February 28, 2001: More Dark Dungeons Abuse
For all you Jack Chick fans, here's the "MST3Kized" version of Dark Dungeons. Cruel, but fair.
Warehouse 23 News: If it moves, shoot it!
The beta test of our new "first person shooter" board game, Frag, (known at convention playtests as Nuke) is now available, but only at Warehouse 23 and only in very limited quantities.
February 27, 2001: Manifest of the Turku School
The infamous Manifest of the Turku School of Roleplaying is now online. Check it out if you want a fertile source of argument about what constitutes "real" roleplaying, especially LARPing. And be sure to read the "Larper's Vow of Chastity."
-- Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: It's not a rerun, it's an encore performance.
Bundle of Trouble Vol. 8 has arrived. It includes the material from KODT #22-24, plus bonus material.
February 26, 2001: From Valley to Hollywood
Thomas Scoville, creator of the Silicon Valley Tarot, has passed the word that his new novel Silicon Follies has been picked up by ABC and a pilot is definitely underway. Words cannot express the coolness of this development!
-- Steve Jackson
February 25, 2001: "Kind Of Like GURPS"
If you've ever seen the Jack Chick tract "Dark Dungeons," which explains how all us nasty roleplayers are going straight to Hell, this will make you fall down and squirt Mountain Dew out of your nose.
If not, well, you should probably view the original first. Don't go here if you are upset by extremist religious attacks against your hobby.
-- Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: The Long Arm of the Law
Frontiers do not tend to be orderly places and Poseidon is no exception, with various law enforcement agencies struggling to keep the peace while the criminal element seeks to exploit the chaotic environment. Blue Planet: Frontier Justice covers both sides of the conflict.
February 24, 2001: It Won't Help, You Know
Here's a site that sells metal-impregnated clothing . . . hats, scarves, even full bunny suits . . . to keep out electromagnetic frequencies. Ahh, but they're too late . . . we've gone over to implants now, and the commands come from inside! (All your base still belong to us.)
Warehouse 23 News: Go over to the dark side . . .
Reveal the shadier side of city life with CityBook III: Deadly Nightside. Nefarious inhabitants and disreputable establishments combine to make a trip to the city as dangerous, and exciting, as any dungeon crawl.
February 23, 2001: Buy the Lies of the Silvery Moon
Looks like NASA has been breaking a few laws, starting with those of physics. You've heard the rumors about our falsified trips to the moon, but you also know in this day and age you can't expect people to see past a conspiracy's lies without the video companion. James A. Collier's Was it Only a Paper Moon? thrusts the lunar sham into the cold light of day.
-- Suggested by Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: Ding, dong, ding . . . aaaahhhhh!!!
For generations, the Bells of the Dead have protected Rokugan from a dark and powerful evil. Now they've been stolen. Can the PCs return them before chaos and destruction sweep the land?
February 22, 2001: All Your Base Are Belong To Us
We get signal.
Techno signal.
All your base (your base) (base) (base) All your base. Are belong to us.
The best part is, this was inspired by a game. Zerowing.
All your base.
Are belong.
To us.
Warehouse 23 News: Heed the call of the wild!
Arm yourself with the powers of your primal ancestors and join the Phelan in their stand against technology, in the newest supplement for the Ironclaw RPG.
February 21, 2001: Just Shipped
The following products left our warehouse last week, headed for your local game store:
Combine Set 4 - GEV Company (for Ogre Miniatures)
The agile GEVs are the fastest things on the battlefield of the future. The "Gremlin" Combine LGEV is available here for the first time!
This set includes 16 miniatures: eight "Raptor" GEVs and eight "Gremlin" light GEVs, and adds 72 points to your Ogre army.
Stock #10-2104, ISBN 1-55634-468-6. $19.95
Combine Set 5 - Missile Tank Platoons and Mobile Battery (for Ogre
Pound the Ogre from a distance with artillery and missile-firing
armor. This set includes 8 vehicles: two "Banshee" missile-tank platoons of
three tanks each, and a battery of two "Bigfoot" mobile howitzers - a
brand-new unit, styled very differently from its Paneuropean equivalent!
