Daily Illuminator

February 10, 2008: OrcCon And GDC

I've got a long stretch of travel coming up . . . Next weekend I'll be at OrcCon in Los Angeles. I'll be showing off a couple of prototypes, including the new edition of Tribes and, of course, Munchkin Quest. And I'll be spending a full day running a new Lego game that's not Pirates. It's SPACE Pirates, based on the Triplanetary movement system. Except the ships will be Lego! It's barely possible that I'll have the first playtest version of Munchkin Booty, too, but please don't hold your breaths . . . I leave on Thursday, and the monsters still need a lot of tweaks.

After that, I head to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. I'm not doing a presentation this year . . . I'll be attending other people's presentations to see what I can learn. And, as always, I'll be happy to talk about creating digital versions of our Good Stuff.

So if you're going to be at either event, come see me!

-- Steve Jackson

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