November 18, 2003: Now ShippingScooting out the door just in time to hit your local store's shelves for the Thanksgiving weekend shopping blitz are the following products:
Ninja Burger
The twisted minds that brought you Chez Geek and Munchkin are back. Based on the popular website at, this hilarious card game, designed by Steve Jackson, pits you against your fellow trainees in a new Ninja Burger store. Learn the secrets of stealth, swordsmanship, and customer service. Fight for honor, respect, big tips, and that coveted promotion . . . It's fast-moving. It's fun. You get to be a ninja. What more can you ask from a game?
No matter how secure your office,
Boxed game: 144 oversized cards, three dice, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1430,
ISBN 1-55634-610-7.
The Munchkin Master's Screen contains everything you might need to run a Munchkin game while hiding your true plans from your players. It's got Munchkin Cardboard Heroes miniature figures. It has Jeff Tidball's brilliant adventure, The Village of Omelet: A Space Odyssey. And it has tables . . . lots of tables. All the tables you could ever hope to use . . . and probably a couple you hope not to. This is the accessory you never knew you needed . . . until now! Special note to players: Buying the Munchkin Master's Screen for your DM earns you 10,000 XP. Really. It says so inside. The Munchkin Master's Screen requires at least one copy of every Munchkin book for use. Even the ones we haven't thought of yet. And the card games, too. It's just that good.
Four-panel cardboard screen, with Cardboard Heroes sheet and 16-page adventure.
Stock #3406,
ISBN 1-55634-718-9.
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