
Written by Sean Punch
Edited by Sean Punch
Illustrated by Alex Fernandez, Kris Justice, and Alex McVey
Cover art by Alex Fernandez
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
160 pages. Hardcover.
Suggested Retail Price $29.95
Stock number 01-1004
ISBN 978-1-55634-805-1
Available Now – click here to order!
163 pages. PDF.
Price $19.95
Stock number 31-1004
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Undead, Infected, or Just Plain Cursed?
So . . . you think you know zombies. Are you sure? You want to be certain about something like chopping off an arm after a crazy person gets bitey, and it would be most unfortunate if you were looking out for the walking dead when a little kid with a fever lunged for your brains. If only there were a guide to all this stuff!
GURPS Zombies aims to please. It goes into detail on all kinds of zombies – undead and living, slow and fast, supernatural and superscience, and more. Its pages include:
- A rules-free survey of zombies by fictional and folkloric origin, physical and supernatural type, and dramatic role.
- Systematic guidelines for creating custom zombies to surprise your players.
- Ready-to-use examples for the zombie-master in a rush: B-movie and fantasy undead, living-but-infected crazies, necromancers' pets, science experiments gone horribly wrong, surgical constructs gone disturbingly right, and many others.
- Rules for topics dear to the zombie-lover's heart: horde management, splatter and contagion, cures, and even inventing new kinds of zombies!
- Information for those who must confront zombies, including gear recommendations, rules for avoiding infection and simply surviving, and templates for survivors, zombie-hunters, and zombie-makers.
- Advice on using all this in any genre. Who says zombies are only for horror?
Get ready for the time of your life – or unlife, if need be. Every zombie fan will find something to cackle about here! GURPS players get the bonus of detailed rules and stats to tell them exactly how hosed they'll be when the zeds turn up on their doorstep.

- For a collection of eight campaign ideas that build on GURPS Zombies (from that supplement's author), check out GURPS Zombies: Day One.
- For more advice on running terrifying tales of all sorts, check out GURPS Horror.
- Become a champion and hunt the zombie hordes, with the GURPS Monster Hunters series.
- The shambling dead and post-apocalyptic action make a perfect pair! Add wastelands for your zombies to infect with the GURPS After the End series.
- Discover more zombies and zombie-related topics – including playable zombies who have free will, from GURPS Zombies author Sean Punch – with Pyramid #3/92: Zombies.
- Zombies make great threats for fantasy-based campaigns! Learn how to build your own fantastic worlds with GURPS Fantasy – or jump right into crypt-crawling fun with the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy line!
- To peer into the laboratory and see how author Sean Punch came up with this supplement, check out the Designer's Notes in Pyramid #3/67: Tools of the Trade – Villains, which also includes three more zombies (with GURPS stats) and an all-new campaign idea.
- See how Sean Punch adds the excitement of zombies to a classic historical era, with "A Westward-Shambling Horde" from Pyramid #3/74: Wild West!
- Check out all of our other zombie games.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

- The complete bibliography is online, with links to every referenced book, movie, etc., that's available through Amazon. (Yes, if you buy from one of these links, Amazon pays a percentage to SJ Games!)
- For more bibliographies of GURPS books, check out our GURPS Bibliographies page.

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