August 28, 2013: Upcoming Convention Appearances
We're going to be at a lot of conventions this weekend! Here are your chances to catch us:
PAX Prime (Seattle, WA): A whole gaggle of us are going and will have a space under the escalators at the Corral on Level 2. We'll be running games and showing off cool stuff, especially Castellan!
DragonCon (Atlanta, GA): Our Web Coder, Robert "Rev. Bob" Hood, will be moseying about the con in full company regalia and carrying promo cards, bookmarks, and other goodies. Our assistant GURPS line editor, Jason "PK" Levine, will be hanging out at the Venus Envy Jewelry booth in the dealer's hall, so feel free to stop by and geek out with him! Finally, Phil Reed will be at the Adventure Retail booth with a copy of Ogre, in all its glorious hugeness, for people to check out.
Worldcon (San Antonio, TX): Steve Jackson will be running the Steampunk Chaos Machine out in the exhibits area, doing signings, and appearing at panels. Remember, we have Steve's appearance schedule posted online.
So, if you're attending these cons or are in the area, come by and see us! Hope you all have a great weekend of geeking out!
-- Leonard Balsera

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