Universal Exports
by Jo Hart
"Yup, Sparky only thought that he had cleaned out
Vapula's stash of vintage anime tapes. Incidentally,
the VCR of the Prince of Technology is a subtle and
frightening artifact, indeed ... but that's for
another time.
" -
Wave Motion Gun
by Moe Lane
"Yes, I've heard of this "Consider" series of Interviews. I decided to
participate, just for fun. I hope you appreciate the trouble I've gotten
through for you. The Lord of Hell has a busy schedule." -
Consider the Lightbringer
by Rolland Therrien
"Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids evolved (one could
even say 'engineered') to live in underground
environments. " -
by Moe Lane
""Correct me if I am wrong," he said, "but I have the impression that the
Vapulan assigned to monitor the system is not as efficient as he might be."" -
Recruiting Project
by Maya
"Halflings appear upon first glance to be a variant sub-race of Humanity: their most notable difference is
their height (their name is derived from the fact that
the average Halfling is about half the size of a
Human)." -
by Moe Lane
"(What, you thought spiral galaxies got that shape by themselves? Yeah,
yeah, gravitational dynamics. Who do you think implements that
gravitational dynamics?)" -
Chezeqim, Angels of Strength
by Earl Wajenberg
"Belial was as angry as he had ever been in his entire existence. He had lost the rebellion. He was not, as he had been promised, the Archangel of Fire. Now, he was stuck in the pitch black with a dying leader and a bunch of annoying, spineless, fools. And he had wandered for over a month without his vision and had not found a scrap of anything.
And the mountain was going to pay." -
Everyone Loves Belial #2: Fire In The Hole
by Jonathan Walton
"Sir Laurence's vassals were silent for a moment:
finally, one spoke. "A wondrous design, Lar -
Commander Sir Laurence. When were you planning to
make a full sized version?"
" -
How The Ellyllon Earned Their Honor
by Moe Lane
"Trying to kidnap Archangels is really rather hard. It usually fails,
painfully, and it's kind of hard to make the act, in itself, serve a
demonic Word." -
One Of Our Archangels Is Missing
by John Dallman
"There are a number of North Poles - in addition to the two geographical
options, Greenland & Finland both have tourist traps claiming the title. THE
North Pole, however, is part of Valhalla, and from it Odin rewards children
who have been 'good' (i.e., sent him essence) with presents every Winter
Solstice." -
Norse Tether: The North Pole
by James Walker
"Odin doesn't have that many warriors on earth; they don't often die
valiantly in battle; and even when they do it's uncommon for the Aurora
Borealis to be in the sky. But when they do..." -
Norse Tether: The Valkyria
by James Walker
"None of them can see me as I crouch by the window. I
know this, because they haven't come out to kill me." -
Outside, Looking In
by Moe Lane
"You can Dream anywhere." -
Fantasy Worlds
by James Walker
"Remnants of Stone are particularly hard to find - any rock, statue or
gargoyle could be a soul-killed Trog. Still, no one is terribly surprised
that Baal was able to find one. What does surprise people is that he was
able to find a silicon based life form." -
by James Walker
"Even the Archangel of Flowers needs an impressive escort occasionally, and
although not fond of intimidation Novalis does prefer it to bloodshed." -
by James Walker
"If a human gets flung out
of a lake in front of a warrior, he'll be lucky if he isn't burnt as a
witch. Throw a sword though, and the warrior will sweep it up and declare
himself the rightful king of England." -
Magical Swords
by James Walker
"As a First Race (again, with Humanity), Elves have no
special patron among the Archangels anymore: they are
watched over by all of Heaven impartially." -
by Moe Lane
"Dragons, Mummies, Liches, Sorcerers - all need a hoard of gold and jewels.
Otherwise where's the point?" -
by James Walker
"The Lich is probably one of the highest forms of Undead, the type of creature
that all necronmancers aspiring to immortality (which pretty much means all of
them) long to become." -
The Lich
by Benjamin Acosta
"When Heaven discovered the existence of the Broken Races, a great deal of
energy was expended trying to heal them - nearly as much as was spent
trying to destroy them." -
by James Walker
"Sister Shannon Masters, aka Warrior Nun Areala, simply smiled as she raised
her sword, readying herself to rid the Earth of yet another Hellspawn. "Oh
crap, indeed, Demon-Born."" -
The Warrior Nuns
by Rolland Therrien
"It was not like God speaking through Metatron -- angels old enough to
remember understood that there was a critical difference, but would not be
able to explain precisely what it was. There was, however, no doubt in
anyone's mind that it was God him/her/itself speaking to them all, and that
He/She/It had come in response to their need." -
The New Commander (A Heresy)
by Manny Nepumecino
"Most Lilim ultimately swear to a Prince. Either they are tired of
constantly being hounded by other demons, the Game, or, more likely, they
find the rewards of joining a Prince's hierarchy, including titles,
retainers, and advancement, to outweigh the benefits of staying neutral." -
Lilim Roles
by Emily Dresner-Thornber
"There are a lot of mundanes in Heaven's service, and most of them have the
Lucid Dreaming skill. Over the years they've crafted their Dreamscapes into
places of beauty, wonder - and often extreme usefulness." -
by James Walker
"Humans aren't terribly skilled at dealing with supernatural crimes, but
enough have happened over the years for them to take some precautions.
Anytime a crime involves something supernatural, whether it be the criminal
sacrifices cats before robbing a store, or witnesses insisting that the
criminal could fly, or even the police doctor insisting that the accused is,
in fact, dead (and that his ability to to walk and talk is beside the point)
then once arrested the accused is sent to Bechley." -
Bechley Prison
by James Walker
"The first Balrog was a Renegade Shedite who, without a host or any essence,
was only saved from soul-death by a favourable Intervention. Laurence killed
it personally, but it had already passed on the technique to other demons." -
by James Walker
"I have, in my own little universe over here, generally determined
that a Superior using its own resonance has, well, the Superior-level
version of it. (We will not talk about Andrealphus and Impudite Charm
here, plus Word-leakage.)" -
Superior-level Resonance
by Beth McCoy
"Although Saminga claims to have complete control of all Undead, it wasn't
difficult for Mammon's Servitors to bribe a Necromancer to design a new type
of Undead for them." -
Barrow Wights
by James Walker
"Although the Greatest Rings were destroyed or lost their power many
millennia ago, Magic Rings still turn up in the hoards of Dragons or Undead." -
Magic Rings
by James Walker
"Valerie was perfect, at least, that's what the Prince of Theft thought
when he was done with her." -
Valerie, Daughter of Theft
by Charles E. Smith
"Keep moving, move on - up the stairs, towards the jewel. The mansion was
well defended, but no door could stop him...
But I came in through the window!
" -
The Thief
by James Walker
"Two separate though related races of Mermaids exist. 'True' Mermaids are
descended from dolphins and a rogue Grigori; 'lesser' mermaids are descended
from dugongs and one or more ethereals." -
by James Walker
"Despite the propaganda, not every dragon perished during the purity crusade." -
On Dragons
by Jo Hart
"Whether you're a Fairy Godmother, budding sorcerer or elven queen, your
magic wand is an essential piece of equipment." -
Magic Wands
by James Walker
"Ethereals aren't all "people". Some of them are things or places. Since
distance isn't really a concept in the Marches, they can be very large
places." -
The Culture
by John Dallman
"The Book of Antioch details a simple ritual that enables a team of two
Soldiers (the chanter and the bearer) to convert a censer or censor like
object to an explosive device, similar to a grenade." -
The Book of Antioch
by Harvey Mills
"You think that demons are the experts at character
assassination? Please: those guys have no inter-Word
cohesion." -
Dirty Tricks
by Moe Lane
"For the longest time, Horace didn't exactly know who -
or what - he was. As far as he could tell, he was
just like any other human: some of his earliest
memories were hazy, but he could remember growing up
normally. But he wasn't normal - and the older he
got, the more incongruous things seemed." -
Horace, Mercurian of [White Noise] IST War
by Moe Lane
""Do as thou wilt," Eli had said, "but be Cool."" -
Do As Thou Wilt (An Exercise In Habbalogic)
by A. Damiani
"But before and beyond all the cerebral stuff, Jean is the
Cosmic Zap. If, roughly speaking, David, Oannes, Janus, and
Gabriel are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma, Jean is force field." -
On Lightning
by Earl Wajenberg
"Zombis are often abandoned: left for dead, sent on one way missions, given
orders and forgotten. Other outlast their creators, or were created purely
out of spite." -
Variations on Zombies
by James Walker
"In a darker setting, it isn't a nice thing to be a Malakite in love." -
An In Nomine Poem
by Philip Barkow
"Appearing to be nothing more than a rather worn out old baseball bat,
the Ugly Stick is in fact a Relic, imbued with a very specific variant of the Celestial Song of Form." -
The Ugly Stick
by Richard C. Hanton-Rutherford
"The tragic thing about Phanuel is that he was
personally a wonderful entity to know, both as an
angel and as an Archangel: joyful, hopeful,
compassionate, hardworking and moral. The Archangel
of Faith had no enemies among the Host - even among
the Malakim (who were traditionally highly disdainful
of the Grigori)." -
Phanuel, Outcast Grigori Archangel of Faith
by Moe Lane
"It all began when Hatiphas struck a deal with God." -
Socerer's World: Introduction
by James Walker
"Ah, Smurfs: otherwise known as 'an example of why
Novalis now never drinks anything that's in Eli's
refrigerator without checking it first'." -
by Moe Lane
"It was in the dawn of time, when the world was still damp and marked more clearly with the thumbprints of its Creator, that she first trod the empyreal marches. The stars rose in her eyes, and the moon caught in her hair like a silver comb, and she was the most beautiful and the most terrible of all the angelic spirits." -
How Beleth Took The Veil
by Jo Hart
"They've recorded that Uriel was Christian. They never said that he was Catholic." -
The Matropater Faithful
by Maya Cogman
was...creepy to scholars of the War on both side when it turned out that
neither side had apparently won. The Archangels and Demon Princes had
simply...annihilated each other." -
Serendipity, Mercurian Archangel of Light
by Charles E. Smith
"As Blandine and Beleth lay dying, their remaining Forces flowed together
like twin streams of blood and pooled. Their hatred and love for each other
spent, all that remained were the last fragments of their respective Words." -
Beldine: Introduction
by Eric Bertish
"A zombified human Demon Princess, a mockery of a mockery of the Fallen
Angels, Lilith is the only canon Superior to still visit the Sorcerer's
world." -
Sorcerer's World: Lilith
by James Walker
"I guess it helps some people. For me, having trees and flowers in a
graveyard is just a reminder that death turns you into compost." -
Saying Good-bye
by James Walker
"If you like country music 'cause you Resonate to the
essential truth of sad love songs, you might be a redneck
Seraph." -
You Might Be A Redneck Angel If...
by Michael Walton & Cameron McCurry
"Before Jesus' resurrected form ascended to the Celestial Realm, he appointed Peter, the Rock upon which the early Christian community rested, as the first Pope." -
Peter, Archsaint of Apostles
by Richard C. Hanton-Rutherford
"Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose. And sometimes, Judgment guns a
few down in anonymous warehouses with submachine guns." -
A Question of Legality
by Emily Dresner-Thornber
"The old Impudite waited patiently as the children huddled together. Outside
the carbon storm raged, diamond sharp dust ripping at the stone walls. The
storm would not breach the walls tonight, he thought." -
Rebel Planet: Introduction
by James Walker
"The forces of Hell thought they had the upper hand. They drove towards
Heaven, forcing the gates open with the sheer numbers of their horde. They
actually thought they could pull it off this time." -
Successors: War
by Amanda Kilgore
"How much does humanity want to get into space?" -
Ethereal Space Program
by James Walker
"Once Oliver knew how to create a zombi
countless criminal cases were solved, as murder victims described their own
murders." -
A Forensic Necromancer (and his Mentor)
by James Walker
"A Calabite might insist that his band was inevitable, given how wild and
unruly he is. And that's almost true - but not quite.
" -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Calabite
by James Walker
"The new Archangel of Light
received her Word directly from God, of course; others were
appointed from among the high ranking Servitors of the
deceased Superiors. Calliel is one of these successors." -
Calliel, Archangel of Peace
by Michael Walton
"He is Barsoom. He is Doorsha. He is Northwest Smith.
