Tom "The Black King" DamingoCyberpunk Gang LeaderTotal: 200 points [Created by: David Hadar <>] He is a 25 year old man with tanned skin, black hair. One of his eyes is shiny red and the other one black. Attributes12 ST AdvantagesExtra Cash: 5000$ (+2) (10 points); DisadvantagesCode of Honor: Gang (-5 points), Curious +1 (-5 points), Fear of Open spaces (agoraphobia, mild, -10 points), Sense of Duty (Gang and family) (-10 points), Status -1 (-5 points); Enemy (rival gang), Frequency: Rarely (6 or less) (*1/2), Size: Medium Group(6 to 20) (-20) (-10 points) Quirks (-5 points)Delusion (he's a genteel man); Goal: eat real food (not syntha-food); Never been outside the city; Plays chess; Proud of his gang SkillsLevel Points 13 2.0 Area Knowledge (his area) 11 1.0 Carousing 8 0.0 Cooking 9 0.5 Detect Lies 10 0.5 Disguise 12 0.5 Driving (Automobile) 15 4.0 Driving (motorcycle) 11 0.5 Escape 13 0.5 Fast-Draw (Pistol) 12 2.0 Fast-Talk 11 0.5 First Aid 11 0.0 Gunner 15 0.5 Guns (Light Automatic) 15 0.5 Guns (Pistol) 15 0.5 Guns (Rifle) 13 4.0 Intimidation 11 0.5 Judo 12 1.0 Karate 13 0.5 Knife 13 0.5 Knife Throwing 12 0.0 Language (english) 12 0.0 Language (spanish) 14 6.0 Leadership 12 2.0 Merchant 11 0.5 Pickpocket 11 0.5 Savoir-Faire (gang) 12 0.5 Stealth 9 0.5 Strategy 12 2.0 Streetwise 12 2.0 Survival (Urban) 9 0.5 Tactics 10 0.5 Teaching PointsAttributes: 105 points Story:Tom "The Black King" Damingo was born in New Jersy. He was raised by his mother and father, who owned a Spanish fast food restaurant. He had one older brother who died in a gang fight; five younger brothers belong to his gang. He was good at school and the family had high hopes for him. When he was 14 he ran away from home and became a pickpocket. After a year he came back home without telling his family about whare he been or what he'd done. He didn't get back to school; instead he joined a gang. He wasn't very good at taking orders so he quit. Some months after he quit his brother died ane he felt a bit guilty about that. Tom played with the idea of starting his own gang. Miz Bigtong(the fixer) promised Tom that she would have jobs for his gang. So Tom started a gang. At first it was very small but now there more than 20 people in his gang. NotesTom is the leader and founder of the "black bishop" gang. This is a fairly non-violent gang (it is violent but not as much as the rest of them.) This gang gives "protection" for free so the shop owners like them. Most of the gang income comes from raids on MgaCorp. buildings and things like that. Tom is no robin hood but he is close (for cyberpunk anyway). Tom's nickname comes from his liking of chess. Tom tries to act like a genteel man but doesn't really stick to it (that's why it's only a quirk). "Sex was great but now I want to play chess." (replying to Dee) note: a big % of his points went into the gang. (Back to list of Near Future Characters) | |
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