Total value of these units is 60 points.
Stock #10-2105, ISBN 1-55634-469-4. $19.95
-- Keith Johnson
Warehouse 23 News: Entire planets at your fingertips . . .
Create, edit, and display whole worlds with Fractal Terrains, a new stand-along product for the Campaign Cartographer line of map making software.
February 20, 2001: Smarter Searching
Thanks to the efforts of our new CGI wiz, Mark Cogan, we have a much-improved search engine up and running. It looks at the entire content of items, not just their titles, and can be set to search various portions of the site or the whole shootin' match.
Please give it a spin. If you catch a bug or have a suggestion, contact webmaster@sjgames.com.
-- Steve Jackson
Four more individual Ogre minis are up on Warehouse 23: the Ogre Mark V, the MkV Repair Kit, the MkV Swimmer, and the Alamo Superheavy Tank.
February 19, 2001: Built Like Bilbo
Now we see why hobbits live so long . . . and what might be in our own futures if we remodel ourselves for longevity. Read the Independent story.
Warehouse 23 News: Lesen Sie Deutsch?
This week's Warehouse 23 Special is GURPS Scheibenwelt; that is, GURPS Discworld in German.
February 18, 2001: Double-Barrelled TL Booster
Here are two "SF becomes real" stories for the price of one: genetically modified "pharm animals" and a woven body armor far stronger than Kevlar. Read the Forbes story.
Warehouse 23 News: Manticores, and Gryphons, and Leucrota, Oh My!
The Medieval Bestiary for the Ars Magica RPG provides a medieval perspective of wilderness inhabitants, both mundane and fantastical.
February 17, 2001: Cruel But Fair
One of the best humor magazines since green algae spread through the barren oceans of the primordial Earth, The Onion has turned its attention to our little industry. Check out this week's front page.
Warehouse 23 News: Pyramid Pick: Fluid Mechanics
This week's Pyramid honors Blue Planet: Fluid Mechanics as a Pyramid Pick. Read the review, then stop by Warehouse 23 to order a copy.
February 16, 2001: Barking to Prozac
Pet feeling down? Not sure what's troubling him? Talk to Georgina Cyr, Animal Communicator -- or rather, have her talk to you pooch, cat or turtle. Find out how life is treating your best friend, and if it's not good news, she'll tell you how you can change it for the better.
-- Suggested by Ron Ullrich
Warehouse 23 News: How do I deal with THIS?
Having trouble with your campaign, the players, or both? To the rescue comes Game Mastering Secrets, a highly informative book written specifically
for GMs, new and experienced. If you have a problem, the solution's probably in here.
February 15, 2001: Hatt-Baby
I predict that this site will get hammered very soon, as the rest of the net finds out about it . . . but as a friend of the Illuminati, you heard about it first. (Thanks, Stefan!) Warning: the sound is LOUD.
-- Steve Jackson
February 14, 2001: Meet Cyn Westrich
Our new Direct Mail Clerk is Cynthia "Cyn" Westrich. She's a seasoned Texan (What DO you season a Texan with? Probably jalapeno) but new to Austin. She plays Shadowrun, D&D , and World of Darkness (Michelle says she's subverting her over to GURPS), Magic, Jyhad, and computer and console games. She also enjoys anime and sci-fi/fantasy/horror novels.
So if you call Warehouse 23, you'll be reaching a fellow gamer.
Warehouse 23 News: Bring your cities to life
Are your cities becoming a little dull and predictable? Spice them up with intriguing locations, fascinating NPCs, and plentiful adventure hooks, all from CityBook I.
February 13, 2001: Stinky Dino
One of my favorite museums is the Natural History Museum in London. They've taken another step forward in realistic exhibits (and then a half-step back, but nobody's perfect) . . . Here's the Yahoo story.
-- Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: Is this the end for the Untouchable Trio?
The conclusion to the cliffhanger begun in KODT #50. Will the Untouchable Trio (plus One) survive? Find out in Knights of the Dinner Table, Issue 51.