He is both John Carters. He is the tragically doomed
race of the Martian Chronicles. He is Valentine
Michael Smith and Podykane. The face that some have
seen in the sands is his face. He knows every eddy
and wave of the canals that never graced the Red
Planet, and has sipped imaginary wine in Helium's
nonexistent towers." -
Mars, Ethereal God
by Moe Lane
"The Malakim must constantly dance the balance between Power and Honor,
between Fury and Duty. A reliever who wants to join the ranks of the
Virtues must learn to look beyond the "cool" fighting power of the Malakim,
to look at the self-restricting strictures of the Malakite Codes of Honor." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Malakite
by Rolland Therrien
"He knew that there was still one chance, something he could do. A final
chance for victory." -
Successors: War, Section 2
by Amanda Kilgore
"Seraphim love Heaven, and when they
travel to earth, it's to make earth a little more like Heaven. But that's
not something they can really explain - it's too personal, needs to be
experienced." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Seraph
by James Walker
"It is impossible to say just when the Shekinah came to Heaven. Time in the Heavenly Sphere does not work as mankind reckons, after all. What is known is that upon one day, there was the sound of triumphals throughout all of Heaven, as Gabriel -- who herself was already removed from the Heavenly Host -- did play upon her Horn." -
Sandalphon, The Shekinah, Archangel of the Presence
by Eric A. Burns
"Habbalah claim to be angels. Balseraphs claim that Habbalah are angels. Any
demonling who, no matter how slightly, wants to be an angel is going to
fledge as a Habbalite." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Habbalite
by James Walker
"Armageddon did not go at all as planned." -
Successors: To Reign In Hell (Introduction)
by Michael Walton
"Coming into existence without skills or other
resources, a demonling's one advantage is that he speaks Helltongue
fluently. As the Damned need to learn Helltongue quickly so they can obey
demonic orders, it wouldn't be difficult for a demonling to attach himself
to a human to arrange a trade." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Impudite
by James Walker
"Even in Heaven, there is much to grieve over. An angel's Heart should be a
thing of beauty, joy - to see the angel wrapped around it Traumatised, or
worse to see the Heart cracked, or even shattered, will pain the most jaded." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Malakite (another take)
by James Walker
"Have you ever thought about what kind of temptation
the Humanity Attunement would be for Djinn?" -
The Love Song of Djinn Asmodeus, Prince
by Moe Lane
"Well, nobody in Heaven is a Glutton, of course, but
they do like a good meal, now and then. It's Heaven,
after all. You know, that entire milk and honey
thing: it's part of the background." -
Erzulie, Angel of Cooking
by Moe Lane
"The first thing that the aspiring Ofanite must have is a love of
motion. This may seem blindingly obvious, but it's more than a love of
going from Point A to Point B in a straight line while ignoring
Obstacles C, D, and E." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Ofanite
by Cameron McCurry
"There are numerous tales to tell about Armageddon. The Servitors of
Yves are working around the clock to file them all properly and they are
told to anyone who wants to hear them." -
Successors: A New Archangel
by Cameron McCurry
"Sometimes, Belial had to admit, those little monkeys could warm his heart." -
A Good Day For Hell
by Rolland Therrien
"Of all Kobal's new Princes, Oriares is the one who hates
Heaven and humanity the most." -
Oriares, Demon Prince of Winter
by Michael Walton
"Paul Jeffords - head of the Jeffords Team, part of the Optimisation and
Constraint Solving Group (OCS), based in Computer Lab Four of the School
of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) (Monash University:
Caulfield Campus in Victoria, Australia) - has gone missing." -
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"A reliever is guarded by Malakim, befriended by Mercurians, inspired by
Menunim. But when he needs specific advice, he turns to the Elohim." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Elohite
by James Walker
"Demons make great liars - so long
as they are not Balseraphs." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Balseraph
by James Walker
"The Mercurians, as "people" angels, are the most accessible choir. While
humans may call them the Friends of Man, in Heaven they might well be called
the Friends of All." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Mercurian
by James Walker
"The coming of the Shekinah to Heaven created a considerable stir -- in part because of Sandalphon's mere existence. By appearing as the Archangel of the Presence, Sandalphon had restored an immediacy of the Divine in Heaven." -
Sandalphon: The Senegorin
by Eric A. Burns
nice to be reminded how insignificant the Damned really are. And to stick
the boot in while the Damned are too stunned to respond." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Shedite
by James Walker
"Where is the point of going somewhere if you don't see it? Where is the
point of seeing it if you don't remember it?" -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Ofanite
by James Walker
"Belial had felt the link spark into life,
broadcasting the appearance of yet another fragment of
Hell on Earth, and had eagerly jumped up to stabilize
it ... but he had been temporarily distracted by yet
another - oh, wonderful day! - fireball to the south
of whatever human nation he was in today. Of course,
he had to go see that one, too. No Tether there, but
it was nice and toasty while it lasted." -
A Demonic Tether?
by Moe Lane
"For example, a Reliever who is likely to fledge Ofanite prefers flying, and
indeed prefers it so much that he's rarely stopping; by 7 or 8 Forces, he's
trailing little flakes of light or energy wherever he goes." -
Changes in Fledging
by William J. Keith
"These relics are interesting, to say the least. They
have the ability to temporarily send someone to Limbo,
regardless of whether they have a functioning Heart or
not ... or even if they happen to be celestial. This
makes them popular. They also have a distressing
tendency to implode. This makes them unpopular, too." -
The Limbo Cannon
by Moe Lane
"The Symphony finds ways to fight back. Humans were meant to be more than
celestial vessels, after all." -
Disadvantage: Allergic
by Manny Nepomuceno
"It's Heaven's worst nightmare. Eli, Archangel of Creation, has finally
surfaced, and he's involved in one of Nybbas's biggest projects." -
Adventure Seed: Buoyancy
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Like most people, he'd always found it somewhat relaxing to spend a few moments marvelling at the monuments to financial prosperity that rose like outstretched hands towards the Heavens. And like so many other people, when he looked at the gap in the city's landscape, he couldn't find that small amount of comfort that had been there a few days before." -
The Trade
by Michael Cleveland
"That's why I shattered my Heart and ran. There is a shadow in
heaven, and it falls heavy on us all." -
Fledging Grigori
by Fallen Seraph
"Vapula has never been known for his self-restraint when it comes
to new and psychotic ideas, but this latest one has put more than
a few people on edge." -
Orbital Mind Control Lasers
by Michael Cleveland
""This can not be allowed!" she cried, echoing the words of many other
angels over the course of the battle. And as new, black wings unfurled from
Blandine's back, the nature of Dreams was forever changed...." -
Superior What-If: Blandine
by Mason Kramer
"The only rule in Hell is, whatever the strongest person says goes. And since
the strong rarely care whether you are mugged or robbed or swindled you have
to protect yourself. And protecting your possessions is harder still." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Djinn
by James Walker
"...and a Malakite, and a Mercurian, and an Elohite, and a - oh well, if it
can be only one...
" -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Kyriotate...
by James Walker
"It's amazing how many Soldiers Uriel had. Not surprising really, given that
he was Commander of the Armies of God; but given that Europe only had a
population of a few million when he was recalled, you wouldn't think he
could have acquired so many." -
They're Back...
by James Walker
"It's a terrible thing, to serve Nightmares when you only possess a couple of
Forces." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Pachadite
by James Walker
"The world? It needs hope and inspiration. Just do it with style." -
Valefor, Ofanite Archangel of Dreams
by Charles E. Smith
"There's one band a demonling cannot choose to be." -
I Wish I'd Grown Up...
by James Walker
"In a place where existence and non-existence collide, a man sat on a glowing
throne of gold. His long white beard and flowing robes giving him the aura
of a cliched deity. " -
A New God
by Alex Liddell
"What a good little girl. He'd make her regret that. It wasn't as much fun as making her regret being a bad little girl, but it'd do. " -
The First Day Is The Hardest: The Game
by James Walker
"The following file is a transcript of a recording found in
central Peru on July 13, 2001. The recording has been identified as
the mission recorder of Recon Unit X11095AZ with a 87% percent chance
of certainty. Further analysis of the recorder will be impossible as
all hard copy files and recordings have been personally confiscated
by the Archangel of Judgment as of 19:31 hrs. " -
Final Transmission, Pt. 1
by Michael Cleveland
""I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create
disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things." -- Isaiah 45:6-8 " -
Layliel, Archangel of Darkness
by Earl Wajenberg
"Perfume may reduce the effective social penalty of this Discord
by one, though not its penalty to concealment, and odor-eating substances
may reduce it by another level." -
Discord: Smelly (Corporeal)
by Anthony Damiani
"Think of it, boss! Me.... a few others.... a legion of--- hm, sorry, wrong
word." -
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Skulker
by Anthony Damiani
"No, no, no: I'm not talking about life after
death..." (sound of flaming sword materializing)
"...I'm talking about life instead of death." -
Ninja Evangelical Squads
by Various Authors
"Flickering is a specialized martial art designed to
complement the Scabbard Attunement. Indeed, without
Scabbard Flickering is useless, unless the user
happens to know of another method of picking weapons
out of the air..." -
by Moe Lane
"The symbols of the Order are a crossed sword and ruler
... and every Joanite carries the latter." -
The Industrious Sisters of St. Joan
by Moe Lane
"Erisya finally found her voice: 'Is it safe?......'
"Nope!" Rave replied proudly." -
The First Day Is The Hardest: Hardcore
by James Walker
"I am specifically
not asking the Symphony for its opinions again until I can get that
voice out of my head." -
Final Transmission, Pt. 2
by Michael Cleveland
"I did not say that, trainee Rubric. Were I of a mind to say such a thing, I assure you that I would say it with much more volume and in such a way that most of your classmates would not be able to help but overhear it." -
Judge Stark
by Michael Cleveland
"There really isn't a
good mechanical reason for prohibiting Hell from producing more Grigori
shy of ruling that unlike normal celestials, the Grigori only
reproduce sexually, and even that has problems." -
A Skulker Solution
by Anthony Damiani
"Greed, as Rezzack envisions it, is not about simply Hoarding money and
items of luxury, without ever handing anything over to anyone. In fact,
as far as giving is involved, Rezzack is more then willing to lend you
exactly what you want, when you want it. It's with the Interests that
Rezzack charges for the loans that he promotes the Word of Greed." -
Rezzack, Balseraph Prince of Greed
by Rolland Therrien
"This is one of Laurence's more significant, if obscure, organisations. He
inherited it from Uriel, who had the original version from Michael. It's a
collection of Angels and Saints whose basic job is to attend to details of
organising The War, and to make plans for contingencies." -
The General Staff of the Host
by John Dallman
"No tale tells of what Baraqel did over the long millennia which passed after
the Trial. He appeared to Heaven's warriors on occasion, warning of demonic
threats, but otherwise he disappeared." -
Baraquel, Outcast Grigori Angel of Silence
by James Walker
"Some dreamers are a little too aggressive for their own good." -
An Ethereal Realm
by James Walker
"The human
astronomer Drake's calculations seem perfectly sound; barring
intervention, the universe observable from Earth should contain many
planets capable of bearing intelligent life, but while the Symphony
clearly could contain such, it doesn't appear to." -
GSG report AF/AK/D/1969CE
by John Dallman
"Prince Saminga thinks it's a good idea." -
Orders From The Lowerarchy
by James Walker
"Obsessed with being famous, she feels that she must always be in the public
eye - or failing that, be the last thing that people see." -
Merryn Davis, Zombie Actor
by James Walker
"It had been so much easier before Armageddon, he thought. When evil lurked
in the hearts of men, and so many of his race openly served it." -
Absolom: A Vignette
by James Walker
"He's the taste of
absolute silence and darkness, the sudden involuntary
intake of breath, the vain straining of eyes for
photons. He can reach into a human's head and tickle
that reptilian brainstem that's been faithfully
keeping humanity alert for the last three million
years. The mere presence of him in a room can cause
people's hearts to unaccountably accelerate and their
skins become moist with sweat. He is incredibly good
at his job." -
Omparkash, Renegade Demon of Fear of Darkness
by Moe Lane
"And that's where you come in, Commander. You and your men are to infiltrate the Halls of Progress and liberate that game console." -
The Box
by Manny Nepomuceno
"While dying of lung cancer, Oscar was approached by a Samingan and offered
immortality in return for service. He jumped at the offer; unfortunately for
him, the demon didn't know the Create Mummy ritual, and settled for
poisoning him and zombifying the corpse." -
Oscar Mayland, Zombie Big Wheel and Vampire Impersonator
by James Walker
"It occurs to most Necromancers sooner or later." -
The Quest For Genesis
by James Walker
"Fred was given a choice: eternal life, or immediate death - he choose 'life'
and became a mummy." -
Fred's Chop Shop
by James Walker
"That being said, Laurence retains various weapons that
are dedicated to those rare times when he actually
gets to engage Demon Princes in battle. He's aware
that he probably won't get to kill any of them until
Judgement Day ... but there's no reason why he can't
get a good lick or two in before they manage to Run
Away." -
Laurence's Special Swords
by Moe Lane and colleagues
"What few in Heaven realized was that there was room in Judgement for both
Pity and the possibility of Rehabilitation." -
The Garou
by Ryan Roth
"Congratulations! We are the next, great evolutionary stride, destined to
leave lesser, mortal beings behind." -
A Little Speech
by James Walker
"Rachab's existence isn't precisely secret, just ... downplayed a bit." -
Rachab, Bright Lilim of Trade
by Moe Lane
"The Demon Prince of the War is known for his paradoxial combination of
overwhelming, arrogant pride and common-sense pragmatism. While the latter
has led him to craft these specialized Unholy Bullets, it is the former
which keeps him from loading up an M60 with a belt of each type." -
Baal's Special Bullets
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"First-born among the celestials, older than anyone save the ineffable Yves, Michael is an Elohite, an expression of the Symphony's natural inclination towards balance." -
Michael, Elohite Archangel of War
by Manny Nepomuceno
"When used properly, the Songs create blood: ordinary, Type O+ human blood, although a thorough examination of said blood will show that it came from no living creature." -
The Songs of Blood
by Manny Nepomuceno
"It's a bit more complicated than that." -
Nuclear Armageddon?
by Michael Walton
"She's partly Snow White, but also Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, and many
other examples of the Damsel in Distress. She's every chaste and virtuous
maiden who in unjustly imposed hard times soldiers onward, secure in the
knowledge that Right will prevail, Evil will be defeated, and all she needs
to do is wait... for her Handsome Prince to carry her of to a perfect life
of never-ending happiness." -
The Granite Madams Want Snow White's Head
by William J. Keith
"The world Needs what we have to offer." -
Vapula, Lilim Princess of Technology
by Manny Nepomuceno
"The Servitors of Nightmares are known for being innovative when it comes
to crafting horrific visions for their victims to suffer nightly, and
some are known for invading the dreamscapes of the technophobic to visit
scientific horrors upon them. However, the demons of Nightmares aren't
really techno-savvy themselves, and this is to be expected given the
hostility between their Dread Princess and Prince Vapula of Technology." -
The Eternal Nightmare
by Charles E. Smith
"You have been assigned your tasks; you will
either succeed or die. Either is acceptable, and you should feel proud if
you achieve both." -
Memo to the Troops
by James Walker
"So if anyone needs a quick idea for a Word for an alternate universe, here's
a whole list of 'em!" -
Inverse Words
by Sirea Theyal et al.
