in_nomine-digest Monday, August 20 2001 Volume 01 : Number 2341 In this digest: IN> September's focus IN> Swearing in Remnants. Re: IN> Name that Demon! IN> Fantasy Month - The Hat Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Hoards-R-Us. Re: IN> And next... Re: IN> And next... Re: IN> Fantasy month-Ozma visits heaven Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Liches IN> Yet another heresy RE: IN> And next... IN> Superior Power levels (was: September's focus) Re: IN> And next... Re: IN> Yet another heresy Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Hoards-R-Us. Re: IN> Fantasy Race- Elementals Re: IN> Fantasy Month - The Hat Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate IN> Endurance Question Re: IN> Endurance Question Re: IN> Yet another heresy Re: IN> Endurance Question Re: IN> Yet another heresy RE: IN> And next... Re: IN> Yet another heresy Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. IN> Jordi's Wild Kingdom Re: IN> Yet another heresy Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. Re: IN> Endurance Question Re: IN> Jordi's Wild Kingdom IN> Fwd: The Angel of Faeries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 17:03:07 +1100 From: "james walker" Subject: IN> September's focus Well, if we go Cyerpunk, Jean becomes the pre-eminent Archangel, while large numbers of words, including Animals and Flowers will need to be rebuilt to survive. So we can do ALL of these options if we want. james. ====================================================================== My vote is for either Jordimania or Jeanathon. Heck, both at once. :) > > Moe > Cyberpunk? A world where Vapula got well out of control in alliance with Mamon, but with slightly better sanity than V usually manages. > John Dallman > Successors. Imagine that the Superiors and major Word-Bound of both sides get knocked off, one by one, and their roles are taken up by new Word-Bound. Here's the chance to take new views of War, of the Media, of Technology and Greed, and so on and so on... - -- > Eric Alfred Burns - I like the 'successors' idea, but what about New Words? Some kind of catastrophe in the symhony drains the existing Words of power, and heaven and hell both need to find new words (and all obvious associated words are powerless too, so Baal can't just become 'the Battle'. You could use the old superiors with new words, or make new superiors entirely. > Richie H-R ========================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:57:23 +1100 From: "james walker" Subject: IN> Swearing in Remnants. Remnants are treated as humans for most purposes, and are sometimes mistaken for them. Does anyone have any idea what happens if Oathtaking is used on a remnant? The options I could think of were: - - the Attunement has no effect. - - the Force attaches successfully, as a Celestial Force, rebuilding the Remnant as either a demonling or Soldier. - - The Force attaches as a Corporeal or Ethereal Force, and has no other side effects. - - The Force destabilises the Remnant, causing it to unravel until completely destroyed. But which? James. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:24:36 -0400 From: Cameron McCurry Subject: Re: IN> Name that Demon! Well, so far it's been an exciting game as we try to figure out which demon has been the cause of the downfall of this talking monkey! And looking over at Megatron, it looks like we have another contestant. That's right, Lewis. I just got the call and it sounds pretty urgent. *listens into receiver* OK, who is it? Excuse me? You sounded like you said.. DID say it. Are you sure? ...... Well, here's a twist in the game! Looks like Heaven has it's own dirty little secrets. Jared Elohite of Destiny Corporeal Forces: 2 Strength 4 Agility 4 Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 7 Precision: 5 Celestial Forces: 4 Will: 7 Perception: 9 Vessel: Human/2 Role: Businessman/2 Skills: Knowledge (Pharmacy)/4 Dodge: 3 Small Weapon (Pistol): 2 Songs: Healing (Corporeal and Celestial)/3, Motion (Celestial): 3, Charm (Celestial):1 Attunements Elohite of Destiny Divine Destiny Heaven has it's moments when it has to do something that in the eyes of most people would be distasteful or abhorrent. Even some angels get uncomfortable with this notion of "doing this for the greater good." The Elohim, blessed with emotional detachment, are the ones that are most often called in to handle these tasks. Jared has been on Earth for about a year now. A chance meeting with the pharmacist showed him that the man was starting down the road to his Fate. The man had begun diluting chemotherapy drugs in an attempt to make more money. Within a few months, he was going to mix a batch that would be little more than saline with token amounts of drugs that would not aid a nine year old leukemia patient. Most angels upon hearing this would have confronted the man directly with proof of what he was doing and manipulated and bullied him into doing the right