Transhuman Space: Under PressureWritten by David Morgan-Mar, Kenneth Peters, and Constantine Thomas GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch 163 pages. PDF.
160 pages. Softcover.
As humanity reaches to the planets, a last frontier remains on Earth . . . the oceans. Governments, corporations, political idealists, and outlaws are staking their claims in this realm. There are oceans on other worlds too: Europa, Mars, Titan – all unique and full of possibilities. Transhuman Space: Under Pressure describes the oceans of the 22nd century, from the teeming seas of Earth to the icy ocean of Europa. Ocean arcologies . . . mining operations and terrorist foes . . . adventure and intrigue in an environment far more hostile than mere space. This book also includes new character templates – including new parahumans, bioroids, cybershells, and uplifted animals designed for aquatic existence – and modular design rules for aquatic vehicles, compatible with the system in Transhuman Space: In The Well. Related Products
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