"Janus is one of the oldest angels; possibly the first Ofanite. It is known
that long before this world existed he enjoyed surfing the interstellar
winds, mesmerised by the eddies and currents that spread throughout the
universe." -
A Rumor About Wind
by James Walker
"Angels of Stone view drug and alcohol addiction very poorly. They see it as a type of weakness: the kind of weakness that they take grim pleasure in purging. Within the past few years, two angels of David's have taken a very direct approach to this problem." -
Recovery Road
by Cameron McCurry
"We would like to warn you that Ruby, Lilim of (Demonic) Fire no longer
appears to be operating in South America, and given her usual methods will
probably appear in a Northern city shortly before your first fall of snow." -
Ruby, Lilim of Fire
by James Walker
"Those caught trying to use the Tower Tether without permission are not
handed over to The Game - instead, they decorate this Hall." -
The Hall of Screams
by James Walker
"Designed to
ease individuals into Sorcery, these relics can ease
someone down the path of Fate subtly - and for the
best of motives. After all, what could be more
selfless than to attempt to bring someone back to
life?" -
The Book of Recalling One's Love
by Moe Lane
""I know," Princess Karma said with a giggle, "We'll have a contest! Whoever
captures and returns the luststone, will win me!"
"Oh, great," Samanthiel the Cherub thought as the teenage boys of all races
began chasing after the glowing crystal sphere, "How am I supposed to
protect Tommy from this?"" -
Celestials From Outer Space
by Prodigal
"Decani are agents of death by disease. Saminga
considers them his masterwork, but he can't really take
credit for them; the first Decani were Fallen members of
Novalis' minor Choir." -
Decani: The Carriers (Samingan Minor Band)
by Michael Walton
"He has countless names: The Bargainer, The Dweller in the Darkness, even
Death (although this name has fallen out of use since Saminga's rise). The
legends of his beginnings are fragmented and contradictory. But he exists." -
The Bargainer (Proto-Superior)
by James Walker
"It's generally a good idea to be sure that a Word is free before requesting
it from Lucifer, Scrie thought to himself after requesting the Word of
Drowning." -
Scrie, Demon of Pond Scum
by James Walker
"And no, nobody knows what orders Billy got from Deals With The Darkness." -
Billy Adams, 4-year-old In Service To Deals With The Darkness
by James Walker
"One of the more twisted ideas to come from the Prince of The War was
the idea of making a Human Soldier a spy against the other side against
their will." -
The Hollowers
by Cameron McCurry
"Everyone knows you cannot give a human a Word. That is, itself, correct. YOU cannot." -
Human Words
by Sean McCarthy
"The story, at least as far as it is known in Heaven: Abimael appeared, one day, at the gates of Heaven, with ten other angels never seen within its walls. They were not Redeemed demons. They were not fledged relievers. They were simply angels who had never been in Heaven." -
Abimael, Malakite Archangel of the Hundred
by Manny Nepomuceno
"In the end, it didn't matter. He had lies, and he had pride, and eventually they combined into fatal Hubris. He was caught in his House of the Morning Star by Michael, and Michael finished what he started in Heaven." -
Lilith, Queen of Hell
by Eric Burns
"But Lilith was no fool. Since long before the Fall she had known that
all things came with a price, and true power lay in what one could
provide. " -
LIL: The Consolidation of the Queen's Power
by Eric Burns
"Lilith stops being invokable as of this time. Those who wish to play events and scenes during this period of Lilith's early expansion should know the following." -
LIL: Mechanics and Adventure Seeds
by Eric Burns
"There is a tremendous feeling of excitement in Heaven. While there
was mourning for the loss of the Archangel of Light -- now forever
beyond redemption -- the apparent threshold of victory in the War has
brought enthusiasm and jubilation among the Virtuous." -
LIL: Heaven -- Superior Reactions
by Eric Burns
"It comes as no surprise that the Luciferian Princes are deeply upset." -
LIL: Luciferian Opinions
by Eric Burns
"The world is there to be used, to be taken, to be enjoyed, and then to be ignored. It is the way of things." -
LIL: Andrealphus, Lilithian Prince of Lust
by Eric Burns
"The world is information; he who controls the flow of information
controls the flow of the world." -
LIL: Alaemon, Lilithian Prince of Intelligence
by Eric Burns
"Yves has many methods of travel. Perhaps the most common is just
appearing, whereever it is he's going. Or taking innocuous transport
to go remarkable places. Or simply walking." -
LIL: Heaven (A Vignette)
by Eric Burns
"It's late at night, the house is dark and your wife's asleep. You're hard at work on the computer, maybe writing something for a project you've been working on, maybe surfing the 'Net.
And then you hear a sound." -
by Manny Nepomuceno
"XJ49-L is procedurally oriented, which makes it a fine language to use when one wants to create spaghetti code. As a matter of fact, in addition to the standard "goto" function, XJ49-L supports the "go", "gothere", "gottherethenreturn", and "gothereandthere" functions." -
Heavenly and Hellish Programming Languages
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Once there was a Balseraph of Fate. His name wasn't Abimael, but what it was isn't really important to the story. Maybe he was a good Balseraph of Fate, or maybe he was ready to redeem. But one way or another, he came to Kronos's attention." -
Abimael - Background
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Saminga gets the majority of Fallen Mercurians. Given that they normally
Fell through offering violence to humans, this isn't surprising. Nor is it
surprising that they remember why they Fell." -
The Vigilantes
by James Walker
"Well, yes, this sort of project does require high
amounts of chutzpah, self-assurance and oratory if one
is to have even a faint hope of success." -
Winston Churchill
by Moe Lane
""Get it...roight!" [Thwallop]" -
The Beltaine Bruisers
by James Walker
"Spazz isn't an intellectual, or a jock, or a brilliant conversationalist.
He's just - Spazz." -
Spazz, Word-Bound Human of Spazz
by James Walker
"There is, perhaps, no other topic more invocative of controversy and heated
debate among Sorcerers than the tale of a certain young pround Sorcerer,
known to the world at large as Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein." -
The Creature
by Ryan Roth
"Pianissimo: Disturbance generated through the performance of Songs is reduced by one for
every Force possessed by the performing angel corresponding the realm of the
song being performed." -
Attunements for Music
by Eric Bertish
"This is the basic Snoopy template: there are quite a
few of them, actually. Snoopae are made, not born:
new ones appear when an ethereal decides to trade a
dubious anonymous safety for a line into human belief
and the chance to strafe Servitors of Nightmares." -
The Royal Snoopae Flying Corps
by Moe Lane
"Is a
Word-bound even more in tune with its Superior's very
nature than an ordinary celestial? There is an
obvious temptation to answer 'yes' - but what does
that mean for a campaign? What are the consequences?" -
by Moe Lane
"Don't ever let Vapula watch sci-fi." -
Light Cycles
by Michael Cleveland
"Fear has a purpose. Without fear, there is no sense of danger.
Morael helped guide the instincts of early man, instilling the proper amount
of fear and respect for danger and teaching them to fear God." -
Proto-Superior: Morael, Angel of Fear
by Erich Arendall
""Welcome to the Corporeal. Your work with me will be important, if somewhat
- strange." -
Breziahel, Angel of Gang Enforcers
by James Walker
"As an
angel of Fire, Pazuzu punished the cruel. As a demon of
Death, she recaptured some of her former glory by killing
evil Humans. Even then, it was evident to everyone except
for Pazuzu and her Superior that she was quite mad. Which
probably explains why Saminga showed her such favor." -
Pazuzu, Shedite Princess of Plagues
by Michael Walton
"Things Remnants are good for... Lying to Seraphim (rare; Seraphim get
twitchy if they realize that their resonance should have worked),
concealing emotions from Elohim (ditto), confounding Malakim (ditto),
and bewildering Mercurians (ditto)." -
Fun With Remnants
by Beth McCoy
"So, between Hellsworn who some angel thinks can be turned, and the ones
you get just because killing them is tactically unsound, you need a place
to keep them." -
The Cells of Notre Dame
by Beth McCoy
"Before Furfur's rise to power, Lucile worked for Malphas, and she was not
happy. She'd fledged in service to Factions, learning how to turn humans
and demons against each other, and it was boring." -
Lucile, Habbalite of Hardcore
by Cthulhu
""Team six is in position, sir."" -
Temporal Displacement Device
by Michael Cleveland
"Vapula truly hates it when people tell him not to do something." -
Vapulan Time Travel
by Michael Cleveland
"Beleth has always had many Nightmarish Ethereals in her service.
Even more so since the Purity Crusade, when she offered asylum to
ethereals fleeing Uriel, and took the opportunity to "Convert"
most of them." -
The Bogeyman
by Rolland Therrien
"There are days when Jean really loves having people like Vapula around." -
Jeantech Time Travel
by Michael Cleveland
""I am War. The conduct of this campaign is mine. When the corpses are piled
high, you will be in control, and choose how to use to use them - barring
the one I am promised. Until then you will obey me - as you swore to do a
year ago. Or will you pit your strength against mine?"" -
Battle Plan
by James Walker
"Now, everyone here's read the bit about the Cells of Notre Dame, right?
How the Hellsworn imprisoned there have counselors who work on them, trying
to get them to permet their Infernal Force to be stripped? Well, sometimes
it happens." -
The Cells of Notre Dame, Part the Second
by Beth McCoy
"Partasah chuckled. "So another newly made Sister, trapped in Hell, so
desperate for a Vessel that she's thinking of offering herself to
Andrealphus as payment. Haven't you been warned, little one, of how he'll
bend your mind, and enslave you with your own passions?"" -
The First Day Is The Hardest: Nightmares
by James Walker
"Alfred Nobel has "known" that there were aliens living on Mars since he was
a small child. This quirk wasn't a problem, as this was still considered a
possibility at the time. Similarly, his desire to become an astronaut when
he grew up was quite acceptable, with people assuming that he'd grow out of
his belief that the reason to find aliens was to conquer them." -
The Pyramid of Mars
by James Walker
"Now, everyone knows that they're good protection from Kyrios and Shedim,
right? But does everyone know that they're good possessions of Kyriotates
and Shedim?" -
Force Catchers
by Beth McCoy
""The body is a temple" and few angels understand this
as well as Brya does. Unfortunately for Brya few
humans understand this concept as well." -
Brya, Seraph of Protection, Angel of Gesundheit
by Jim Burzelic
"Xinda loves to see Brya squirm, despite how much he's
impeded her over the last three centuries. The only
thing she would like more is to have him with her in
Hell." -
Xinda, Impudite of Death, Demon of Failing Health
by Jim Burzelic
"The Ascension of Kronos of Princehood annoyed a number of Princes. Saminga's
response was simple - if collecting information was enough to to make one a
Prince, then he would prove that Death was the ultimate storehouse of
knowledge! [Maniacal laugh]" -
The Hall of Heads
by James Walker
"He began life as the kind of joke Kobal liked the kind that poked fun at a powerful Demon Prince and a powerful Archangel both." -
A Matter of Judgment
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Something about a Heavenly plot involving using real estate to bankrupt
demons and kick them out on the streets (as easier prey for angels), that
the Archangel of the Sword was taking a personal hand in. And a cameo
appearance from Worf (see Star Trek)." -
No Insomnia Tonight...
by Beth McCoy
"If Yves has a book wherein the name of every being that comes into
existence is recorded, then it stands to reason -- Kronos' reason, at any
rate -- that the Archives should contain a book of the name of every being
ever soul-killed." -
The Book of Dead Souls
by William J. Keith
"Orc wants to make the Computer safe for humans' use as humanity wants to use it without Infernal influence." -
Orc, Archangel of the Computer
by Jeff Watkins
"Just about everyone can agree that Hell is simply not a nice place
to be." -
Trick-Or-Treat In Hell
by Cameron McCurry
"Exorcists: Sorcerers specialising in the Exorcism skill. Okay, some would
be. But all of them?" -
Mundane Uses of Exorcism
by James Walker
"Newly returned from a long stint on Earth, the Angel of Martyrs is once more acclimating to Heavenly society. For nearly a thousand years, he has walked the corporeal plane, assisting in the deaths of hundreds of martyrs. Now it is time for him to return to the graces of the Archangel of Faith." -
Servitors of the Fallen: Martin, Malakite of Faith, Angel of Martyrs
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Let's be clear: he's not a Prince. At eight Forces, the Demon of Corruption is weaker than the average angel, and certainly much weaker than the four Djinn of the Game who follow him everywhere." -
Servants of the Fallen: Ibnash, Impudite of Corruption, Demon of Corruption
by Manny Nepomuceno
"To operate in mortal society, celestials need to speak the local language.
Because of this, a change in the lingua franca can cause a huge shift in the
balance of power, as Celestials spend months learning a new language." -
The Language of the World
by James Walker
fighting was merciless, unending, and utterly
intolerant towards human survival on either side ...
but if there was one 'battle' that broke the Nazi war
machine, this was it. With that in mind, one would
think that David would have a Tether in Stalingrad.
