in_nomine-digest Monday, March 4 2002 Volume 01 : Number 2562 In this digest: Re: IN> test Re: IN> test IN> Tattered Update IN> The Blood Soul IN> Psionics (crossposted to Pyramid) IN> The Decimated (crossposted to Pyramid) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 21:17:40 -0500 From: "William J. Keith" Subject: Re: IN> test >Testing the water for rabid Ofanim. Thank you. *growfrarfrrrrrrgggggRUFF* Down! DOWN! Look, demon! Sic 'im! *whew* I harbor the hope that creative minds on the list are busily hunkered down over their Iron Rev entries, but that's just me. ;^) >-Perry One line, four .sigs. ;^) William ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 21:11:40 -0500 From: Subject: Re: IN> test > Testing the water for rabid Ofanim. Thank you. None detected yet, but the results are only preliminary. Stay tuned for later news. - -- Michael ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 05:52:41 +0000 From: "Jonathan Walton" Subject: IN> Tattered Update First let me apologize to people who are on more than one (or God forbid, all three) of these mailing lists (IN, Tattered, Tattered Ensemble), but I wanted to make sure everyone got this information that might want it. Version 0.7 of the Tattered Movie is up at: It's 300k worth of Flash, so you'll need the plug-in. Still some more yet to be finished, but I don't know when I'm going to find time, so I wanted to get it out there. The Tattered Ensemble (the first group, to my knowledge, actually planning on _playing_ in Moe's little playground) now has a webpage up: It's got some basic thoughts on the game and information about joining. The introduction to the Tattered Ensemble's campaign takes the form of a web comic I spent most of yesterday putting together. It's called "The Tattered Ensemble: Killing the Messenger" and will serve to introduce the intrigue that kicks off the storyline. It's up at: Further info on the upcoming campaign will be sent only to the Tattered and Tattered Ensemble lists, since I don't want to face the wrath of Beth (or anyone's wrath, for that matter). If I do any more Tattered comics or In Nomine comics in general, I'll be sure to let the main list know. Also, if all goes well, within the next couple of days I should be able to get Lucifer and some of the fleshed-out Choir writeups up on the web. Whew! I think that's everything. Any questions about the Tattered Ensemble can be addressed to me. There's no limit on the players/writers I'm accepting into the group, so anyone is welcome to join us. Later. Jonathan, Tattered Webmaster WWIN World Admin & Webmaster WWIN Tattered Ensemble Admin Extremely Exhuasted College Student _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 02:30:39 -0500 From: "Charles Phipps" Subject: IN> The Blood Soul Special thanks to the inspirer of this thread. The Blood Soul The Blood Soul is something that only two Archangels know about at present with a third counting Uriel. Among the Demon Princes only Baal and Kronos have an inkling of it's existence and both want to sieze the soul for their own purposes. If others knew of his existence as they will likely very soon, then who knows what could possibly break loose. The Blood Soul's first appearence was in the other days of the Nephilim which mankind was being heavily persecuted by their giant cousins. The man in question manifested himself as a tribal leader who killed Nephilim after Nephilim and murdered the Grigori and the mortals which lied with them by the hundreds before he was destroyed by Heaven's flood. The Yvesite who met with the man went mad with the Destiny he read and was imprisoned for blasphemy, heresay, and violating the Pax De before his execution. Because he was a servant of Uriel the future Commander of the Host visited his servant for an explanation of his actions before emerging...changed by the experience. The steady periods of bloodshed and massive horror which followed the Blood soul's appearence culminated in the near destruction of Rome by it's most famous wielder as Uriel was foiled him his true plans for the soul by his assaisination. The soul languished in obscurity with the occasional appearence here and there...a Holy Emperor here, a Grand Inquisitor there, until someone began noticing the piles of religious fervor and investigated on behalf of his mistress with the gift of Divine Destiny that Yves had bestowed upon him for his many years of cultivating peaceful mortals towards their destiny.... His reaction was not much better than the first seeker. Simply put the Blood soul's destiny is to foster an army that will cleanse the world in oceans of blood that will sweep away all existing institutions of corruption. The world will remain under a holy peace enforced by fire, sword, and war for centuries. The angel Rueben after speaking with Yves about it and his Archangel knew that his Lady would react in a way that was not comiserent to the matter at hand went Renegade from his service and massacred the man before he could claim his destiny. To his horror he also knew that the Blood Soul would continue to return with the same destiny as it had for centuries, always in a place where it had the oppurtunity to claim it. Rueben has always sought it and killed it even as he has never mustered the strength to attempt to move it to it's fate or soulkill it. Now he is torn and weakened by centuries of murder that he cannot bring himself to slay the latest incarnation of the Blood Soul. A pacifist minister who has arisen with such a fervor and speaking ability that he already has gained thousands of followers. This charisma would be easily turned if a single bit of transformation takes place- he learns of the existence of demons in physical form among man. Unable to speak with his archangels about Rueben did a very foolish thing and went to a church where the Catholic priest within was there to listen to his tale with surprising belief and empathy. Unfortunately Rueben failed to realize that the reason his empathy and belief was so strong was that the man listening was