November 4, 2006: Halloween Costumes
As promised, we've got pictures from this year's Halloween Game Day. Be warned: this is scary, scary stuff.
First up, we've got Undead Cowboy Alex and Pirate Will. Classic, and Alex got to shoot caps in the office. Will had a treasure chest full of candy -- my favorite accessory of the day.
Here's Captain Jimmie, who has apparently been killed by snakes while flying his plane. Snakes on an aircraft -- who ever heard of such a thing?
This is Richard. I don't know why he's scary, but it might be the freshly shaven head and extremely loud shirt combination.
Of course, we can't forget Fox. He's Alice from Wonderland, but his costume buddy skipped the Chesire Cat costume, so he's a little forlorn.
And the piece de resistance, Thomas the Witch. Calling everyone "dearie" was a bit much, but the broom was darned authentic.
As a palette cleanser, here's the gang playing Descent . The entire party died shortly after this picture was taken -- a giant appeared and wiped the floor with them.
Paul Chapman

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