One would be wrong." -
Stalingrad (Tethers to Stone)
by Moe Lane
"Contrary to popular belief, there is not a special
squad of Dominicans watching to see whether this Song
is used to acquire adult movies." -
More Songs of Convenience
by Moe Lane
"You are a stone cold IN fan if...
" -
Quick Test...
by Moe Lane
"On rare occasions, there are inventions that Vapula puts out that actually work as advertised. The whole point of Vapula's Great Work, after all, is to help mankind find God through Technology." -
PET Scanner
by Michael Cleveland
"Project Silence is a completely black operations program that deals with the unenviable task of rooting out 'Extradimensional Entities', or Celestials. No celestial is quite certain when they formed, but over the past sixty or so years there have been more than a few celestials that have found their way back to Heaven or Hell via the guns of this group." -
Project Silence
by Michael Cleveland
"Please sit down. This story may take a while but I will try not to bore you with the trivial details." -
by Cameron McCurry
"Can a resurgent Word resurrect a remnant? Pray it can't..." -
Patient Zero
by Fallen Seraph
"Incidentally, there is no truth to the rumor that Lilim with this Discord turn into valley girls." -
Clueless (Ethereal Discord)
by Manny Nepomuceno
"She served Andrealphus well and faithfully for millenia, playing the complex power games of the Beautiful Prince's court. As a favored Servitor, she earned her place in history under the names Salome and Delilah. But when the time came to ask Lucifer for her boon, she was cast down and disowned, her attunements and Distinctions stripped from her, until such time as the Lightbringer saw fit to dally with her again." -
Marou, Impudite Princess of Vanity
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Jean may micromanage, but he does know when to use a
light touch. He may not be personally all that good
at it, but he can see when it might be necessary." -
by Moe Lane
was a fairly simple notion: Essence is the ultimate
holdout weapon, so finding some way to drain it from
people would be useful, right? Especially when one
has to keep the holder alive and (futilely) kicking
for a while." -
by Moe Lane
"When a Celestial changes or leaves their Vessel, it stays unchanging: you
got it, the watch isn't ticking." -
Time and Vessels
by James Walker and Walter Milliken
"The Impudite smiled. "Thanks. Look, all I'm saying is that if one of us dies, that person has a chance to tell somebody about what's going on down here. Not like we can kill one another at the moment, but if somebody gets the chance..."" -
Project Silence: Captive
by Michael Cleveland
"The Song of Overlooking takes advantage of the normal
human tendency to ignore or selectively edit anything
that simply makes no coherent sense." -
The Song of Overlooking (Celestial)
by Moe Lane
"Azazel was not sure her seduction of Saminga would really win the Word
of Death for her, but she was willing to gamble, since at least she
would rid the universe of Saminga, whom Azazel hated for all the usual
reasons people hated Saminga." -
Azazel, Superior Spirit of Death
by Earl Wajenberg
"Editor's note: Mullerian mimicry describes how poisonous species evolve a
similar appearance, so that predators are warned off all of the poisonous
species; Batesian mimicry describes how non-poisonous species benefit by
copying poisonous species." -
Alien Race
by James Walker
"Punishment Rites were first developed by Dominic, not long after the Fall.
They are a variation on Worship Rites, used to discourage misuse of Rites
and attunements." -
Punishment Rites
by James Walker
"Abiressia is one of the oldest Lilim in existence. She
began as a Free because her wild spirit refused to accept
the yoke of a Prince. Abiressia paid off her Geasa to
Lilith (all but the last one that "Mother" insists on
keeping) as fast as she could manage. This was both the
start of her troubles and the key to the eventual gaining
of her Princedom." -
Abiressia, Lilim Princess of the Wild
by Michael Walton
"When they first heard about it, Novalis turned varying shades of
white, beige and green, Laurence was stunned into silence for several
minutes, Michael's jaw dropped in shock and Janus couldn't stop
laughing." -
A Slightly Different Idea...
by Cameron McCurry
"So your characters have done everything... They've gone to the Lower
Hells, they've been to the Far Marches at least a dozen times, they've
explored more places Man Was Not Meant To Know (And Celestials Probably
Shouldn't Be There Either) than you can recall." -
So You've Done Everything Else
by Beth McCoy
"If you're convinced that the South will rise again and convince others
that it well also, you might be a Redneck Balseraph." -
Redneck Demons
by Cameron McCurry
"Whether wrapped in mundane flesh or working in Heaven, Leilani's Servitors all have their eyes firmly fixed on the stars that are man's future. Their beliefs are a curious mishmash of science fiction, new age astrology, and sheer optimism, but this is more because of their Archangel's strange and varied nature than anything else." -
Leilani, Seraph Archangel of the Heavens
by Manny Nepomuceno
"The world is afflicted and I am its Cancer." -
Chora, Habbalite Prince of Affliction
by Terry Jackson
"Wregan is one of those demons who's been around an awfully long time; many old-time demons joke he was pooh-poohing Cassandra's prophetic cries in Troy (Wregan maintains he was actually questioning the logic of bringing a large wooden horse made by enemies into the gates)." -
Are you sure...?
by Mike Bruner
"The Giant's Causeway is one of Northern
Ireland's most popular tourist sites and one of the world's most unusual
geological sites." -
Belfast Giants
by Stephen McIlvenna
"They are all zombis, and they are engaged in the largest research project in
the history of the Symphony." -
The Eternal Searchers
by James Walker
"Cameron had spent the majority of his existence doing menial work in War's organization. He was passed over for promotion dozens of times, in favor of angels that didn't have their minds on 'flights of fancy', wondering if there was anything out there among the stars." -
by Michael Cleveland
"In fact, it is a
point of pride to Shemeriel that he has lost count of the demons that he
has Redeemed rather than the ones he has soul killed." -
Shemeriel, Malakite of Flowers, Master of Peace, Angel of Thorns
by Cameron McCurry
"And The LORD spoke, and Heaven shook with the sound of His Voice, and
angels could no longer manifest upon the Earth. Such was the Will of GOD." -
The Eden Ban
by Eric Bertish
"If the only way to reach the Corporeal Realm is via Tethers, then her formation of the first Infernal Tether ever makes her an extremely pivotal figure in the history of both Hell and the Universe. For that kind of service, you get the big payoff." -
A Heartless World
by Charles Glasgow
"Triad 314 is, on the books, the worst triad to ever see duty on the corporeal plane. Their files are filled with official reprimands, convictions for destruction of property, misappropriation of funds, consorting with the fallen, overindulgence in corporeal pleasures, and direct insubordination." -
Triad 314
by Michael Cleveland
"moes busy you see
the keyboard is free
and i know that he wont mind" -
archiel, kyriotate friend of beasts, angel of cockroaches
by Moe Lane
"In another life, Radcliffe would have been a Malakite, a dark-winged champion of honor. However, born as a child of Fear instead of Virtue, Radcliffe was a personal creation of Beleth and never got a chance to swear her Oaths or cleanse the world of its failings. Still, the Pachadite does the best she can with what she has been given." -
Radcliffe, Pachadite of Nightmares, Captain of Headhaunters, Demon of the Terror of Steam
by Jonathan Walton
"To begin with, do not use that name around Laurence or
Novalis." -
by Moe Lane
"A rarity among Servitors of Animals, Loache is quite comfortable within
human society, even if he does work solely to destroy it." -
Loache, Kyriotate of Animals
by Cthulhu
"This is the sport among Kyriotates: a new-fledged
Domination will play it constantly, in much the same
way that many human children grow up playing baseball
or soccer." -
Kyrio Tag
by Moe Lane
"Funny: it says 'Vaputech' on the crate, but it doesn't
really seem all that bad. It isn't even smoking." -
by Moe Lane
""Information wants to be Free... After all... Isn't Freedom what what you
started the Rebellion for?"" -
Mouse, Free Lilim Demon of Hackers
by Rolland Therrien
"And yet, some demon thinks that they know how to win and that they
will try to enter the next time the competition begins..." -
Ever wonder...? (An alternate take)
by Cameron McCurry
""Heaven cannot afford to allow the Hackers of Earth to go without a Divine patron for much longer."" -
Ambriel, Kyriotate Master of Divine Knowledge (Seraph), Angel of Hackers
by Perry Lloyd
"The first thing I remember is the sound. It was like a light breeze on a
warm day, a sound that tickled and teased my awareness but stayed just out
of reach." -
A New Soul In Heaven
by Vaughn Romero
"I entered Heaven in much the same way I had entered the world eighty-
five years before: naked, scared, and crying." -
A New Soul In Heaven, Part 2
by Vaughn Romero
"You can spend a long time in a library if you have a body that never
tires, never needs to eat or drink, and most importantly, never has to
be bathed." -
A New Soul In Heaven, Part 3
by Vaughn Romero
"Both Heaven and Hell have always worried that,
someday, some sort of unambiguous evidence would
appear that would reveal the War to the mass of
humanity. It's just that nobody ever expected that it
would be shrink-wrapped - or available in any computer
store with any pretensions towards coolness, for that
matter." -
Demon Hunt
by Moe Lane
"Laris beamed. "I told you this plan would work. There's nothing to it. Dominic can't possibly get upset with us this time." He frowned for a minute. "At least, I don't think he can."" -
Triad 314: Crescendo
by Michael Cleveland
"The Archangels and most of the older angels knew what was happening
and what it would mean. The rest only knew that something big was about to
be announced." -
The First Nowell
by Stephen McIlvenna
"Yes, there are Marxists Up There, and there will be as
long as the achievement of one's Destiny/Fate remains
even slightly independent of one's religious beliefs." -
Marxists In Heaven
by Moe Lane
"Oddly enough, the Archangel of Destiny is almost as
bad as Eli is when it comes to leaving Superior-level
relics lying around." -
Superior Relics: Yves
by Moe Lane
"Well, he did it. The Cuban Missile Crisis, the SALT talks, heck, the break
up of the Soviet Union all seemed to show that a Third World War just wasn't
going to happen.
And then... it did." -
Belial's Victory (?)
by Josh Moger
"Haagenti is the most miserable demon in Hell. Or at
least he thinks he is." -
by Jim Burzelic
"Many whisper that the Grigori were the first to find out." -
They Are Very Much Like Us
by Jonathan Walton
"Santa Claus is just getting far to strong; he knows when you're naughty or
nice; gives rewards for good behaviour; is known throughout the world." -
Finishing Off Santa
by James Walker
"I've had occasion to consider the idea that machines -- such as, say, computers -- which are used interactively by a great many people over a long period of time might inherit some sort of spirit or quintessence from their users." -
Souls of the Machines
by Jonathan McDermott
"Mrs. Claus is tired of burying her husband. So very,
very tired." -
Mrs. Claus
by Moe Lane
""I will not insult you by asking whether you're sure
about this."" -
by Moe Lane
"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus... And he kicks Demon @$$..." -
Nicholas, Malakite of Dreams (formerly the Sword, formerly Purity), Angel of Christmas
by Rolland Therrien
"Yeah, an arelim, an angel! I figured that you were there with the other
angels singing, 'Glory to God in the highest.'" -
Trimming The Tree
by Erich Arendall
"These iridescent blue stones seem to catch the light in
just the right way, reflecting a beautiful azure
color. For the people who wear them, though, they
already caught much more than that." -
Dream Stones
by Josh Moger
"He had winced as the champagne bottle had smashed against the side of the
ship; wished that someone else had been assigned this mission." -
A Long, Lonely Mission
by James Walker
"In a day when where political correctness rules and the best way to end a
disagreement is by agreeing the Arelim stick out like a sore thumb." -
Arelim: the Valiant
by Erich Arendall
"You'll never find them in any book, and you'll probably never even see anything that even remotely points to their existence." -
The Whispers
by Michael Cleveland
"It began in my campaign with the combination of an audacious plan on Vapula's part (using damned souls in a half-hearted attempt to create some form of ambulatory life form for wandering the physical realm), an even more audacious plan on the part of an NPC (Joab, Malakite of Eli, Angel of Creative Mayhem), and the plain old chutzpah of one player's dice, who love rolling sixes." -
Adventure Seed: Power For The Taking
by David Wood
""Shiver me timbers!" roared L.J. as I approached, "You're
a sight for sore eyes, Chen! Rest yer bones and join us in
a pint."" -
Ethereal Discord: Accent
by Michael Walton
"Deep in his underground bunker, he could feel the rumbling of the explosions
caused by the American bombing right into his bones. Oh, how he cursed the
Americans and their high-tech weapons of doom." -
A Disturbing Idea
by Rolland Therrien
"Of all of the Almighty's titles, "God of gods" causes Heaven the most
problems." -
Temple to the God of Gods
by James Walker
"Why is the star so important? GM's call, really." -
The Star
by Manny Nepomuceno
"The small New England town of Washbyrne has seen it all. Fires, floods, lightningstrikes, plagues of frogs, plagues of grasshoppers, an air disaster or two, and even threats from some nebulous sea-borne horror from the waters of the nearby Atlantic (and did the Seraphim of Jordi have a time explaining that one away)." -
Damned Washbyrne
by David Wood
"But some say that a man's destiny may change even as he changes, and that
those who suffer in Hell may yet escape it." -
A Selfless Act
by Genevieve Cogman
"Yes, you read correctly. One of Heaven's best shooters is a Servitor of Novalis. The cognitive dissonance this causes usually settles down after a few hours." -
Laharoi, Elohite of Flowers, Angel of Snipers
by Cameron McCurry
"And I wait still. I have not yet earned my place in Heaven." -
Micah Tanhumeth, Malakite Master of Destiny, Angel of Innocent Blood
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Don't bother with looking for him on the official
registry of Catholic saints: the Church anathematized
his teachings more than a millennium ago. They
excommunicated him, too - several times, actually -
but it had no effect on the blessed soul, Matthew
16:19 notwithstanding." -
The Order of St. Origen
by Moe Lane
"A younger man, who had been standing quietly by the wall, now spoke up:
"There is precedent. It is worth remembering that Abraham swore a legal
contract with God... if a contract can be made with God, then damages can be
demanded from his servants."" -
An Overdue Court Action
by James Walker
"Just as relationships are living things that must be maintained, so too are
roles, for they are in many ways a celestial's relationship with human
society." -
Role Maintenance and Destruction
by Eric Bertish
"Really. What kind of sick, twisted mind comes up
with this stuff?" -
Yaasriel, Seraph Friend of the Quest, Angel of Tabloid Newspapers
by Moe Lane
"Demons have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Roles. This is a strong
point, especially when one remembers the War got started because the Demons
believed they deserved the earth more then Humanity, and that Demons resent
and hate Humanity because of this." -
Demons and their Roles
by Rolland Therrien
"This attunement allows the Trader to buy the performance of a Song or
Attunement." -
Mail Order (Trade Attunement)
by James Walker
"In what is set to become a landmark legal battle of apocalyptic proportions,
the Devil today filed a
lawsuit against the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its owner on behalf
himself and the Legions of Hell, Inc., claiming that he and his underlings
have been mistreated by
the members of the WCC and by their employer, the entity frequently known as
God, Jesus, Yves, the
Holy Ghost, Miguel Jimenez of Texas, and other entities." -
Late=Breaking News Report
by CS Honeyman
"The traditional problem regarding rich people, Heaven,
a camel and the eye of a needle is even worse when the
rich person in question happens to be a
fairly-absolute ruler in life who had to do quite a
few unpleasant things for the greater good." -
Elizabeth, Blessed Soul
by Moe Lane
"Each Cathedral in Heaven has its own Regional Olympic Committee
(ROC) that oversees the celestial athletes representing the Cathedral. The
hosting ROC is also responsible for providing an Olympic Village for the
athletes to live in during the games." -
Celestial Olympics
by Vaughn Romero
"Humans are broken. It has been noted many times that each individual is, on some level, a reflection of Heaven, with all its conflicting agendas and personalities. Most angels (and Archangels) overlook this, or quickly forget it, busying themselves with the concerns of the War." -
Angels of Fear
by Manny Nepomuceno
"It's just that nobody will be quite ready to believe that comic books can be a legitimate route to apotheosis...
