Fantasy Gamer began in 1983, as a fantasy-themed counterpart to Space Gamer's sci-fi focus. Fantasy Gamer lasted for six bimonthly issues, from August/September 1983 to June/July 1984. Fantasy-related content folded back into Space Gamer after then. Fantasy Gamer covered all aspects of fantasy-themed hobby gaming: RPGs, wargames, card and strategy games, and more. It also featured industry news and reviews. Although Fantasy Gamer is still a great read in its own right, today it's also a fascinating look at an earlier era of hobby gaming.
Today's featured issue from the vault:
Fantasy Gamer #2 (October-November 1983)
You meet an old man in a bar. He leans over conspiratorially and hands you Fantasy Gamer #2 (cover date October-November 1983). To what extent do you hide your delight at this unexpected treasure?
In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a 16-page gamer's guide to Victorian London. This generic supplement includes information on history, fashions, prices, the law, noteworthy personalities, and more. Be sure to take the included two-page map so you don't get lost!
This issue also includes a look at what to do with high-powered heroes, variant damage spells for DragonQuest, and more.
Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!
See the sample!
#1 - #6 |