February 12, 2001: RPGnet Review of Ogre Battlefields
There's a favorable review of Ogre Battlefields on RPGnet. The reviewer, doing his job, points out the things he would have LIKED to see. I dropped him a note to tell him he'll be REALLY happy with the next set of maps :-)
-- Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: 1001 Arabian Adventures
Visit Fantasy Arabia with the GURPS Arabian Nights Bundle, a collection of GURPS Arabian Nights, Tredroy, and 3 red dragon Cardboard Heroes.
February 11, 2001: Meet Paul Rickert
My name is Paul Rickert, and I'm the new print buyer here at Steve Jackson Games. I've followed a very interesting road to Austin. I grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin and was weaned successfully on their traditional diet of cheese. I started the transformation to "gamer" when I was in the second grade and over the years dedicated a large amount of time converting "unbelievers" to the cause. I went to college at St. Norbert outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and was briefly entranced by the world of professional sports as I blindly cheered the Packers. An avid soccer player, the game initially confused me as everyone apparently is able to
use his hands.
While pursuing my chosen major of Communications, I was given the opportunity to perform and direct several theatrical shows including "Shadow of a Gunman," "Equus," and "Do Not Go Gentle." My creative
juices flowing, I decided my next course of action should be to join the
military. Camouflage was all the rage and there was the small issue of the government footing the bill for my college. Stationed in Fort Sill as a Field Artillery Officer, my wife and I waited diligently for my release back to civilian life which occurred in May of 2000. The
brainwashing continues, however, as I remain a faithful member of the Texas National Guard. Lured here by a lucrative sales position in the tech industry, my wife and I fell in love with Austin, but not my job.
After seeing the job openings on the Steve Jackson website I applied and shortly thereafter joined the ranks of this creative team. Working here is a dream spawned long ago on the woodchips of a childhood playground. I look forward to working with Steve and the rest of the staff here to put out the best products we possibly can.
Warehouse 23 News: Barbarians at the gates
Prepare for battle and defend Catan from the invading barbarians in Cities & Knights of Catan, the newest expansion for Settlers of Catan. Be sure to pick the 5-6 Player Expansion for an even more epic challenge.
February 10, 2001: GURPS Monsters Call for Submissions
GURPS Monsters is now being compiled. It will be a multi-
setting compilation of horrific beings and creatures for use in
GURPS Horror campaigns. We are currently seeking submissions.
Interested parties should see the submission guidelines
Please note that the contact person for this project is Hunter
Johnson <jhunterj@donet.com>.
Warehouse 23 News: Get ready with those fright checks
Two new Call of Cthulhu products are now available: Unseen Masters, a collection of campaigns, and The Keeper's Companion, helpful info for Keepers, new and experienced.
February 9, 2001: Satan Has Sold Out
He's so plastic. A tool. At soulXchange, they still know the value of a dolla...er, a soul. Buy 'em, trade 'em and sell 'em. There are no fees, which is a good thing. After all, some people don't have $8 a trade, but everyone's got a soul.
-- Suggested by Genevieve Cogman
February 8, 2001: GURPS Dark Places Call for Submissions
The first in what we hope will be a series of GURPS Locations
books is now being compiled. GURPS Dark Places will be a
compilation of horrific and illuminated locations for use in
GURPS campaigns. We are currently seeking submissions.
Interested parties should see the
submission guidelines
Please note that the contact person for this project is Philip Reed <phil@sjgames.com>.
Warehouse 23 News: Beware the Inquisition
Battle the Church's pursuit of scientific ignorance as a member of The Invisible College, a secret society of Théan scholars struggling to bring knowledge to the world of 7th Seas.
February 7, 2001: Pyramid Sweeps Month Begins
February seems to be the sweeps month over in the television
universe, but Pyramid
Magazine wondered why they should have all the fun. So,
for the next month Pyramid is trying to do something neat,
exciting, and different.
