Daily Illuminator

June 5, 2012: Wrap-Up From Dallas Games Marathon

A few weeks ago I got the opportunity to attend the latest Dallas Games Marathon in Plano, Texas. I've attended a handful of these events in the past, and have watched it evolve over the last few years.

We drove down on Friday morning. The venue's current location is in a strip mall, so there's great parking and lots of options for food. I found out that the event space used to be a gymnastics business, so the rooms are large and open. I set up a little display of a few Ogre prototype items before I headed off to play games and talk with fans.

Attendees had access to a large game library for the entire weekend. I managed to play about six games I hadn't before, including Ninjato and Kingsburg, and I also sat down at more popular games like Lords of Waterdeep. The organizers provided complimentary drinks and snacks, and also sold candy. The front desk offered a used game sale, and I filled out my personal game library with titles I had been meaning to pick up for some time.

Overall, the gaming crowd who played and taught games for the whole weekend was fun and very knowledgeable. If you are a gamer and find yourself in the Dallas area for a weekend, I strongly suggest dropping by this event.

-- Randy Schuenemann

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