thing. Jared began thinking that a less confrontational path would be the best and he began to quietly encourage the man to continue what he was doing. Three weeks into this, he made the anonymous calls and faxed required proof to the authorities. Jared knew that he had prevented the boy from dying and had (hopefully) put the right amount of the fear of God into this man. He has contacted friends he has among the Judgment angels in the area to help with the legal defense. ======================================================= Not bad, Megatron. Not bad at all! I think our studio audience is impressed! So was I, Lewis, but there is another twist to this.... What Jared and the Judgment angels are unaware of is that the pharmacist's actions have gained the attention of a Soldier of Gabriel's. A woman who had been undergoing chemotherapy with drugs provided by the pharmacist's office died. The Soldier, Mark Tanner, found out about the diluted drugs as well as the angel of Destiny that was helping things along. In his eyes, their actions fall under the Cruel category. Both the pharmacist and Jared are now being targeted by an enraged Soldier who is determined that they pay for what they have done. Woah! So far, this has it all! An angel doing bad! A human giving into greed! And now a Soldier on a one man crusade for revenge! If this Jared doesn't turn out to be the one, we might be able to get the footage on "When Angels go Bad." Right you are Lewis. And now a word from our sponsor.... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 21:09:59 +0800 From: "Manny Nepomuceno" Subject: IN> Fantasy Month - The Hat Fantasy month. Hmm. As usual, I'm off on a tangent again. :) Manny Neps The Hartwog's Sorting Hat Reliever of Destiny, Living Artifact Corporeal Forces 1: Strength 3, Agility 1 Ethereal Forces 2: Intelligence 7, Precision 1 Celestial Forces 3: Perception 8, Will 4 Features: Fragility Songs: NC - Mouth/4 Attunements: Divine Destiny, Scabbard (from Laurence)* Special Abilities: The Hat may use the Divine Destiny Attunement on anyone wearing the Hat at no Essence cost. Whether or not this still causes disturbance is up to the Game Master. Also, anyone wearing the Hat can communicate with the Hat without speech -- whether this is through a special variant of the Ethereal Song of Tongues or by some other means is known only to Yves. If the Sorting Hat had a True Name beyond "The Hat", Yves (and his Seraphim) are keeping mum about it. Created long ago by the Archangel of Destiny, the Hat has never known existence as a regular celestial, and is quite comfortable living as a hat, thank you very much. The Hat was crafted for a single purpose - to assist in sorting first year students at the Hartwog's Academy of Wondrous Wizardry into their respective Houses, with which they will be affiliated through the rest of their stay at Hartwog's. Each House emphasizes a different personality trait -- Griffinpaw emphasizes courage, Ravenbeak wisdom, Serpentine cunning, and Humbleslug loyalty -- and it is the task of the Sorting Hat to decide which of these traits best serve the children in attaining their Destiny. Granted, it's not a very glamorous job, but the Hat has had no reason to complain in all the years it's been at Hartwog's. It likes the attention, and once a year everyone gets together and allows it a chance to strut its stuff -- and every so often, the Hat gets to stop demons from infiltrating the Academy (with one Song, too!).** While the Hat has been passed from Headmaster to Headmaster, its current owner -- er, partner -- is its favorite: a 17-Force Cherub Master of Destiny with the Elohite resonance named Malthus Bumblebud. Demonic PCs looking to appropriate or destroy the Hat will find Bumblebud a fearsome, if somewhat befuddled, opponent. Angelic PCs will be...enchanted. *If you haven't figured this one out, check out Book 2 in the famous series, Billy Potts and the Room Everybody Forgot. That'll help. ** Hat. Head. NC: Mouth. Think about it. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:16:29 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate - --- Charles E Smith wrote: > Trick > is, if this is truly the aspect of the Choir, then they > should be able to > use their Resonances over media, just as real angels can. Ewwww. That's not a toy I'd want demon PC's to play with. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:20:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Hoards-R-Us. BWAHAHAHAHA! I like it! ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:21:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> And next... - --- james walker wrote: > 'twas fun. So what's September going to be? Lilith Fair > got suggested as an > option by Phillip Des Jardins - are there any other bids? Actually, Lilith Fair was my idea. But I got an even wilder hair (don't inquire as to the orifice) -- how about Jordi's Wild Kingdom? ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:22:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> And next... - --- Whistling in the Dark wrote: > Successors. Imagine that the Superiors and major > Word-Bound of both > sides get knocked off, one by one, and their roles are > taken up by > new Word-Bound. Here's the chance to take new views of > War, of the > Media, of Technology and Greed, and so on and so on... Oooooo... I like this idea. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:35:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy month-Ozma visits heaven Heh heh... liked the ending. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 06:42:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Liches - --- Benjamin Acosta wrote: > The Lich I like this adaptation. In a game featuring powerful Mortals, they'd even work as PC's. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:32:00 +0800 From: "Manny Nepomuceno" Subject: IN> Yet another heresy Oh-kay... No, this is not an attempt at writing an all-new heretical cycle, although it is heretical. It's just that I've been thinking about this _all day_ and I wanted to, share it with others on the list. For your enjoyment, then... - --- The Council Hall was silent in the moments after the Angel of the Sword spoke. His wounds not quite healed, the young Malakite limped off the podium and back onto the floor. Off to one side stood Khalid, the Angel of Faith, having just given his testimony. The two angels of Purity were the last to give their depositions; all that was left of the trial was the judging. The old Elohite did not so much as grace Laurence with a smile, though both of them bore the wounds of the Purity Crusade. Laurence did not seem to notice. In the very center of the Council Hall stood Uriel, Archangel of Purity, Commander of the Armies of God, and their Superior. His celestial form stood tall and proud, and while the armor he wore over his black-winged form was just as battered as that which Laurence and his compatriots wore, it seemed that he bore his wounds more proudly. The massive greatsword the Archangel of Purity carried shone brightly even under the thick ichor that encrusted it -- all that remained of Garchek, the last dragon, only days dead at the hands of Uriel himself. The Malakite stood still, barely breathing, staring into space -- not even deigning to face the cloaked figure tasked with his judgment. Everyone else, on the other hand, had their eyes on Dominic. The Archangel of Judgment was one of Uriel's staunchest allies, and it was whispered in dark places that he'd tried to dissuade Blandine from calling for Uriel's trial. The Archangel of Dreams was no friend of Uriel's, it was known, and everyone in the Hall was conscious of her presence as both accuser and member of the Council. She sat regally beside Yves, who was, for once, frowning at the proceedings. Clearly, whatever was to happen here would happen without his foreknowledge. The Archangel of Judgment raised his arm as if to speak, quelling the murmurs that had begun to rise. Beside him, Seraphiel, the Angel of the Inquisition, and Mihr, the Angel of Mercy, tensed. It was time. But Dominic faltered, his words swallowed by the inky darkness of his cloak. Angels and Archangels alike looked at each other uneasily. Unabated, the Song of Holies continued in the background. Whatever happened, the Trisagon would continue. Then God spoke. It was not like God speaking through Metatron -- angels old enough to remember understood that there was a critical difference, but would not be able to explain precisely what it was. There was, however, no doubt in anyone's mind that it was God him/her/itself speaking to them all, and that He/She/It had come in response to their need. Angels present at the Trial, ancient and newly-fledged alike, wept in adoration as God's voice washed over them, filling them with a sense of purpose and importance. Even Uriel wept at the sound of God speaking. And God said, "My child, return to the purity you hold so dear." And Uriel, weeping, replied, "Yes, Father," and faded from sight. Some say that they saw beings arriving to take Uriel to the higher heavens -- members of Choirs higher than even the Seraphim. Others claim that there was a great flash of light that burned Uriel to cinders. And they wept, angel and Archangel alike, for God was still present with them. God spoke again. "My child," God said, "it is time for you to take up the banner." And then God was gone. Everyone present knew that God had chosen another to rule Heaven and to plan the War -- and they looked around at those deemed worthy of this honor, trying to discern who had been chosen. David, Archangel of Stone, stood naked and proud, tears running down his face and bare chest. Michael, Archangel of War, stood beside him, radiant and glorious, and even his face was wet with tears. Gabriel, Archangel of Fire, burned with the brilliance of His presence. And there were others there as well who were deemed worthy of commanding God's armies -- Khalid, Angel of Faith, who had glowed brighter than any Ofanite (save Gabriel) at the sound of God's voice. His wounds were healed, miraculously, as were those of Laurence, the Angel of the Sword, virtuous and true to the ideals of Heaven. But none of them spoke; another had been chosen. And then he spoke. "Well -- yes," he murmured, clearing his throat, "it seems we have a lot to get done." And Eli stepped into the center of the Hall. :) Manny Neps p.s. Baal, of course, was stunned. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:27:11 -0400 From: "Adams, David" Subject: RE: IN> And next... Successors. Imagine that the Superiors and major Word-Bound of both sides get knocked off, one by one, and their roles are taken up by new Word-Bound. Here's the chance to take new views of War, of the Media, of Technology and Greed, and so on and so on... - -- Eric Alfred Burns - Ooh, this sounds like Ultimate IN. New take on the same Superior words. Heck, didn't like a current Superior word(coughMoehackInfernalFirecough) write it up the way you want. Always been dreaming up what the Archangel of Water would be like now? Go for it. I like the idea a lot. My vote for Successors. Any care to come up with what happened to the old word holders? Dave ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:17:01 -0700 From: "Perry Lloyd" Subject: IN> Superior Power levels (was: September's focus) - ----- Original Message ----- From: "james walker" To: Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 11:03 PM Subject: IN> September's focus > Well, if we go Cyerpunk, Jean becomes the pre-eminent Archangel, while large > numbers of words, including Animals and Flowers will need to be rebuilt to > survive. So we can do ALL of these options if we want. > > james. I still don't understand why Jean and Vapula aren't the, like, two most powerful Superiors ever. Well, that and Mammon, I mean the amount of essential money worship in this world . . . that and Lust. Also, in a world where Cyberpunk exists, the entire globe is NOT going to be covered in urban sprawl. There will always be large expanses of land where there arer no cities. (Assuming that we still value agriculturue = food). Therefore, Jordi and Novalis shouldn't lose much more power than they have already. just my 2 sense - -Perry "As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it. " - --Dick Cavett ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:19:36 -0700 From: "Perry Lloyd" Subject: Re: IN> And next... > --- james walker wrote: > > 'twas fun. So what's September going to be? Lilith Fair > > got suggested as an > > option by Phillip Des Jardins - are there any other bids? > > Actually, Lilith Fair was my idea. But I got an even > wilder hair (don't inquire as to the orifice) -- how about > Jordi's Wild Kingdom? and that was that. Must go find my old zoobooks . . . I've got an idea. - -Perry "Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. " - --Kurt Vonnegut ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:08:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Yet another heresy - --- Manny Nepomuceno wrote: > And then he spoke. "Well -- yes," he murmured, clearing > his throat, "it > seems we have a lot to get done." > And Eli stepped into the center of the Hall. Oh, I think I'd like that campaign... ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:09:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Ryan M Roth Subject: Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, William J. Keith wrote: > >Can demons not use their resonances over media? > > > >...Was it ever suggested Kronos' Balseraphs can't use their angelic > >resonances over media? > > > >-- > > Kish > > Demons can use their Resonances over live media, but not on recordings. > Since Kronos' Balseraph Resonance is described as "emulating" the Resonance > of a Choir... [snip] I was under the impression that the distinction was simply a matter of being 'receptive' as opposed to being 'transmittive.' Most angelic resonances are based on perceiving, and so can function on recordings. Demonic resonances are active, intending to impose their Will on the target -- which doesn't translate well over recordings since the target is ambigious -- dozens of people could end up hearing or viewing it -- which is the target? And, with all those potential targets, the likelyhood of one resisting the attempt shoots up. Is it possible that demons can't resonate over media because a selfish defense mechanism prevents them from doing something that has a higher-than-average chance of beaning them with Dissonance? Add to this the fact that a media stores the attempt, so that, years later, someone could view it, resist, and suddenly the demon has a note of Dissonance with no idea where it came from, and no chance to cover it with another lie. Anyway, if I were a GM, I'd say that Bals of Fate could use their angelic resonance over recordings, but