Daily Illuminator

August 17, 2005: What's Happening At GenCon!

As mentioned yesterday, GenCon will be a wee short on Steve Jackson Games staffers. However, our MIBs are running a full spectrum of events. There are multiple Chez games from the entire line, Frag in "regular" and "cartoon" flavors, and Munchkin from every genre, as well as GreedQuest, Illuminati: Crime Lords, and SPANC.

But wait! There's more! Once again, GenCon Indy will host the Munchkin World Championship. Are you Munchkin enough to stab the best of the best in the back, and take his stuff?

New this year is the Ninja Burger World Championship. Take orders, deliver burgers, and maintain your honor. With the world watching, how can failure be an option?

And less you think roleplaying is being forgotten, GURPS Fourth Edition will be well supported. Are those GURPS Banestorm adventures I see?

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