December 1, 2011: Random Warehouse 23 Freebies!
During our 2011 convention season, we set up a capsule machine at our booth (read about it in the July 23 Daily Illuminator post). Fans would plunk in a dollar's worth of quarters to receive a variety of goodies. There were dice, Cthulhu Bandz, black and glow-in-the-dark Munchkins, and every so often someone would get a shiny Cthulhu Pin or Illuminati Pin. We went through boxes and boxes of capsules . . . but we've got a few hundred left over. From now until they're gone, we will include one randomly chosen capsule free for every $10 you spend at Warehouse 23!
For instance . . .
And here's the really evil part. Some capsules include . . . special Munchkin bonuses! These slips are tournament legal, and range from combat bonuses to an actual Cheat! They expire on December 31st, 2011 so get your order from Warehouse 23 in today!
-- Monica Valentinelli

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