June 5, 2010: I Like To Make Monsters
I love monsters. Big monsters. Little monsters. Cute monsters. Ugly monsters. They're all cool in my book. In fact, I like monsters so much that I've started using my free time (free time?) to create resin toy monsters. A mix of other toy bits and sculpted details all come together to bring something new and weird to life. And, because it's the crazy sort of project I always dive into, I make more than one monster at a time. And I sometimes sell the monsters at my battlegrip.com toy site, but usually I just give the monsters away to friends. And sometimes those friends do fun things with the monsters, like this review at ToysREvil.
Yes, I'm a geek. If there was ever any question then I think making resin monster toys as a hobby kinda cemented my geek status. Fortunately, I work in an office filled with geeks so I fit right in.
-- Phil Reed

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