"I created the three documents you will find here as resources for my own gaming group, who were sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of detail GURPS combat can offer (and I choose to use). My players and I have found them extremely helpful in speeding up and smoothing out our combats, and I am proud to be able to share them with the wider GURPS community.
We like them, too, and here they are . . . they're now the first entry under Play Aids.
-- Steve Jackson
-- Suggested by Eric A. Burns
GURPS Modern Firepower
A whole book of statistics and descriptions for the latest small arms and tactical equipment, filling the "arms gap" between High-Tech and Ultra-Tech. Here you'll find firearms (from handguns to support weapons), along with a wide variety of ammunition and accessories (such as extended magazines, scopes, and sound suppressors); body armor; and much more. A "must have" for any kind of modern-day action campaign!
48 pages.
Stock #6423,
ISBN 1-55634-580-1.
GURPS WWII: Return to Honor
Vive la France!
Return to Honor is the definitive French sourcebook for GURPS WWII. From Free French on the front lines to the fabled Resistance, there are plenty of great roleplaying opportunities, even in the shadow of Nazi occupation.
Return to Honor continues the meticulous research and historical accuracy of the GURPS WWII line. Weapons, vehicles, troop organizations . . . it's all here.
48 pages.
Stock #8004,
ISBN 1-55634-594-1.
Hellboy Heroes Miniatures
Hellboy leads the forces of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense in this six-figure set of metal miniatures. Sculpted by Richard Kerr, these are a must-have for Hellboy fans everywhere, and the perfect accessory for the Hellboy RPG.
Mike Mignola’s Hellboy is one of the hottest comic properties out there today. Miniatures collectors can now own the “big red guy” himself, along with BPRD allies like Lobster Johnson, Abe Sapien, Roger the Homunculus, Johann Kraus, and Liz Sherman. With a big-budget movie starting production and the roleplaying game already on the shelves, the Hellboy Heroes Miniatures are sure to be in big demand. And look for the Hellboy Villains Miniatures later this year!
Six pewter miniatures in our standard video box packaging.
Stock #14-0201,
ISBN 1-55634-682-4.
But if you really want to be like our hero Speed, you can always just buy the car.
Aah. Isn't that better?
-- Suggested by Martin J. Barela
The Ninja Burger Card Game is tentatively set for a Spring 2003 release.
It only gets better. The City of Berkeley, California has endorsed Kucinich's far-sighted legislation.
Props to InstaPundit, the New York Times of the worldwide blogosphere, for the "tinfoil hat" line.
I have been practicing for this, all unknowing, for years by running the Pirate Game at conventions.
Sadly, the national media (with the exception of the insightful Mr. Barry) is not paying as much attention to this event as it might; they are understandably preoccupied with important matters of state, such as rock stars who are, or are not, getting married, getting divorced, retiring, making comebacks, or going into space. So when, on September 19, you greet friends and business associates with a hearty "Ahoy, matey!", you should prepare for some blank looks.
There is a right way and a wrong way to explain Talk Like A Pirate Day, of course.
The wrong way: "Oh, I'm sorry. Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day, so I talked like a pirate to you. Do you want to try it?"
The right way: "Avast, ye swab! Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day! Ye'd best smarten up yer lubberly tongue, or face a taste o' the cat!"
So . . . I want to hear a lot of "Arrrrrr!" on September 19. If you want to improve your pirate style in advance, here's a Pirate Glossary.
-- Steve Jackson
These helpers will visit the websites of industry organizations, publishers, distributors and so on, pull the truly interesting news-like items and cut and paste them to Scott in email, crediting the original source. This will be a big help in tracking down things that might otherwise fall through the cracks, improving our already-rather-excellent news service.
If you're interested, contact volunteers@sjgames.com with your qualifications. An ideal candidate will already be visiting these sites regularly and will be a subscriber to Pyramid and d20 Weekly. Writing skills are secondary to research skills since you won't be creating content, merely finding it. Be sure to mention WHY you are the best candidate in your email. Bonus points for ability to follow instructions.
Mark A. Schmidt
Volunteer Coordinator
Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson and Michelle Barrett hosted a seminar at Dragonflight over the Labor Day weekend, which was digitally recorded. The MP3 file is now available at GamingReport.com for streaming. There are pictures, too! Check it out.
-- Suggested by Scott Haring
GURPS Special Ops 3/e
The popular military sourcebook returns in a new edition, massively updated for 2002 and 32 pages longer. Roleplay behind-the-lines strikes, hostage rescue, guerrilla warfare, and other special ops missions. There’s lots of detail on weaponry and information on the world’s top unconventional-warfare units . . . Rangers, Delta Force, Spetsnaz, SEALs, Special Air Service, Sayeret Matkal, and more.
160 pages.
Stock #6029,
ISBN 1-55634-625-5.
Prepare for your finest hour as GURPS explores the defining event of the 20th century - World War II.
GURPS WWII provides an overview of the war that transformed the globe, reviews of the nations and armies in the thick of the fighting, and descriptions of their primary weapons and vehicles. It's a self-contained RPG, with the GURPS Lite rules -- and a modular vehicle-design system, for tailoring equipment in alternate-history campaigns or simply perfecting the unstoppable tank!