" -
by Moe Lane
"On occasion, a Superior encased in mortal flesh can find himself beset by foes of enough strength to shed blood before they can be dealt with." -
Superior Blood, Part 1
by Manny Nepomuceno
"The Habbalite Prince announces his hatred of Destroyers to anyone who will listen to him. Put in terms of an analogy, "Vapula : Calabim :: Maurice : Belial"." -
by Jonathan Walton
"The world is a flawed reflection of God. He, in turn, has charged us with the great purpose of studying Creation and then improving upon it, until it attains true perfection and divinity. As we were made in the image of God, so must we remake the world in our own." -
Superior Victory: Vapula (Steampunk)
by Jonathan Walton
"So much fuss over such a simple biological function that barely qualifies as a tertiary manipulation technique for the average Hetaera. Admittedly, said
function is considered to have a somewhat greater significance on the corporeal plane, but that is no excuse for imprecise judgement." -
by Moe Lane
"The Seraph slowly turned her head to face the Ofanite that was in the driver's seat. "Well, I don't think we should be in any trouble on this one, Laris. I mean, we were approached to defend another member of the Host from another Servitor of Judgment. Technically we probably didn't have to do it, but I don't see there having been a problem with our actions."" -
Triad 314: Vendettas
by Michael Cleveland
"It's a fact - an incontrovertible fact - that one of
every ten damned souls that arrive in Hell is
immediately claimed by silent servants of Lucifer and
whisked away to the Lower Hells." -
The Decimated
by Moe Lane
"Once upon a time there was a Cherub, bright and happy
and in love. It was a good time to be in love - in
those bright days when the entire world was new, it
was the best time of all to be in love. You could
love without pain, back then." -
Janet, Cherub Vassal of Stone, Angel of Broken Hearts
by Moe Lane
"Considering the number of mutually contradictory
stories surrounding Reitvip, others are surprised that
the demon is not a Balseraph. Assuming, of course,
that he secretly isn't one - or else a Habbalite, or
perhaps a shell for Alaemon himself (or some other
Prince, or maybe even someone from the Other Side)..." -
Reivtip, Impudite Baron of the Vault, Demon of Conspiracy Theories
by Moe Lane
"The dichotomy between what Habbalah think that they
are doing, and what they actually are doing is rarely
in starker contrast than in Tahariel's case." -
Tahariel, Habbalite of Lust, Demon of Sublimation
by Moe Lane
"Do you really want to know what is capable of scaring
a Gamester?
The answer to that question is 'no', by the way: you
really, really don't want to know." -
Mr. Alpu and Mr. Beytu, Calabim of the Game
by Moe Lane
"The species is currently crammed squarely on whatever
metaphorical line it is that separates human beings
from other animals." -
by Moe Lane
"Just when you think all of Saminga's Servitors are tasteless brutes
who don't do much besides finding creative ways to kill people, hang
around in goth-like surroundings and buddy with the Undead, you
find one who's actually got taste... Even if he still is a brute
who likes to kill, plays the Goth scene and buddies with the Undead." -
Byrus, Impudite Baron of the Undead Kingdom, Demon of Vampires
by Rolland Therrien
"Picking out Rofocale in a crowd is actually fairly
easy: simply think of all your favorite stereotypes of
Baal's troops... and look for the exact opposite." -
Rofocale, Balseraph of the War
by Moe Lane
"Well, actually, Agnellus didn't precisely expect to
actually get this particular Word. It was sort of a
joke, you see?" -
Agnellus, Kyriotate Vassal of War, Angel of Sock Puppets
by Moe Lane
only problem is, the Kyriotate often finds itself
forced to kick the crap out of those who were blocking
its host (via either mental or physical torment) to
begin with.
Well, that's fun too." -
Edward, Kyriotate Friend of the Divine Spark, Angel of the Subconscious
by Moe Lane
"How much can a single demon do? Six? A dozen? What does an
(almost) utterly selfless being do when trapped in Hell, surrounded by
misery and cut loose to do whatever they wish?" -
The Helpless
by William J. Keith
"This minor Choir of Dominic's exemplifies the human
cliche about not Judging a man until you have walked a
mile in his shoes." -
Minor Choir of Judgment: The Ishim
by Moe Lane
"These Attunements are intended to be used in a game set either pre-Fall or
at least somewhat before Gabriel's self-imposed exile from Heaven and
concomitant descent into apparent madness." -
Archaic Fire Attunements
by William J. Keith
"People often wonder: why a Mercurian? Surely an Elohite makes more sense.
Or, if they think about it for a bit more, a Seraph. After all,
mathematics is about eternal truths." -
Proto-Superior: Numeros, the Angel of Mathematics
by William J. Keith
"Even in Sheol, there must be a place that is hotter
than anywhere else. Most assume that this place would
be Belial's throne room: a natural assumption, but
quite wrong. After all, the Prince of Infernal Fire
must entertain others from time to time, and his peers
complain so when their envoys spontaneously combust
before they can quite finish delivering the messages
entrusted to them. No, the throne room of Belial is
merely incandescently hot." -
Hamon, Calabite Baroness of the Demonic Brazier
by Moe Lane
"Silas was Wordbound before the Fall; it is extremely unlikely that
such a Word would ever have been granted, especially to an Ofanite,
afterwards." -
Silas, Ofanite of Creation, Angel of the (Musical) Rest
by William J. Keith
"Ertrael isn't an idiot. He may be at the bottom of
the organization of a minor Prince of a revolving door
Word, but he's not an idiot." -
Ertrael, Balseraph of Drugs
by Moe Lane
"Innocence used to say (back when it worked for Nybbas)
that it didn't consider itself to be bad, per se: just
committed to giving humans what they really wanted." -
Innocence, Shedite Captain of the Mosh Pit
by Moe Lane
"It's not every day that one sees a Servitor of
Gluttony with an Attunement from Lust, but Javan
happened to be at the right place at the right time to
make one of Andrealphus' little shindigs a night to
remember." -
Javan, Impudite Captain of Cannibals, Demon of Grease
by Moe Lane
"The Demon of Mimes has to be a Djinn, you understand.
All the other Bands care too much about their own
skins." -
Loquel, Djinn Baron of Derision, Demon of Mimes
by Moe Lane
"The tale as it is told in Hell: he arrived on Earth one day, an unaligned Djinn, heavily Discordant, yet his eyes burned with the fire of a billion stars." -
Gendu, Demon Prince of the Stars
by Manny Nepomuceno
"In his more lucid moments, Nelson damns himself for a
fool for going into the Archives in the first place.
He should have just left the stupid Impudite of Fate
be - but, no, he had to go bother the twerp on his own
turf." -
Nelson, Calabite Knight of Derision, Demon of Wedgies
by Moe Lane
"Hey, if it was okay for St. Brigit to get petitioned this morning..." -
A Petition
by Moe Lane
"GMs are encouraged to smile nastily." -
New Discord: Bad Luck
by Josh Moger
"The angel held the wrapping in his hands, peering at
it as if there was some message hidden in the linen
folds. There was not: only mystery. Something about
it, though, caused him to put the cloth gently back
down upon the rough stone slab." -
by Moe Lane
"Zedekiah was fledged over 700 years ago... as Aranthaxus, a Balseraph of the
Game. He had a successful if not overwhelmingly distinguished career in
Asmodeus' service, rigorously hunting down and targeting his fellow demons
for execution." -
Zedekiah, Seraph of Judgment
by Charles Glasgow
"Oh, you picked up on that, huh? Okay, so maybe I didn't tell you everything. Maybe I left out a few tiny details --" -
Consider The Word
by Matthew Gerber
"Jer -- until recently Jeremiel, Ofanite of Trade -- couldn't help looking
around nervously as he followed his "guide". He hadn't really been sure what
Hell would be like... I mean, everyone hears things, but how can you know what
to trust?... but he certainly hadn't anticipated seeing so much of it, so
quickly." -
Break Moe's Brain: The Demon Prince of Kzhrrgh
by Matt Walsh
"The existence and job description of Quoriel
highlights Hell's perennial problem: to wit, that its
most powerful denizens have a real difficulty with
cooperation, even when it's in everyone's best
" -
Quoriel, Lilim of Fate
by Moe Lane
"Every demon knows that it can ask a boon of Lucifer. Unfortunately, not
every demon knows when it isn't a good idea when not to ask for it." -
Break Moe's Brain: Kinked, Impudite of Dark Humor, Demon of Hurting Moe's Brain
by Prodigal
"Vapula does not believe in chance." -
Break Moe's Brain: Fade Away
by Merior
"Just let me explain this a bit before you tell me that I'm crazy. If
afterwards you still think it is ridiculous... Well, then it's your
choice. I'll leave you alone afterwards if you want?" -
Break Moe's Brain: Outside, Waiting To Come In
by Merior
""Hostility doesn't keep me fed. I want an alliance."" -
The Conversation
by Steven Ehrbar
"Ancient and inscrutable, Belial stands as a monument to the faith of Heaven in its ultimate victory against Hell. In the days of the Fall, when the Lightbringer brought many of his fellow angels to temptation, Belial alone stood untested against the seduction of the Darkness and thus faced his former comrades and master. With the help of Uriel, Archangel of Purity, he defeated Gabriel and was raised to Archangel by a grateful Seraphim Council." -
Break Moe's Brain: Belial, Archangel of the Flame
by Manny Nepomuceno
"It all started when Belial and Saminga started talking about the Good Old
Days: Human sacrifice, murder cults, burning alive at the stake." -
Break Moe's Brain: Undead Sun
by Casca
"What can be said? There is not and never was a Word quite like Corruption." -
Break Moe's Brain: Once More, With Feeling
by Jonathan Walton
"Tuning the instruments of Hell to something more suited for the
Symphony has proven to be difficult but rewarding work. I now offer
general descriptions of the problems involved in tuning each Band, plus
helpful suggestions for each one." -
A Guide to Tuning Symphonic Instruments
by Cameron McCurry
"This corporeal discord is usually seen in only three specific classes of
celestials: Servitors of Lightning and Technology, and the odd Calabite." -
Discord: EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)
by Josh Moger
"The most obvious question that has been asked time and again (and
out of the earshot of Superiors) is: "Why an Impudite?"" -
Galsiph, Impudite Captain of Integrity, Demon of False Witness
by Cameron McCurry
"With the rise of the Demon of False Witness, the most frequently
asked question amongst Dominic's angels ran along the lines of "Why has
he not been converted to a Force smear on the pavement?"" -
Triad 2016
by Cameron McCurry
"Did you ever look up to watch the clouds?" -
by Moe Lane
"Veischax used to agree that Hell is other people.
