September 11, 2011: ACD Game DayEvery year, ACD -- one of our largest distributors -- invites regional retailers to come to its Madison, Wisconsin, headquarters for a couple days of socializing and gaming . . . with a bit of direct marketing as well. It's known as the ACD Games Day, and we've been attending for a number of years. Why, you may ask, should I care about a retailer-only event? To this, I can only point out that John Kovalic lives near said headquarters, and when Steve, Phil, Andrew, and John get together, ideas happen. For instance, it was from this stew-pot of creativity that both Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice emerged, ladled into the soup bowl that is your gaming experience like a delicious chili, or perhaps a meaty minestrone. The creativity will be on high boil, and we may even have a playtest session to run. If so (and this is very much an "if," at the moment), we'll announce and coordinate the event via Twitter, where we can be followed as "@sjgames." We'll certainly put a note in the Daily Illuminator, but for updates, I'd really recommend following our tweets. And if your retailer is attending, ask him to pick up a signature for you. Steve will be signing things -- details to be announced later -- so if your retailer is there, one of those signed things could end up in your personal game library. -- Paul Chapman Share this post! |
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