Lilim of Nightmares
Dame of Restlessness
By Moe Lane

Corporeal Forces: 3 |
Strength: 6 |
Agility: 6 |
Ethereal Forces: 4 |
Intelligence: 8 |
Precision: 8 |
Celestial Forces: 5 |
Will: 12 |
Perception: 8 |
Word-Forces: N/A |
Skills: Dodge/3, Emote/3, Fighting/2, Medicine/3,
Knowledge (Hypnosis/3, Psychology/3), Savoir-Faire/6,
Songs: Dreams (All/3), Entropy (Ethereal/3),
Nightmares (All/3), Shields (All/2), Sleep (All/2)
Attunements: Lilim of Nightmares, Calabite of
Nightmares, Dream Drain, Dream Walking, Nightmare
Trigger, Terror, Dame of Restlessness
Extra Rites: None
Vessels: Human female/3, +1 Charisma
Roles: "Dr. Daria Lindermann" (Psychiatrist/6,
Dissonance: 0
Discord: None
Artifacts: None
Dalkiel's existence and purpose is paradoxical: she
serves Nightmares by keeping them at bay.
Like most paradoxes, this makes sense when looked at
from the inside. After all, to Beleth the purpose of
Nightmares is to spread fear until it rules humanity.
If that means raining terror and anguish onto
dreamscapes, so be it: however, the Princess has found
that the threat of said terror and anguish is often
just as effective - and possibly even more tasty. It
all depends on what the circumstances require.
Dalkiel has used this attitude to build quite a
lucrative practice for herself. The first step is to
identify a target, then use her Attunements and
Distinction until that target is afraid of sleep
itself. This will usually result in the target
seeking treatment. As there isn't anything actually
physically wrong with him or her, and as Dalkiel
enjoys a Role as a recognized expert in the field of
sleep disorders, usually it only takes a little
manipulation for the target to make an appointment
with the famous (and fashionable) Dr. Lindermann. At
that point, Dalkiel simply stops wrecking the target's
dreamscape - which will usually fulfil what is by then
a fairly high Need. Repeat as necessary: the Lilim
tries not to play out this scenario on the same person
too often.
Of course, by now her reputation is such that people
with legitimate sleep disorders will seek her out: her
regular patient list is notable for the number of
celebrities and public figures on it. Dalkiel is
careful not to actually cure the problem, but she has
found that judicious use of the Dream Drain Attunement
acts as a rough and ready palliative. This will also
usually fulfil a Need. The number of Geas that the
Lilim collects a year is impressive in both quantity
and quality: Dalkiel is fast becoming one of Beleth's
most active facilitators and agents of influence in
her home area. This keeps her neck from the chopping
block when her actions interfere with those of lesser
Servitors of Nightmares: the Lilim is careful to keep
her superiors sweet.
It's been said (cattily, but accurately) that Dalkiel
would have made an excellent Habbalite: she plays with
her targets like a cat plays with a mouse. While she
won't actually kill one if she can help it, anyone who
walks into her office is going to be a victim to her
whims and cruelties for, essentially, forever. From
her point of view, that's what humans are there for in
the first place. It's certainly not for their brains
or perceptiveness. Still, the sight of one of them
genuinely thanking her for not torturing him or her
anymore is always good for giving the Dame a deep,
warm pleasure...

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