February 13, 2006: Call For Playtest: Locations: Wizard's Tower"Locations: Wizard's Tower" is a mostly generic (with some GURPS Fourth Edition stats) fantasy supplement, a detailed description of the premises, contents, and inhabitants of a wizard's tower, ready for integration into most medieval fantasy games. Written by Matt Riggsby, it will appear soon as a PDF at e23.The "Locations: Wizard's Tower" playtest will be a closed mailing list playtest. Participation in the playtest does not guarantee credit in the published book, and is limited to people with valid Pyramid subscriptions. (You can purchase a Pyramid subscription directly from e23.) A sizable but still limited number of playtesters will be chosen to participate based on a variety of criteria to represent the diverse GURPS player base; previous playtest experience is less important than an interest in the subject. Playtesters may be added in two or more groups to give everyone a chance to apply; the playtest is expected to run until the end of February. Some simple rules and posting guidelines, based on the usual playtest rules here:
www.sjgames.com/pyramid/playtest.html will be in effect during the playtest to help the authors and staff keep track of everyone's contributions, and will be provided as part of the playtest materials. Interested parties willing to follow instructions should apply by sending an e-mail to the Lead Playtester, Jeff Wilson, at jwilson@io.com . The subject should say "LWT Playtest" and the first line should have the applicant's real name followed by their preferred playtest e-mail address in brackets like so: Jeff Wilson <jwilson@io.com> Applicants may use as many additional lines as necessary to relate their relevant background and other qualifications for playtesting "Locations: Wizard's Tower." People with little or no particular background or experience in playtesting are equally sought and encouraged to apply, with spots reserved for first-timers.
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