July 12, 2011: One Year Of Color MunchkinWhen I became Munchkin Czar in January 2009 I was told that we were planning to update the fantasy Munchkin sets with full-color art. I figured as long as we were doing that, why not take a look at the cards and rules and see where they needed a little polish? Little did I know that I'd set myself a monumental task: updating the cards and rules in every Munchkin core set and expansion to clarify some frequently asked questions, make them more consistent across the entire line, and make the game more fun for everyone. In May 2010 the 19th printing of Munchkin kicked off a months-long effort to reprint the entire Munchkin line. Now, over a year later, every Munchkin set is in print with updated rules and cards, including errata fixes, clarifications, and, in some cases, entirely new effects. In the process we shuffled some cards around:
Last year was a symphony – and sometimes a cacophony – of reprints, with a few new products (mostly boosters and accessories) shoehorned in where we could spare a couple of weeks. But now that it's done, we're looking forward to LOTS of new releases through the rest of 2011 . . . and beyond! Share this post! |
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