This is the core book for a complete line of GURPS WWII volumes. These will further illustrate specific nations and theaters, the naval and air wars, additional equipment, and much more.
208 pages, hardcover.
Stock #8020,
ISBN 1-55634-685-9.
Discworld Roleplaying Game
The world is flat. It rests on the back of four giant elephants, who in turn stand on the back of great A’Tuin, the only turtle to form the basis of an entire branch of astrophysics.
Events on the Discworld have been chronicled in the best-selling works of Terry Pratchett. Fans have learned of the adventures of Rincewind the incompetent wizard, Granny Weatherwax the witch (known to trolls as “She Who Must Be Avoided”), Captain Carrot the six-foot dwarf, Archchancellor Ridcully, Susan Sto Helit (granddaughter of Death), and a cast of strange and unique characters.
The Discworld Roleplaying Game is not a new edition of GURPS Discworld -- it’s a reprint. By changing the name and adding the “Powered by GURPS” logo, we’re making it even clearer than before that this is a complete roleplaying game. You need no other books to play. Making the title begin with "Discworld" will make it easier for series fans to find it, too.
Hardback, 240 pages.
Stock #8121,
ISBN 1-55634-687-5.
Do you live and breathe Ogre? Can you recite the rules for Munchkin by heart? Are you able to instantly stat out any car you see in GURPS Vehicles? Is your Chez Geek the undisputed center of slack? Are you outgoing, entertaining and eager to help your favorite game company? The Austin cell of the Men In Black wants you! Check out our MIB site for more information. Then contact Adam C. Lipscomb, cell leader, at ACLipscomb@austin.rr.com.
The Men In Black are the volunteer arm of Steve Jackson Games. They promote awareness of SJ Games products and help to further the agenda of the Secret Masters. The MIBs run our games at conventions, do demos in stores, and encourage other gamers to give our games a try. The Austin Cell also has a couple of special missions -- the opportunity to help with in-house playtesting, and the occasional day helping pack and ship new games.
We look forward to hearing from you. Fnord.
I have just returned from Dragon*Con, held over the Labor Day weekend in Atlanta Georgia. Aside from a minor snafu (two of the three panels I was slated to be on were deleted from the program), I had a wonderful time. Several MIBs were present, and I met a few Traveller fans, touched base with some old friends, and met some interesting people. Adventure Retail (see photo at right) carried our stuff at the convention, and did a land office business in Star Munchkin and other products.
GURPS fans will recognize Jo as the co-author, with Ken Walton, of GURPS Celtic Myth.
We just assigned job number G-1000. Wow.
The magic number went to GURPS Faerie, which will be penned by Graeme Davis, author of GURPS Vikings and GURPS Middle Ages 1. Way too early to discuss release dates, of course, but we're excited about the book, even apart from its nifty numerical significance.
-- Andrew Hackard, Managing Editor
-- Suggested by Dan McCulley
Welcome to Chez Dork! In this stand-alone card game, you and your friends (up to 6 people) enter the world of John Kovalic's award-winning Dork Tower. Matt, Igor, Carson, and their friends compete to feed their fannish obsessions and collect the games, cards, and other geeky treasures they can't live without. The object of Chez Dork is to get more Stuff, faster, than all your friends. But your particular Obsessions determine what you think is neat at any given time. And a gamer's obsessions can change . . .
Boxed game.
Stock #1340,
ISBN 1-55634-697-2.
Frag PvP
Scott Kurtz' hit comic PvP is now a game. And it's not just any game . . . it's Frag!
Join Francis, Cole, Jade, Brent, and Skull as they blow each other away with flamethrowers, rocket launchers, and anything else they can get their hands on. This set features metal miniatures of the five main characters and 56 Frag cards illustrated by Scott Kurtz!
Extra special bonus: three original comic strips . . .
This is not a stand-alone game; it's a supplement for Frag, SJ Games' best-selling game of "first-person shooter" computer game mayhem, and you'll need that game to play.
Boxed supplement with rules, cards, and five metal miniatures.
Stock #1344,
ISBN 1-55634-481-3.
Cardboard Heroes Castles: The Keep
Put a castle in your backpack!
Cardboard Heroes Castles are great-looking 3-D structures that fold up for play, and fold down again for travel and storage! They're heavy cardstock, but they're die-cut and pre-scored to make them easy to build, and they're designed to fold and unfold without damage.
This set can be used by itself to create either a castle with enclosed courtyard or a massive towered keep. Or use it as an expansion to the Walls and Towers set. The more sets you add, the bigger your castle gets . . .
Cardboard Heroes Castles are full-color (of course), gorgeous, and totally portable. When the game's over, just fold 'em up and go!
16 die-cut cardboard pages plus instructions.
Stock #2151,
ISBN 1-55634-698-0.
In Nomine Ethereal Player's Guide
These Dreams . . .
Once they were gods who ruled the lands of sleep. Once they were spirits who sent their images to slumbering mortals. Once they were elves, unicorns, dragons, and more.
