Daily Illuminator

May 24, 2012: We Need Your Help With Castellan

Ogre may be consuming most of our energy, but that doesn't mean that we've stopped completely working on other projects. Not only has Munchkin Apocalypse (and the first Munchkin Apocalypse accessory) gone to print, but we've also made a few steps forward with Castellan . . . including getting the text of the rules to the point where we think we're finished. With the rules complete, it's time for us to work on getting them translated into other languages . . . but we thought that, before we tackle translations, it would be prudent to turn to our fans (that's YOU) for help with one last review of the Castellan rules.

Castellan is being published in two editions, and we have the English language rules for both editions ready for review. If you're a fan of picking nits and providing feedback please take time to review the following two PDFs:

(Why are the PDFs different colors? Reading the rules will explain all, but for those of you who want the summary it comes down to: The English language edition will feature red and blue player pieces while the International edition will feature yellow and green pieces. And yes, you can combine both editions for three and four player games.)

Please send all of your feedback to phil@sjgames.com before 8 a.m., Tuesday, May 29. Any feedback received after that time will not be read; we are on a tight schedule and cannot leave the rules online forever. 

Issues we already know about include:

  • The PDFs say "DRAFT" across the pages. This is on purpose and will not appear in the final rules.
  • The playtester list is not yet included in the rules. We will add the list before the game goes to print.

-- Phil Reed

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