"Other people" being defined as "minions of Magog
trapped in a prison with only each other and the
Prince of Cruelty to keep each other company", of
course." -
Veischax, Calabite Captain of Sadists
by Moe Lane
"Paradoxically, it's the little irritations that can
seem the most, well, irritating. After all, there's
often very little you can do about the environment,
nuclear proliferation, taxes or the local crop of
Idiots in Charge - but you can do something about
people who say the Dread Words." -
Winifred, Balseraph Knight of Deception, Demon of Humble Opinions
by Moe Lane
"Frankly, Pei-Pei is envied quite a bit by his
colleagues: even in an organization like the Media
there has to be some demons with stable positions on
the greasy pole of rank, and the Shedite is one of
them. Pei-Pei has a specific set of tasks, and it
sticks to them like spirit gum." -
Pei-Pei, Shedite of the Media, Demon of Hairpieces
by Moe Lane
"Mark Douglas is a sculptor in, if you'll pardon the description,
the heroic mold." -
A Gentle Touch
by William J. Keith
"Confufixor is a recent addition to the ranks of the Conspiracy,
but he represents a major coup for the Prince of Secrets." -
Confufixor, Shedite Baron of the Vault, Demon of Corporate Scandals
by Charles E. Smith
"The World is closer than you think." -
Celeste, Kyriotate Archangel of the Aether
by Eric Bertish
"If a demon has worked his way up from being a demonling, he
likely has a history several centuries old. " -
20 Questions For Ex-Demonlings
by James Walker
"Demons underestimate Mercurians. Y'see, even though they know that
Mercurians are allowed to be violent towards demons, the fact is most
Mercurians never learn enough combat skill to be a threat." -
Helam, Mercurian Friend of the Lord's Troops
by Phillip DesJardins
"A few questions to help you flesh out the back stories of your angels." -
20 Questions For Ex-Relievers
by James Walker
"The laptop which houses a Vapulan Shedite is actually a fairly
solid device. Unless you know Helltongue, it's completely impossible to
program it directly, but it otherwise can run most commercially-available
programs, has an efficient 'Net connection, and has a celestially infinite
power life." -
by William J. Keith
"Humans die. Not a problem in and of itself: on the contrary, many
Celestials consider it a good thing. But as any human can bond themselves to
an artifact, and the Symphonically Aware can make artifacts, this does
result in artifacts scattered around the Corporeal Plane, far from the
humans who owned them.
Both Heaven and Hell take advantage of this." -
Two Groups - Trade and Greed
by James Walker
"The Cathedral of Light resounded with song. Secure as Archangel of Light,
Lucifer sat back, listening to the music with pleasure. He had so much to do
- there was always so much to do - but it was the anniversary of Timbul -
the lighting of the first star." -
Before The Fall?
by James Walker
"The thought struck me - most dreamshades serving the pagan gods would have
Infernal Rites." -
In Hell's Pay
by James Walker
""It's midnight, who's gonna hear us? A church doesn't have
security guards!"
"Don't know much about monks and their schedules, do you?"" -
The Lanceolate Leaf
by William J. Keith
"This otherwise simple artifact is somewhat unique in several ways
related to humans." -
The Hymnal
by William J. Keith
"You didn't think that Kobal would let Kronos keep something with so much
potential, did you?" -
Sorcerers of Dark Humor
by James Walker
"You really think they could dream us up? Oh, I know you can't lie,
Six-Eyes. I just have a hard time believing it." -
by Earl Wajenberg
"I was looking at the Malakite of Janus attunement and to be honest I found it a bit lacking." -
New Malakite of the Wind Attunement
by Phillip DesJardins
"Zombies (note the variant spelling) are an interesting
example of what happens when you take a notion to its
logical conclusion." -
by Moe Lane
"Aretas is a typical servant of Flowers, and thus an atypical Malakite.
However, he is able to fight the War, and peacefully so. His strategy is simple. He takes ‘Evil’ words, and makes them ‘nice’." -
Aretas, Malakite Master of Peace, Angel of Euphemism
by vez o'rama
"It is rumored that she once used this Song to give Andrealphus a piece of
her mind after he went a bit too far with one of her angels. There is
absolutely no evidence whatsoever that His Princelyness spent the next
three days not having any kind of sex, and being very ashamed and
appologising a lot about his...uhm..yeah..well.. *blush* As I said: No
evidence. Whatsoever." -
The Song of Scolding
by Unni Solaas
"Even among allies, misunderstandings happen. So when a Creationer who
doesn't quite understand how Novalis interprets her Word joins Flowers, he
might just create something like this..." -
The Venus Demon(ling) Trap
by James Walker
"The Songs of Blooming give a character control over
plants." -
The Songs of Blooming
by Michael Walton
Habbalite who knew that he was a demon... who realised that he could become
an angel... he redoubled his speed, grateful that he was no longer being
slowed by the Emptiness backlash." -
An Ancient Attuning
by James Walker
"Laurence's hostility to Novalis has some interesting effects for humans
serving Flowers, given that they report to both Superiors." -
Soldiers or Gardeners?
by James Walker
"Hanging up, the chuckling Djinn looked around the apartment. It looked nice.
Very nice. He'd been careful not to disrupt that. Anything out of the
ordinary would have spoilt the effect." -
A Lanceolate Sequel
by James Walker
"She signaled, and Bob whipped out his notebook. Very useful, Bob was." -
Another Lanceolate Sequel
by William J. Keith
""You have to admit, it's an odd request."
" -
by Moe Lane
"It looks like a simple hip flask, but made of spun aluminum and with an
interior coating of ceramic, as if a lab used it to transport reactive
substances. It does." -
Jean's Flask
by Eric Bertish
"And what does it do? It's a shield. An unbreakable
shield. That's what the ideal shield would be, no? (Well, skip notions of
ablation or whatnot - in most combat, you want something permanently
sturdy.)" -
Artifact: Large Shield
by William J. Keith
"Inspired by a conversation I had with my girlfriend last night, wherein I
realized that Janus does not have any extra Servitor attunements, even
non-canonical ones." -
Two Wind Attunements
by Eric Bertish
"They all wonder why I supported the little goblin in cementing his claim
to princehood. Some of them even manage not to get it completely wrong." -
Kobal On Haagenti
by Prodigal
"The Cage is a rather simple looking device to the untrained eye. It stands about 6 feet by 6 feet and is formed of solid steel, with a catch on the bottom that enables the device to swing outward and scoop something in, then slam shut about them. There is a one foot by one foot window of transparent black glass set in the top of the Cage for observation." -
The Cage
by Charles E. Smith
"Kobal is responsible for this one. At least originally. Then Michael got
a hold of it and, well, let's just say that the things started becoming
popular." -
The Wand of Many Bodies
by Ryan Roth
"They wanted to form a martial order, fiercely loyal to
Hell, that would hunt agents of Heaven that had grown too powerful in
one area. Rather than working at separate goals, this order would work
together to achieve victory." -
The Hyacinth Brotherhood
by Cameron McCurry
"The two women walked quietly through the empty warehouse, looking
around nervously at the video cameras that tracked their movements and
the old tv that sat in the middle of the concrete floor." -
by Michael Cleveland
"It's always dangerous to back an Engineer into a corner; you just don't know what
he'll come up with." -
Desperate Measures
by Eric Hallstrom
"Sharon had been watching the pair sitting at the table for three hours,
trying to work up the courage to ask them to leave. So far they'd only
ordered one cup of coffee between them, and that had been sitting in the
woman's hands, untouched, since it arrived." -
A Meeting
by Cthulhu
""I am always at your service, my Lord." The demon indictated
the book in front of him. "Please, why don't you keep that
as a memento of the occassion - I doubt Henry will need it
anymore."" -
A Matter of Faith
by Ryan Roth
"From one of the chairs at the table, a thin black woman shook her head in the negative. "You're crazy, Most Holy."" -
Seeker Triad 1341
by Michael Cleveland
"He could become one of Haagenti's most powerful servitors, in an astronomical bid for power that rivals that of his own master. Not that his Word is enough to warrant a Princehood in the Infernal Lowerarchy, but to get a Word so early, that so supports the master's own Word, is an outstanding achievement." -
Jekkijek, Potential Demon of Little Chocolate Donuts
by David Wood
"Within a number of yards equal to the level of the
Discord, everyone but the Celestial gains a level of
Anger equal to the level of Scapegoat, directed at the
afflicted Celestial." -
Several New Discords
by W S
"The workings of Hell are insidious. Often the damage Hell's minions do
comes from crafty words spoken into the right ears, rather than direct
attacks." -
The Holy Earplugs Of Ignorance
by Ryan Roth
"Blockers - there are lots of different types - use a
variant of the Ethereal Song of Shields to protect
their owners from the effects of a specific Attunement
or resonance (chosen when the artifact is created)." -
by Moe Lane
"In my heresy game idea, every being has a Destiny and a Fate - even God -
and just like every other being, God's Destiny or Fate will be the result of
choices." -
Sympathy For The Devil
by Vaughn Romero
have the Symphony lash back on the offending celestial. For every 10
points of disturbance, the noisy celestial gets a -1 to any and all
rolls for the next hour... and it's cumulative, dissipating at 1 level
per hour." -
by Michael Nutt
"It all depends on your point of view, really." -
by Moe Lane
"Note that there is no mention of the number of
In-between demons with these Attunements. That's
because the appearance of the first one will be all
the excuse that Dominic needs..." -
Angelic Band Creation Attunements
by Moe Lane
"This particularly odd Discord usually manifests itself
among those who have been subjected to some sort of
oddity in the space-time continuum, but has been known
to occur in those who have somehow managed to combine
the smashing of one's Heart and an Intervention.
Either kind." -
Discord: Phazed Out (Celestial)
by Moe Lane
"The Erelim are charged with nurturing and healing. As
their secondary Choir name suggests, they are expert in
dealing with plants." -
Erelim: The Gardeners
by Michael Walton
"Shiloh had to think for a long, long moment, then she smiled. "I
know! Let's try Saminga. He's really stupid, so if we could smarten him
up, I'm sure he'd join us!"" -
The Next Plan
by Charles E. Smith
"Having a garden is a wonderful thing, really - but where would you be if you
never brought in the fruits of your labors?" -
Carmelim: The Harvesters
by WonderGecko
"Created by, of all things, a dissonant Elohite of Eli who
was finding himself far too often involved in physical combat
with Demons, and was incredibly averse to actually soul-killing
where he could help it, the Limbo Stick appears to be a Golden
Sparkling Baseball Bat with Red Grip Tape." -
The Limbo Stick Rev. 2
by Kamika-Z
"It was... intended to
be the first of a line of Vapulan implants for In Nomine, exploring notions
of selfhood, the expression and loss thereof, and The Machine..." -
Vaputech Implants
by William J. Keith
"Warning: Thoughts herein may be disturbing or upsetting to others. I recognize this is a sensitive subject to this day, and I try to handle such things with the most respect possible." -
To Die Free: The Warsaw Ghetto Tether
by Matthew Webb
"These living artifacts have a long and infamous
history: they are the basis for the legends of evil
magicians' diabolical, malevolent grimoires with an
unholy life of their own." -
by Moe Lane
"Jean is perfectly willing to acknowledge that, in this
one case at least, his opposite number has a definite
point." -
Calabite of Lightning
by Moe Lane
"Saminga may not be the smartest Superior out there,
but he's a dedicated researcher, in his way." -
Vampire Ivy
by Moe Lane
"He's still more of a front-line combatant, although this status is
modified by the fact that Phinehas is typically assigned to charges that
need serious protection, preferably on the quiet. (NOTE: GURPS statistics only.)" -
Phinehas, Cherub Vassal of War, Angel of "Bring It On!" (GURPS)
by William J. Keith
"These relics take the form of a chain-link necklace of some silvery metal, with a complicated (though tiny) clasp and a small charm." -
Vitanda Necklace
by S.D. Ryukage
"It's just that most people get uncomfortable when they
find out that certain members of the Host have Roles
as serial killers." -
by Moe Lane
"Media doesn’t like to talk about it, but there’s a
little problem with imposing your Will on the market:
actually, you can’t, quite." -
by Moe Lane
"It all started with a webcomic." -
by I. Inayat
"When you're the Prince of the Media, you quickly learn
to distinguish between various types of applause." -
by Moe Lane
"At first glance, the Demon Hunter's License appears to be nothing more than a flat laminated piece of cardboard on which the hunter's name and contact information are printed -- although a number of these licenses have also been made up to look like official ID cards, and a few of them are also working ATM or credit cards. Hidden beneath the plastic laminate, however, is a single glyph in Angelic, visible only to celestials and high-Perception mortals: the mark of the demon hunter." -
Demon Hunting 1: The License
by Manny Nepomuceno
"These "packs", as they have come to be known, are rarely formal affiliations (with a few exceptions) but are fairly common among the lesser-known demon hunters serving Heaven." -
Demon Hunting II: Demon Hunters
by Manny Nepomuceno
"In an effort to entice and keep hunters in the program, the Archangel of Trade proposed a yearly convention, similar in nature to the 8th Virtue of the Malakim." -
Demon Hunting III: The Convention
by Manny Nepomuceno
"So, you've got a group of players who rival the Knights of the Dinner Table (tm) for their love of hack&slay -- they want a campaign, you want something that won't bore you to tears. They want interventionist gods, you want a pantheon that's at least a little different than the last fifty kill-the-orc games you've run for your bloodthirsty little crowd. (Or maybe you all want a change of pace from heavy roleplaying, with a touch of humor...)" -
Ready-Made Gods
by Beth McCoy
"Rumour is everything in The Media, so when young hotshots started hearing
that The Boss wanted to muscle in on The Marches, they got cracking." -
A Song For Nybbas
by James Walker
"It's sometimes wondered: what went
through the minds of those first broken Elohim when they saw that they had
become something new, to be called demons?
