October 25, 2012: Next Stop: Spellenspektakel In The Netherlands This Weekend
The after-SPIEL depression is one of the worst things that can happen to a gamer: At Essen, you meet many friends you sometimes only see once a year, have an absolutely great time, and then -- much too fast -- the show is over. Everybody is heading back to his hometown (often in another country, and sometimes even in countries on other continents), and you find yourself in the cruel world where not everybody is a crazy gamer like you. This is why I am very delighted that this first weekend after SPIEL I have another chance to meet more gamers! Along with a bunch of German MIBs, I will head to the Netherlands and team up with our Dutch MIB friends to bring Illumination to all the gamers who attend Spellenspektakel in Eindhoven. The organizers are trying to revive what was once the largest and best Dutch gaming convention, and we want to support this noble attempt. So if you did not have the chance to be at SPIEL, or still haven't had enough, join us at the show, where we will run the Official Dutch Munchkin Nationals, demos with Munchkin Apocalypse advance copies, preview games of the forthcoming Castellan and Dino Hunt Dice, and other demos of the best products of Steve Jackson Games!
-- Birger Kraemer

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