This week features "Iron Ref." Three competitors, representing
three different genres, must each complete a 2,000 word scenario
within 24 hours. But each scenario must contain three common
"secret ingredients": plot elements, strange objects, or the
Our challengers are:
- James L. Cambias (Fall of the Malakim, GURPS Planet
Krishna) representing the Science Fiction genre.
- Justin Achilli (line developer for Vampire: The
Masquerade) representing the Horror genre.
- Sean Patrick Fannon (Shards of the Stone, The
Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible) representing the Fantasy
And our ingredients were supplied by Kenneth Hite
(Alternate Earths, Suppressed Transmission), so they
must be bizarre!
Be sure to also check out the Iron Chef-inspired
installment of Hite's Suppressed Transmission column . . .
containing the phrase, "No, Mister Bond, I Expect You To Cook."
Not to mention the third and final part of Dork Tower's
"Iron Chef's Ramen Noodle."
We also have variants for the Star Wars
CCG and Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond . . .,
plus, as ever, "Murphy's Rules."
This week also sees Pyramid chats with:
- John Kovalic on Wednesday, February 7th, and
- Kenneth Hite, Hunter Johnson, Sean Punch, and Philip Reed on
February 9th, discussing the GURPS Summer of Horror,
planned for the summer and autumn of 2001.
So if you're not part of our family yet, what are you waiting
for? Subscribe
-- Steven Marsh
Warehouse 23 News: What big eyes you have . . .
Participate in your favorite anime or manga with the Big Eyes, Small Mouth RPG.
February 6, 2001: Ooops! Is My Face Red!
It’s a standard joke in sit-coms and such -- the father/husband/boyfriend misses a birthday or an anniversary -- and now I’ve done it in real life. February 1, 2001 was the first birthday of the Journal of the Traveller’s Aid Society, and I let it slip by. I thought it was next week, and I was writing an editorial on that basis, but it has just been pointed out to me that I was mistaken, and let a major milestone pass by.
Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and although this last year has been a lot of hard work (for me certainly, but also for Jackie, Keith, and Monica as well), it has also been a great deal of fun. It’s been a good year, but I think the next one will be even better.
-- Loren Wiseman
Warehouse 23 News: Through rain, or sleet, or snow . . .
Due to changes in US postal rates, delivery times for many of our overseas customers will be significantly affected. Please read before placing your next order.
February 5, 2001: FASA Info Site
The Dumpshock site is a fan site, not an official FASA announcement board . . . but
they seem to be keeping very up-to-date with comments and press releases from the various FASA-related entities. Worth a visit, if YOU want to keep up with the news as FASA winds down its business.
Warehouse 23 News: Black velvet sprinkled with diamonds . . .
Explore the stars with the GURPS Space Bundle, a collection of GURPS Space, Flight 13, and space themed Cardboard Heroes.
February 4, 2001: The Muse Strikes Unexpectedly
For Jon, inspiration was triggered by a broken pencil. Well, you take it where you can find it.
-- Steve Jackson
Warehouse 23 News: Everything but the kitchen sink . . .
Warehouse 23 is now a one-stop-shop for miniatures supplies.
February 3, 2001: Car Wars Watch
Keeping you up to date as the world gets closer and closer to the game. This week: anti-missile systems on private jets, at $3 million a pop. Read the story on aspen.com. And fly defensively.
Warehouse 23 News: When I grow up . . .
In response to popular demand, we have added Goth T-shirts in kids sizes (XS-Large). You're never to young to poke fun at the black-wearing and angst-ridden among us.
February 2, 2001: Badgers? We Don't Need No...Oh, Never Mind
But if you do need them, It's a Badger! seems to have quite a surplus.
-- Suggested by Chris Badger
February 1, 2001: Another Giant Passes
Gordon R. Dickson, author of more than 80 science fiction and fantasy novels but probably best known as the creator of the "Dorsai" series, died yesterday, January 31.
Warehouse 23 News: Just fudge it. . .
Looking for a RPG system that lets you get it just "right"? Fudge, the game designer's construction kit, and its supplements are now avilable at Warehouse 23.
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