" -
Joktan, Promotor Fidei, Habbalite of the Game
by William J. Keith
"Oh, like this is a surprise, or something." -
Patton, Saint of War
by Moe Lane
"The Ruiners are a group of Christopher's angels that are dedicated to taking
out Hellsworn and demons in a very unconventional manner." -
The Ruiners
by Cameron McCurry
"As has been mentioned elsewhere, there are lots of
weird things hanging out in the NYC sewer system.
Libertarian Sewer Flukes (LSFs) aren't even remotely
the weirdest - although they are hardly prosaic
denizens of the City That Never Sleeps. Of course,
it's hard to be prosaic when you look and smell like a
flattened halibut. There's a lesson there." -
Libertarian Sewer Flukes
by Moe Lane
"Deuteronomy is a very harried angel, these days." -
Deuteronomy, Seraph of Judgment IST The Sword, Angel of Canon
by Charles E. Smith
""Jaymiel, it was a movie."
"So? I like the idea."" -
Movie Night
by Jaymiel
"As Corporeal Addictions go, this one is actually
pretty mild: the sufferer simply has an unbreakable
and uncontrollable urge to regularly go out and
purchase various types of dice." -
Addiction: Dice
by Moe Lane
"Two Cherubim of the Sword stood guard duty inside the main hall of Notre
Dame Cathedral in Paris. They were dressed in the uniforms of caretakers,
which was appropriate enough." -
Notre Dame de Paris
by Stephen McIlvenna
"Each Quarter of Blandine's March responds to two choirs of angels..." -
Quarters of the Marches
by James Walker
"The two items ... are devices that can be made in a wholly mundane
fashion, but interact with the War on a non-mundane level. This is
something of a difficult business -- the trick is to find an observable
quantity which can be traced to a datum of interest about celestials." -
War-Oriented Mundane Devices
by William J. Keith
"The following constitutes a suggested set of translations, conversions, and
point values for the new game concepts presented in the Ethereal Player's
Guide, for the use of GURPS: In Nomine players. This is not a full-text
conversion -- the translations assume the reader owns the Guide." -
GURPS Conversion for the Ethereal Player's Guide
by William J. Keith
"Light. That was the first thing I saw." -
Natalie I - Natalie's Arrival
by Charles E. Smith
"Created by a little-known alchemical procedure, these rounds can be used to affect extra-dimensional (Celestial) targets, even when they have crossed to another plane." -
Project Silence: E.D.O.
by Michael Cleveland
"Originally thought to be nothing more than a rather poorly
named joke, this particular Song was discovered by an
intensely eccentric Ofanite of Eli with a history of service
that made almost no sense, on examination." -
The Songs of WTF
by Kamika-Z
"With a sudden hit of inspiration, Jon planted a small
explosive in the Prince of Gluttony's t-bone steak.
The little thing exploded as Haagenti bit into the
steak. It was strong enough to knock one of his teeth
out, destroy half the restuarant and make Kobal
really happy with the guy." -
Jon, Demon Prince of Exploding Animals
by Kanako Otaku
"It is said Jordi created this attunement in celebration of the diversity
of the world's ecological sphere, long before the human problem began to
grate its nerves. It makes use of the fact that Jordi's angels, on
average, tend to have more vessels than other angels." -
Animals Attunement: Cross-Evolution
by Ryan Roth
"Whispering a prayer to my Lord and Savior, I lifted myself up into the
spirit. The Destroyer grinned, thinking a Mercurian of Flowers an easy kill,
and took Celestial form as well. Perhaps he thought me an after-dinner mint
following the slaughter of my teammates. His thinking changed quickly enough
as I shifted my Corporeal Forces into Celestial and proceeded to, as they
say, "Kick his ass to the curb."" -
The Halo
by Eric Bertish
"Angels and demons were never meant to involve themselves with humanity so much." -
Adventure Seed: Wounded Earth
by Sirea Theyal
"Dominique sat at her desk, wrapped in her black cloak, studying the report
one of her Servitors had submitted. Were it anyone else, a frown of
concentration would probably be visible, but not on her. " -
Sympathy for the Dominique
by Samovar
"It's odd to say this about any item of Vaputech, but
the Lepid Gun is honestly a work both of art and of
craftsmanship - even if it was made by the Baroque
Weapons Division (motto: "For all your Evil Mastermind
needs")." -
Lepid Gun
by Moe Lane
"Have I ever mentioned that Sparky shotguns Maalox?" -
The Chicken Heart That Ate The World
by Moe Lane
"(Steven Marsh thought it was too specialized for Pyramid, so here it is on the INC! No, it's not canon.)" -
In Nomine Sorcery For GURPS
by Beth McCoy
"Got its start in the Sunday game where Casca mimed snorting a line of Ineffability. Out came the notebook: it sort of got really, really expanded from there (not to mention 'mutated')." -
New Drugs
by Moe Lane
"The world is full of wants and needs that control it. Is that really such a bad thing?" -
Novalis, Djinn Princess of Lust
by Richard Drysdale
"The world is fuel, and must be consumed by the flames. So that not
but Ash remain in Lucifer's name" -
Belial, Calabite Prince of Fire (Alternate)
by Rolland Therrien
"Love may not make the world go around, but it does bring joy to those in it." -
Andrealphus, Malakite Archangel of Love
by Cameron McCurry
"... in the Tom Lehrer sense (i.e., "Every now and then I play a wrong note")." -
Modal (Celestial Discord)
by Moe Lane
"The songs of Measurement tie some perceptions of the Symphony down to
numbers, or at least concepts." -
The Songs of Measurement
by John Dallman
"These are not Songs popular with Death. They enable their singer to find
out who a corpse used to be, and what became of them." -
The Songs of the Corpse
by John Dallman
"The history of this artifact can be traced back to approximately the
1940s. There are several variations on the story of its creation but
they all have a common point: Eli and Dominic had a bit too much to
drink and they began to brainstorm on unusual ideas." -
The Trout of Truth
by Cameron McCurry
""Why do we have wings?" asked the little angel.
"Because we are angels."" -
Why do we have wings?
by Elizabeth McCoy
"The world is in transition, moving from what it was to what it will be." -
Azrael, Ofanite Archangel of Passage
by Manny Nepomuceno
""So, what are we going to tell him, Muriel?"" -
Triad 314 - Techno Remix
by Michael Cleveland
"First, about Choir Choir Attunements. No, you're not seeing double -- a
Choir^2 Attunement is an attunement which any Archangel may give, but only
to a specific Choir." -
Choir Choir Attunement: Wings of Love
by Elizabeth McCoy
"Because so few Children of the Grigori and Nephallim are known to Heaven, organized information gathering on this phenomenon has so far been limited." -
Nephallite Death Curse
by Manny Nepomuceno
"When the War is all over, one way or the other, the
victorious side is naturally going to want to sit down
and reminisce about the Old Days. When that happens,
it's certain that at least one favorite game is going
to be Top 10 Statements That Were Always Guaranteed To
Turn Your Bowels To Water." -
Portable Biofeedback Enhancer VT-52317/k ("Bonsai Kittens")
by Moe Lane
"It happened in the sixth grade. Imogene Herdman went Mary-crazy." -
Sister Imogene Mary Herdman, Natural Soldier
by William J. Keith
"The new celestial form of the fused being will look like a mixture of the performers celestial forms, modified by mixed Word." -
The Song of Fusion
by Sirea Theyal
"Anyway, once upon a time Kobal
decided that it would be useful (and more importantly,
funny) to have natural weapons against the Host. For
reasons best known to himself, he picked ducks. So,
he fiddled with their genetics a tad." -
Foul Play
by Moe Lane
"This isn't precisely a Discord; it's more of a social
Disadvantage than anything else. Anyone suffering
from it has done something to annoy, irritate,
disconcert or set back a particular Superior's
organization, and they are more than ready to return
the favor." -
A Little, Little List (Ethereal Discord)
by Moe Lane
"This Discord represents sheer elemental loathing by
the fundamental nature of existence itself; the
sufferer is much more likely to suffer from
unfavorable Interventions." -
Don't Stand So Close To Me (Celestial Discord)
by Moe Lane
"Janus: "Oh, this one I've just got to hear..."" -
by Moe Lane
"Like all the other Archangels, Zadkiel has a few small 'organisations'
within her ranks, and the Aegis is one such body." -
The Aegis
"In Heaven live the Greatest Generals History has ever known... Or at least
the ones who've accomplished their Destinies. One might assume that they
spend their afterlives resting or otherwise move up Jacob's Ladder, but
usually, after they learn of The War, well... once a soldier, always a
soldier." -
The Council of the Sword
by Rolland Therrien
"Actually, the restaurant is called "Thursdays." It's your usual,
run-of-the-mill, theme restaurant." -
Restaurant of Lost Souls
by Josh Moger
"Had a random impulse, so I pored over my world map for a while and came up
with this. It's a quick guide for those that want to time events in the
Marches on a global scale: a 24-hour summary of what is going on in the
world sleep-wise, at 4-hour intervals." -
A Day In The Marches
by William J. Keith
"As a result of a fierce battle or another attack, you've recieved a very
visible scar across your face or chest, which shows on all your Vessels." -
Inflicted Scar (Corporeal or Celestial Discord)
by Rolland Therrien
"For the past 50 years, she has been one of the more loyal Ethereals to the
cause of Hell. Nybbas put her on a wave that shows no sign of breaking
anytime soon and she is loathed and revered throughout Earth." -
New Ethereal Spirit
by Cameron McCurry
"The Event was beautiful. More than that, it was a culmination. So many came together upon that moment. So many joined their eternal rivals as the ultimate rivals came to stand as one. It was a shining moment, which would forever persist in the memory of those who watched it, and the dreams of those who heard of it." -
Comes The Night, Comes The Terrible Dawn
by Eric A. Burns
"It was 12 o' clock, midnight, and closing time. I swiftly went through the procedure to close the store for the night, as I had hundreds of times before. Money tucked away. Doors locked. Windows shut. Lights out. Books stacked. Everything in its place." -
One hand on the phone, the other on my sword
by Sirea Theyal
""Well, you just told a lie..."
"I DID NOT!"" -
Hey, the Dawn is usually terrible because of the Night before...
by Moe Lane
"The Event, which took place about three months after the Announcement (which
actually started as the announcement, but grew into a capital 'A' within,
oh, roughly half a second), began quietly enough. Indeed, considering what
would take place that day, the participants involved were quite calm." -
The Event
by Josh Moger
"Eklizeal was created in 14,000 BC, a Force-daughter of Janus and Oannes. She was made to represent the bond between the Wind and the Waters, and to aid both Archangels in promoting the more metaphorical aspects of the Words among humanity. " -
Eklizeal, Grigori Archangel of the Rain
by Sirea Theyal
"His name -- well, Role-name -- is William "Bill" Broadhurst. He's about
six foot four, and at least half that in diameter; it doesn't register
on people as much as it could because he's got a thick bone structure as
well as being tall." -
They fight crime! (Well, not quite.)
by Elizabeth McCoy
"It is not a place deserving of their presence. The bar is dingy, hazed in
a cloud of smoke, thick with the tang of nicotine. Whenever somebody makes
the slow trip to the bathroom or from a table to the bar, the shattered
remains of peanut husks crunch under their feet in little pops and hisses." -
The War
by Harukami
"This Attunement is given by Nybbas to Soldiers who serve his Word and
lack connections to get into certain places." -
I'm With The Band (Media Servitor Attunement)
by Cameron McCurry
"The Calabite laughed. And laughed, spinning around the elaborate room. "It's so perfect," he giggled. "It's so wonderful! Already the soft ones have learned to burn! We can set them ablaze!"" -
Where The Darkness Knows No Dawn
by Eric A. Burns
"There is a legend about how Lilith could be told from a mortal woman -- despite her great beauty -- by the fact of her incredibly hairy legs. And this, in an era before disposable razors in the supermarket!" -
Hairy (Corporeal Discord)
by Elizabeth McCoy
"For the last seven years, he had been Jeremiah Walker. Thanks to the Songs of Form and Entropy, which he knew at virtuoso levels, he had been able to remake himself. Thanks to certain other advantages, he had been able to build a life, as he had done so often before." -
And The Day Grows Harsh In Light
by Eric A. Burns
"Barbie was not surprised when Christopher became the Angel of
Children. She had suspected that he would go for that Word. But to go
from Wordbound to Archangel is a difficult road, and Barbie was glad to
help Christopher as one of his first servants." -
Barbie, Mercurian Vassal of Kids, the Angel of Entertainment
by Charles E. Smith
"To begin with, they are not actually made out of tofu.
Well, not completely made out of tofu; if nothing
else, the stuff doesn't usually have Ethereal Forces.
Indeed, it's a stretch to say that tofu has Corporeal
Forces. It's best to think of the tofu as providing
the organic matrix within which the Forces are
quasi-stabilized - which isn't really what's going on,
but that's how Saminga visualizes it, and who are we
to argue with a Demon Prince?" -
Tofu Zombies
by Moe Lane
"This Discord is commonly given out by Kobal when he's in one of his more scathing moods, or really wants one of his demons to suffer." -
Onomatopoeia (Corporeal Discord)
by Sirea Theyal
""This cannot be." The angel looked out over the desolate landscape
searching for anything that might have been spared." -
And The Stars Shined On
by Vaughn Romero
this Discord is the result of a guilty conscience over harming someone the
Servitor should not have or a punishment for a Servitor's failure to act
decisively in combat." -
Nerfed (Realm-specific Discord)
by Vaughn Romero
"The definition of weapon is open to interpretation, but
if you've gone this far, you might as well go all the way and declare that a
vessel's "natural" weapons are affected as well." -
Munched (Realm-specific Discord)
by Vaughn Romero
"GM: "Fine. You want a ranged discord that affects others. Okay, I got one
here. Mwuhahaha!"
