The Demon of Sock Puppets has a problem. The Dot COM pet store for
which he was the company mascot has gone bust. After years of TV ads, pet
store openings, and interviews on Good Morning America, Ishmakiel is a
media meme that has outlived his usefulness. Faced with the prospect
of word death, Ishmakiel is ready to find a new line of work, and he has
a dark idea who would appreciate his services.
PC Briefings
Demonic briefing: Ishmakiel, Demon of Sock Puppets, has gone renegade
from the Media. Players who serve Dark Humor will know that
Ishmakiel contacted a local seneschal with a proposition: He wants to
become a servitor and is willing to prove his worth. Ishmakiel has
promised to prank the Game, and to get it all on film, in exchange for a
meeting with Kobal. If the players are members of the Game, then their
mission is straight forward: track down the renegade Word bound and drag
him (or some recognizable pieces of him) back to Hell as a lesson for all
other upstarts who abandon their Prince and refuse to accept the place
they were given. Servitors of the Media will undoubtedly also want to get
into the action here as, success or failure, Ishmakiel's efforts will make
good TV. Any servitor of Valephor's who specializes in bank robberies may
also find a reason to get involved or at least exploit the chaos.
Angelic briefing: The angels have been sent to investigate a sudden
outbreak of bizarre bank robberies. Three local banks have been robbed
by a group of men who use sock puppets to issue their demands and
quite entertainingly control the bank crowds. Each of the sock puppets
bears a remarkable similarity to the mascot of a failed dot COM
venture (only these puppets wear rather silly robber masks around
their eyes). No one as of yet has been injured during one of these
robberies, but the Host feels that it is only a matter of time before
something goes wrong. A bizarre wrinkle to the case is that The
Robbin' Socks Gang (as the press has dubbed them) has evidently been
purchasing large amounts of pet supplies with their ill gotten wealth
and leaving them at animal shelters. The result has been that the
almost forgotten mascot has suddenly gained a large following of
children and animal-loving well-wishers. Is it possible that a rogue
ethereal spirit has decided to cash in on its fifteen minutes of fame
for some badly needed Essence? Well, its the angel's job to find out.
Angels of Dominic could possibly be helping the Game track down their
bizarre Renegade, and could therefore skip the "Is it an ethereal?" red
herring. Servitors of Jordi may also want join the action because of the
association with pets. Other servitors may have simply been called in as
the nearest angels to the action.
What's Going On
Ishmakiel wants to change superiors to Dark Humor before his word dies from
lack of exposure. Using his now infamous sock puppet vessel and the power
of his word, he has convinced a band of human bank robbers to commit the
Robbin' Socks crime spree. While he has three successful robberies under
his belt, he knows his time is running out and that he needs a big encore
to impress Kobal. Ishmakiel's showy antics have all but guaranteed a
visit from the Game sometime very soon, but that is exactly what he
was hoping for. What better way to impress your would-be Prince than by
socking it to the Game?
Ishmakiel wants to create a media event where he can make someone do
something stupid on camera. Preferably, he wants that someone to be a Game
servitor (who will naturally be wearing a sock puppet when the cameras are
rolling). To pull off this prank, Ishmakiel has solicited the help of the
local Dark humor tether. The Dark Humor servitors will keep track of any
Game agents that are looking for Ishmakiel and when an opportunity
presents itself, will nab one or more with the help of some sock puppet
Once Ishmakiel has a Game patsy in his thrall, he'll send out the Robbin'
Socks for one last heist. Ishmakiel will of course tip off the Media and
the cops (in that order) to the impending robbery and generally ensure
that some kind of standoff or showdown ensues. True to his Media training,
Ishmakiel has decided that when the cops show up, the robbers should take
hostages, demand 10 million in some dot COM stock, and then refuse to
negotiate with anybody who isn't wearing a sock puppet. Ideally, the patsy
Game servitor(s) will be gunned down on live television during some daring
rescue attempt. Of course, ensuring that there will be a daring rescue may
be part of deal Ishmakiel strikes with the seneschal or could be the result
of more sock puppet magic.
Playing it Out
Unless the PC's are servitors of Dark Humor, they shouldn't start out
knowing about Ishmakiel's intentions to prank the Game(1). Angels and
demons of the Game should probably start investigating the various crime
scenes and animal shelters where the Robbin' Socks Gang have been seen.
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