Daily Illuminator

August 13, 2003: Taking Flight . . .

By the time you read this, I will be in sunny (ha!) Seattle, where I will be attending the Dragonflight convention this coming weekend. (I left a couple of days early to see some friends, be a tourist, and burn some vacation time.)

While I'm there, I plan to chat with a number of folks, including James "Ass Games" Ernest, Brian "Cliffhangers and King's Men and SWAT, oh my!" Underhill, and Devin "No Funny Nickname" Ganger. Plus, I'm sure, the usual assortment of other Seattle game people -- there's a big concentration of them up there for some reason. Probably an Illuminati plot.

If you're coming to the con, find me and say howdy! (I know Brian and I are giving a presentation Saturday afternoon, and I'll probably be hanging around the game rooms or the dealers' room a lot of the rest of the time. I'll try to make sure the MIBs always know where I am.)
-- Andrew Hackard, Managing Editor

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