The angels tried to kill them. The demons tried to enslave them. But the ethereal spirits survive -- and are born anew from human dreams! The War may be about Heaven and Hell, but humans aren't the only ones caught in the crossfire.
Now you can play those mysterious "neutrals," the ethereal spirits -- pagan gods, creatures of myth, and even the dancing toothbrushes from the last time you ate anchovies on your pizza. Woven from essential strands of concept, they have their own supernatural powers, Song affinities, and personalities. They also have their own weaknesses and flaws. But whether you wish to assume the mantle of a god or a minor spirit of the Marches, this book has what you need to make your ethereal character more than just a collection of Forces.
128 pages.
Stock #3318,
ISBN 1-55634-430-9.
GURPS Uplift 2/e
Of the thousands of races in a galaxy full of aliens, ours is the only one that claims to have evolved on its own, without genetic engineering by a Patron species. With its own new clients -- genetically modified dolphins and chimpanzees -- upstart mankind faces a jealous universe. The ancient Patron clans can't decide whether to enslave the races of Terra . . . or just wipe them out.
The Galactics have wealth, power, and incredible technology. The people of Earth have guts, originality and a handful of allies . . . and they won't give up.
This is the universe created by David Brin for his award-winning "Uplift" series. GURPS Uplift includes complete descriptions of the important alien races, maps and descriptions of the Terragens planets, and rules for creating -- and Uplifting -- new species.
This new edition has been updated to cover the races and developments of the "Uplift Storm" trilogy!
160 pages.
Stock #6035,
ISBN 1-55634-427-9.
GURPS Magic Items 3
Enchanted handguns . . . sorcerous spaceships . . . clockwork golems . . . from the Ice Age to the distant future, GURPS Magic Items 3 is full of intriguing and exciting artifacts for magical adventures. There are "generic" items, suitable for a range of settings, as well as creations specifically for popular game settings like GURPS Technomancer, GURPS Steampunk, and GURPS Warehouse 23!
Also included are several more weird and wonderful ways to create magic items, a dozen new guilds, organizations, and corporations involved in the magic item trade, and much more!
128 pages.
Stock #6531,
ISBN 1-55634-418-X.
X-Bugs Set 1: Flyborgs vs. USArthropods (Yellow/Blue)
X-Bugs is a unique new game, combining luck, skill, and strategy. Your armies are microscopic mutated monsters. The alien Flyborgs are part machine, part bug. The flag-waving USArthropods have emerged from our Earth laboratories to stop the invaders!
Each bug is represented by a plastic chip. Flip the chips to attack . . . practice helps! Each type of bug has a special power to attack or defend . . . learn how to use them and lead your army to victory!
For two players; playing time is less than an hour.
AND . . . these armies come in two versions. Set 1 has yellow Flyborgs and blue USArthropod chips. Set 2 has purple Flyborgs and white USArthropods. With both sets, you can play a 4-player game, or fight a war between two armies of the same type.
X-BUGS and all imagery © and TM Nexus Editrice srl.
Boxed game, with 6 large dice, rules, and lots of chips and stickers.
Stock #1403,
ISBN 1-55634-693-X.
X-Bugs Set 2: Flyborgs vs. USArthropods (Purple/White)
X-Bugs is a unique new game, combining luck, skill, and strategy. Your armies are microscopic mutated monsters. The alien Flyborgs are part machine, part bug. The flag-waving USArthropods have emerged from our Earth laboratories to stop the invaders!
Each bug is represented by a plastic chip. Flip the chips to attack . . . practice helps! Each type of bug has a special power to attack or defend . . . learn how to use them and lead your army to victory!
For two players; playing time is less than an hour.
AND . . . these armies come in two versions. Set 1 has yellow Flyborgs and blue USArthropod chips. Set 2 has purple Flyborgs and white USArthropods. With both sets, you can play a 4-player game, or fight a war between two armies of the same type.
X-BUGS and all imagery © and TM Nexus Editrice srl.
Boxed game, with 6 large dice, rules, and lots of chips and stickers.
Stock #1404,
ISBN 1-55634-549-6.
Star Munchkin
The Munchkins are back – and they're in space! Now they're Mutants, Cyborgs, and Cat People . . . grabbing Lasers, Vibroswords, and Nova Grenades . . . fighting Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar.
This is a complete game using the best-selling Munchkin rules (with a few new twists like Sidekicks). Yes, it CAN be combined with Munchkin! And, of course, it features the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and the wacky cartoons of John Kovalic.
Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die.
Stock #1411,
ISBN 1-55634-663-8.
Deluxe INWO
Absolutely everything you need to play the award-winning deck-building version of the Game of Conspiracy . . . full-color, illustrated rules, over 500 cards, dice, wood markers, and a cloth bag with the Pyramid to hold them in! This set includes the (non-collectible) “One With Everything” card set, The INWO Book, and several booster packs from the “Assassins” expansion, plus special Illuminati dice, dice bag, and wooden pyramid tokens. Yet another path toward world domination!
Boxed set with rules and 500+ cards.
Stock #1618,
ISBN 1-55634-660-3.