a Malakim of Laurence. This is what is called an ethical dilemma. - -Charlemagne _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 17:57:05 -0800 (PST) From: Maurice Lane Subject: IN> Psionics (crossposted to Pyramid) it's a tad long for the list, even when cut up. Comments welcome: it's still a bit of a rough draft. Moe ===== Liber Licentiae Moeticae: Last updated 02/24/02(this is usually way out of date) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - sign up for Fantasy Baseball ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 20:17:49 -0800 (PST) From: Maurice Lane Subject: IN> The Decimated (crossposted to Pyramid) Ah, there's nothing like cleaning out a print queue. Comments welcome, as always. Moe "Yeah, the first line of the second paragraph actually IS essentially canonical" Lane The Decimated It's astounding, really. It's a fact - an incontrovertible fact - that one of every ten damned souls that arrive in Hell is immediately claimed by silent servants of Lucifer and whisked away to the Lower Hells. It's a fact - an indisputable fact - that none of these souls are never seen again. It's a fact - an irrefutable fact - that no demon ever voluntarily visits the Lower Hells, and certainly none ever voluntarily talks about that place. Even Demon Princes are reticent about their visits there. The conclusion is clear: what goes on down there must be foul beyond compare, even for Hell. But that's not the astounding bit. The astounding bit is that nobody ever seems to think about the implications. After all, just why would the Lower Hells and its presumptive citizenry be such a mystery? What does Lucifer gain from such a situation? As it is, the entire Infernal realm lives in abject fear of him anyway, from the lowest soul-grub to the highest Prince - and they have done so from the founding of Hell. As for 'foul beyond compare' - well, in theory having the ultimate punishment be hidden is a good idea, but it falls down in practice. Most souls in Hell have neither the inclination nor the time to be introspective (if they had either, they might have avoided being damned): this is one place where things are usually sufficiently bad that the concept of 'worse' simply does not have the same impact. Besides, what could be 'worse' than being slowly tortured into oblivion, in order to fuel the War to destroy everything that is good and right with the universe? And as for demons and the Lower Hells - sorry, it doesn't make sense from that angle either. There's nothing that Lucifer could be doing Down There that isn't already being done by one or more of the Princes in the Higher Hells. The vivisection and torture of humans? Just about all of the Princes do that routinely. Dangerous and probably unwise experimentation? That's how Vapula starts the day. Slaking of dark Needs? Frankly, that would probably improve Hell's collective morale. In other words, anything so vile as to be beyond any mere demon's experience in sin and depravity is probably too arcane for them to even recognize - so, what's going on Down There, and why doesn't anyone think about it more? Well... to get an answer, you'd have to do a few trivial things. The first would be to get out of Hell (as I said, trivial, right?); next, you'd have to make it into Heaven and be Redeemed (another trivial exercise). Once Redeemed, your next step would be to go into Destiny's service (not the most difficult thing, but then not the easiest, either). Once serving Destiny, it would be time to rise in the ranks by proving your worthiness and newfound willingness to serve, until you had free reign of the Library. It would be then that you would actually be told about the Special Collection. Once you had crossed those bridges, surely the task of convincing Yves himself that you could handle going in there would be a piece of cake, right? Once those simple obstacles were hurdled, the next step becomes harder: you have to ignore just about everything in there. Skip past the Testament of Lucifer. Ignore the Book of Fate. Spurn the Prophecies of Uriel and cast aside the Temptations of Yahweh. Go all the way into the back, to where a simple cardboard box lies between stone tablets written in a script that predates this universe and a jeweled crystal with letters inscribed on it in fire. Pull out the box. In it, you'll find ... well, snapshots. Lots of them, in no particular order: they each show a different person, engaged in various activities. Each person is wearing a simple brown robe with what appears to be a golden circle pinned to one shoulder. Some of the people are eating, some are writing, not a few are praying: in short, people doing people-like things. None of them seem particularly happy or sad: if there's a particular emotion prevalent among them, it's ... resolution, or maybe determination. No matter how many snapshots you take out, the box remains full But, if you look long enough, you'll realize two things. One is the background: as you look at more and more snapshots, you'll realize that none of these photos were ever taken on the corporeal plane - and that the place that these humans are apparently living is too stable to be in the Marches. And they certainly aren't in Heaven: even a former demon can tell when someone is joyful, and these people certainly aren't. Not in pain or torment, mind: just not... joyful. The second thing you'll notice is that all of the individuals praying are doing so under identical tapestries. What with all the different angles of the snapshots, it takes a while to make out what the tapestry represents. But, with a little effort and a lot of table space, you can arrange out a fairly decent gestalt. That's when you shudder. These people are apparently praying to a golden scaled dragon, descending from the sun on wings of pure Light... ===== Liber Licentiae Moeticae: Last updated 02/24/02(this is usually way out of date) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email! ------------------------------ End of in_nomine-digest V1 #2562 ********************************