August 6, 2007: The New Face Of TravellerMongoose Publishing has just announced a comprehensive Traveller license and a strongly supported reintroduction of the Traveller system. Here's their press release.I have one big comment on this: YEA! It is my hope . . . as it is Marc Miller's hope . . . that this will reinvigorate Traveller, bringing new fans to this great game universe, and bringing new enthusiasm to the many players and GMs who have been enjoying it for decades. Under the terms of Mongoose's license, most existing Traveller licenses will "sunset" . . . that is, they will reach the end of their current term and will not be renewed. GURPS Traveller and the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society are specifically exempt from the "sunset" provision. Our license for those two projects runs until the end of 2011. At that time, Marc Miller will decide whether the license is renewed . . . just as he has been doing since we started. We are highly honored by this exemption. We take it as a compliment to the work that we have done so far with GURPS Traveller and JTAS. (And when I said so to Marc, he said, "Well, you should." That made my day.) Just as we have done since Day 1, we'll continue to do the best that we can by Traveller, so you'll think we're worthy of your support, and Marc will once again say, "Keep it up, guys." Needless to say, JTAS will fully support the Mongoose line. Editor Loren Wiseman is already talking with Mongoose's Matthew Sprange about an interview to more fully introduce their plans for the universe of the Iridium Throne.
Hold onto your helmets, troops. It's about to get interesting! |
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