PC: "You're laughing in fear of my gaming prowess right?"" -
Hosed (Realm-specific Discord)
by Vaughn Romero
"A shining cloud of icons and representations, Barbael is in many ways the perfect Kyriotate. He has taught her Servitors that even if two hundred people have a different perspective on one Truth, that Truth remains." -
Barbael, Kyriotate Archangel of Faith
by Eric A. Burns
""He's recruiting," Azrael said, picking his steps carefully." -
And With Dawn Comes Illumination
by Eric A. Burns
"This Discord, yet another favorite of Kobal, makes life miserable for any hard-working celestial who's just trying to get some damned work done for their boss... it basically modifies chaotic events so that they work against the celestial whenever he's trying to get something constructive done." -
Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid Of A Bomb (Celestial Discord)
by Sirea Theyal
""Good take today, sir?" The rumpled-tuxedo-clad Calabite drops into a bow
as Valefor passes.
"Ah, the best, the best, James. Today I stole the Pope."
"Again, sir?"" -
What Really Happened To Genubath...?
by Harukami
"A vast world of water, blueing the sky above, falls down to meet the
waters of the world's oceans. The oceanic horizon is where this magical
transformation takes place, where ships disappear into the vastness of the
sea, where a loved one returns from the unknown back to the arms of hearth
and home." -
The Urmeer Tether
by William J. Keith
"The artifact acts pretty simply. One way or another, it convinces mundanes
that the user has every right to be doing something they would probably
otherwise take as exceedingly odd." -
Any Excuse...
by William J. Keith
"It's very simple. People who know Kung Fu are cool.
Jesus Christ was cool. Therefore, Jesus Christ knew
Kung Fu." -
Flying Righteous Lamb Kung-Fu
by Moe Lane
"Yes, you read correctly. One of Heaven's best shooters is a Servitor of Novalis. The cognitive dissonance this causes usually settles down after a few hours." -
Laharoi, Elohite of Flowers, Angel of Snipers
by Cameron McCurry
""Ordinary, Kansas" doesn't appear on any map. Nobody ever heard of it. It just seemed to spring up out of nowhere. Its population is indeterminate. Even Heaven and Hell have no records on it." -
Anything But Ordinary
by David Wood
"Yes, he's that Cardinal
Richelieu. And don't look so surprised. He's not really such a bad guy,
once you get to know him." -
Saint Richelieu
by Rolland Therrien
"Kenshiel felt that his dishonored state was no longer pure enough to serve
his beloved Archangel, but that he could possibly atone while serving under
Dominic's ever watching eye." -
Kenshiel, Malakite of the Sword IST Judgment, Angel of the Assassin
by Josh Moger
"To Hushai, the world is one Big Rave, and the party don't stop 'till your
metabolism does. Pity humans are so fragile, isn't it?" -
Hushai, Lilim of the Media, Demon of the Rave
by Rolland Therrien
""Helen, I don't know why you put up with him."
" -
My Boyfriend, Jesus Christ
by Harukami
""So you wanted to know about my story? I have no problem telling you; we both
have all the time in the world for this. I'm effectively immortal and you're
not going anywhere for a while."
" -
Careful What You Ask...
by Cameron McCurry
"Demalakim embody a twisted honour of selfish suffering; they are, however,
such a small Band that they have not been acknowledged by either Heaven or
Hell." -
Demalakim (The Vindictive)
by Harukami
"The aliens have incorporated into their bases a form of dimensional gateway that allows them to move from their home dimensions to this one." -
Project Silence: Jumpgates
by Michael Cleveland
"At first blush, one might think that this was the brainchild of some
collection of Seraphim, possibly Jean's crew. One would be wrong.
" -
by Ryan Roth
"In the late 1970's NASA sent another robotic probe to survey the lunar surface and take high-resolution photos of the dark side of the moon. Shortly after achieving orbit, the probe's transmitters failed to respond to Earthside transmissions." -
Project Silence - Tranquility Base
by Michael Cleveland
"To further his Word, Alaemon is always willing to try new methods of
surveillance to gather secrets from humans as well as his fellow
Princes. He is rather successful in this pursuit; he had invented
cameras as small as a human palm long before they were used on Earth.
But every so often, something goes wrong with his creations.
" -
Sock Spies
by Cameron McCurry
""Most high lord of darkness," the spy hastily mumbled into the phone, "I
know that I've been instructed not to attempt direct contact short of a
alpha-level emergency . . ."
"And?" the voice on the other end of the phone whispered.
"We have an alpha-level emergency."" -
Vampire Malakim
by Genevieve Cogman
"In canon, there is a fairly random lapse of time between a mortal's
death and their appearance at the gates of either Heaven or Hell. In
canon, there are also descriptions of the place-bound and mutilated
souls that are ghosts. But those are just one kind of ghost. " -
The Ghost Trade
by Earl Wajenberg
"You will be my messenger, little wheel. Will you take my message and keep
it safe until it is time? WILL YOU?" -
S.W.A.K. - The Couriers
by Diane J. Donaldson
"Perhaps... or possibly, you would not have sworn undying love if you knew
what Undeath was really like." -
The Demon of Undying Love
by James Walker
"I'm sure you can guess which Superior is irresponsible for these." -
The Song of Falling
by James Walker
"Elohim of War can be scary." -
Worst-Case Scenarios
by John Dallman
"Dawn Essence, as usual, a leaf in the wind, but it felt good has always
felt good, and I spun up into the air and showed myself over the Groves and
they shouted and cheered and we played tag across the length of Heaven, and
though I could outrun them all, I'd sometimes let them tag a ring, because
they wanted it." -
Mirror, Mirror
by Harukami
"Maybe the police will put the pieces together, while investigating the
disappearance of young girls. Possibly a curious journalist will stumble
over the story while wondering why three aircraft are hired every year,
heading out at the same time to Mt Erebus, Nyiragongo & Mauna Loa. Or
possibly Heaven will notice." -
Isn't It Amazing What People Will Do For A Word?
by James Walker
"There are actually quite a few of these: the Demon
Prince of Heresy usually carries around with him a
satchel or overnight bag. Unfortunately, what with
the standard Calabite entropy field present at all
times (at Superior level, no less), it's a rare bag
that lasts more than a week. When that happens,
Maurice will swear a bit, do some quick and dirty
repairs... and hand the bag over to the next celestial
he sees with an irritated "Here"." -
Superior Artifact: Maurice's Bag
by Moe Lane
"These songs are recent discoveries of Saminga, and are now being taught
freely to his Servitors. Few outside of his Servitors know these Songs." -
The Song of Undeath
by Rolland Therrien
"These special Songs are Saminga's pet project into the Word of Death,
and he's been spending all his free time trying to find these songs,
which he entrusts only to those Servitors whom he sees as truly loyal
to Death (read: as crazy as he is)." -
The Song of Death
by Rolland Therrien
"It's surprising how close the mortals have come to figuring it out. I mean,
they're starting to get the superstring theory, its just that they're coming
at in from the completely wrong point of view." -
Harp Strings
by Josh Moger
""Did your victims beg like that?" the angel said, his voice like a lake of
ice. "As they scream, do you find joy as you tell them how worthless they
are, as you beat them?"" -
The Flames Would Consume Me...
by Joey
"Most angels who don't think about it believe all Soldiers of God come to
Heaven when they die. This isn't exactly true." -
by Ryan M. Roth
"Well, perhaps Justice Boy would be more appropriate. Alexander is only
15. But, well, when you find out you're a superhero, you kinda want
people to treat you like an adult." -
Remembrances, Part II: Justice Man
by Ryan M. Roth
"Purpose and Goals
To keep the British Isles free of foreign invaders." -
The Sisterhood of the Waves
by Moe Lane
"Ethereals are created by human belief, but what are the Ethereals'
beliefs?" -
The Uncreated
by Earl Wajenberg
"Not all manifestations of "The Remembered" are due to violence." -
Remembrances - Another Version
by Cameron McCurry
"Gressil still considers himself an Angel of Trade; true, Marc won't speak to
him, but as his business failed that's to be expected." -
Gressil, Habbalite of Technology
by James Walker
"We have Fighting as a strength-based skill that seeks to do damage; let's
equate that loosely to the GURPS Karate or Brawling skills. But there's no
way to describe unarmed combat skills based on restraint, or throws, or
the like." -
Quick thoughts on unarmed combat
by John Dallman
"Normally without Perception and always
without Celestial Forces, a Song of Cacophony can go off a foot away and the
zombi won't notice. But if the zombi is touching the performer of a
Song... then they can detect it." -
Zombi Hookworms
by James Walker
"Ffynnon Garw is that rarest of tethers to stone: a Tether that is both elemental and communal." -
A Mountain of a Tether to Stone
by Rolland Therrien
"Who am I?" -
A Little Dialogue
by Elizabeth McCoy
"So quick to judge, so quick to strike, so slow to get rid off -
it's not surprising that even in the safest parts of
Hell their very name is almost never uttered aloud in
tones above a whisper." -
On the Fear of Malakim
by Moe Lane
"This Attunement is never given out lightly. Let me
repeat: it is never given out lightly." -
Go Ahead, Break Your Mother's Heart
by Moe Lane
"This Discord can show up in both angels and demons:
unfortunately for the sufferers, it's also one that
many Superiors show little if any interest in
removing. After all, from their point of view it's a
wonderfully efficient method of negative
reinforcement." -
by Moe Lane
"Typically found in the form of a ring, necklace, or bracelet, these relics
have the effect of reducing the bearer's Need by a level equal to its own." -
Relic: Vampire's Ease
by Chris Bergstresser
"Cobias was a Reliever, and he was very serious about his work." -
18 January 2003
by Whistling in the Dark
"Believe it or not, just about everyone agrees that one
of the tragedies of the Purity Crusade was the
destruction of the dragons." -
by Moe Lane
"It's hard to deal with pain." -
by Moe Lane
"Hey, would you come look at this? There's something weird about
this message..." -
Seraph-Proof Paper
by Michael Cleveland
"This is the latest gadget from Vaputech's Division of
Metaphysical Engineering (motto: "Our stuff doesn't
blow up as much. More or less.") and has been
getting favorable responses from the Horde." -
The Angelotron
by Moe Lane
"Everybody's wrong, you know. About Gabriel's madness." -
State Change
by Ryan M. Roth
"So you've got a Word. That's great." -
Word Competition
by Phillip DesJardins
"Angels of Stone usually enjoy taking the time to properly train other
people, whether human or angel." -
Training Sequence
by Neel Krishnaswami
"The two Cherubim walked wingtip to wingtip into the library. The first, a
great white wolf, briskly walked on, until her companion, a smaller black
feline, pasued. The first turned to her friend, and whispered, "What is
wrong?"" -
A Word
by Joey
"The smell is the first thing to strike you - the unpleasant odour of
thousands of verminous animals." -
The Chapel of Lost Familiars
by James Walker
"Few enjoy speaking of them, and being in the prescence of one has driven many celestials to tears with the overwhelming sadness of what they represent." -
Phantom Tethers
by Sirea Theyal
"Every lightning strike produces a little burst of X-rays." -
Family Resemblance
by Earl Wajenberg
"The first examples of this artifact were believed to be creations of
Eli, though no-one has been able to reach him for comment on the subject as
of yet." -
Hoopty Cars
by Phillip DesJardins
"Heaven's greatest secret, Bright Malakim are (currently) even rarer that
Bright Lilim." -
Bright Malakim
by James Walker
"He slowly took the knife out. He had to do it." -
The Last Flicker
by Joey
"Normally, modern-day IN characters zip around city streets without
interruption." -
Ambiguous Encounter Table
by John Dallman
"At random intervals, a panda will come and savagely
attack the poor unfortunate saddled with this Discord." -
Tournament-Style Discord: Giant Panda Attack
by Moe Lane
"I wasn't prepared. I wasn't prepared to see him like that." -
by Unni Solaas
"You knew it had to happen." -
by Kim Kondratieff
"Blandine and Beleth were not the only great lovers in Heaven, though they
were the first, and as Cherubim, the obvious. But tales can be told of
the cool, intellectual love of Jean and Raphael, the first Elohim, or
Janus and Oannes, with the everpresent joining of wind and waves..." -
The Armies of Love
by Elizabeth McCoy
"The big hint that something was going on was that Haagenti started throwing up." -
It Started With a Stomach Ache
by Joey
"He was ancient when I first knew myself." -
Fire To Ashes
by Unni Solaas
"What if you could get an Attunement from a set of multiple
Superiors?" -
by William J. Keith
"The Prince of Death
is not immune the occasional fit of clarity in which he wonders if he might
not perhaps be focusing a wee bit too tightly on nothing but simply
killing things." -
Special Distinction: Saminga's Therapist
by Prodigal
"The average Clockwork Ninja is an interesting study in
mysticism and hardheaded practicality." -
Clockwork Ninjas
by Moe Lane
"One thing has remained constant through nearly all the infinite variations of reality: Metatron, Voice of God, was slain at or shortly after the Rebellion.
But there is a place where the Metatron still lives. Sit ye down children, and hear the tale of the exception to the rule..." -
Metatron, Archangel of the Infinite
by Charles E. Smith

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