Daily Illuminator

March 16, 2013: Steve Sings Again!

[That's "signs again," sorry. We have no idea how that keeps happening.]

We said back in December we would do this again for the Zombie Dice reprint. But (Steve being Steve) he decided that signing just Zombie Dice wasn't cool enough. So now he's signing Zombie Dice, Zombie Dice 2, the Zombie Dice Bag, and our Zombie Dice T-shirt.

Orders placed on Wednesday, March 20th (12:01am to 11:59pm Central Daylight Time) containing any of the abovementioned Zombie Dice goodies will get signed copies!

He's already signed all the t-shirts we have left, and stacks of everything else, so we can fulfill the earliest orders immediately. (If you go to the t-shirt page on Wednesday, you'll be able to order them -- we just don't want to take any orders for signed shirts before then, and we don't have any extras.)

Later orders might have to wait until the next week, when Steve comes back from MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN, and has the chance to sign more stuff. (Speaking of which, Steve is going to be out and about a lot this year, if you're interested in saying Hi!)

-- James Holder

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