not their demonic resonance. Ryan Roth PS: Have I got the Balseraph resonance/dissonance condition right? I usually don't work with them. RR ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:10:22 -0400 (EDT) From: Ryan M Roth Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy Month - Hoards-R-Us. On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, james walker wrote: > Dragons, Mummies, Liches, Sorcerers - all need a hoard of gold and jewels. > Otherwise where's the point? > > That's Mammon's thought, anyway. He needed somewhere to store his corporeal > wealth, the monsters weren't doing anything, and he was able to persuade > Baal that it would encourage Heaven's Soldiers to get themselves killed > fighting monsters. > This was great -- it makes a lot of sense. Ryan Roth ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:09:59 -0500 From: Earl Wajenberg Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy Race- Elementals Would I be right in assuming that, because Lurline is Angel of Rain, her most famous instance of enchanting a territory into fairy land is usually reached by going Over The Rainbow? Earl ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:12:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Fantasy Month - The Hat - --- Manny Nepomuceno wrote: > The Hartwog's Sorting Hat > Reliever of Destiny, Living Artifact I shoulda known somebody would bring this series up. > ** Hat. Head. NC: Mouth. Think about it. Brrrr. I'd rather not, thanks. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:20:22 -0500 From: David Edelstein Subject: Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. james walker wrote: > Remnants are treated as humans for most purposes, and are sometimes mistaken> for them. Does anyone have any idea what happens if Oathtaking is used on a> remnant? A Superior paying that much attention to a Remnant would probably realize what he was. Oathtaking itself would probably not affect a Remnant, but a Superior could graft a Force onto him if they wanted. - -David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:27:56 -0500 (CDT) From: WileyC Subject: Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate > On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Charles E Smith wrote: > > is, if this is truly the aspect of the Choir, then they should be able to > > use their Resonances over media, just as real angels can. (Their > > Balseraph Resonances would still be limited, I think, being "truly" > > infernal.) It depends on the Resonance, really. In those cases that a demon has a informational Angelic Resonance, then they can be used over media the same if an angel was using it. The REAL question is whether a Lilim can use the 'sensing' part of her Resonance on media. I believe tha answer was, yes, she could but she couldn't convert that to a Hook. Information would be gathered, though. - -john 'back from the dead' karakash- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:42:32 -0700 From: "Perry Lloyd" Subject: IN> Endurance Question Do Celestials ever tire? Can they maintain top running speed for days, then? If this is true, then theorically they can exert their muscles to their full capacity. Therefore contests of Strength begin toi make very little sense. Assuming that Celestials never tire, they need not ever "exert" themselves and therefore "Contests of Strength" should be used, instead it would be merely the Celestial with the higher Strength who wins. Also, this means that a human can -never flee successfully- from a Celestial unless she can find shelter in which to hide, as the human will eventually tire, and the Celestial will not. This also further distances Celestials from humanity, as they will never full appreciate physical fatigue, they will never break a sweat from exersion, and they cannot fail any test of endurance. - -Perry "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out. " - --Chinese Proverb ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 12:25:08 -0500 From: Earl Wajenberg Subject: Re: IN> Endurance Question Perry Lloyd wrote: > > Do Celestials ever tire? No. > Can they maintain top running speed for days, then? Yes. > This also further distances Celestials from humanity, as they will > never full appreciate physical fatigue, they will never break a > sweat from exersion, and they cannot fail any test of endurance. Yep. Of course, humans seldom *consciously* experience that sinking sensation of being out of Essence, and never experience dissonance or discord. Earl ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:54:25 -0700 From: "Bevan Thomas" Subject: Re: IN> Yet another heresy I do hope this is going somewhere, as Eli is one of my all-time favorite superiors (along with Blandine, Jordi, Kobal, and Nybbas), and it would be interesting to see how a world would turn out where the archangel of Creation was running the show. For one, the Ethereals would probably be far, far less persecuted. - -Bevan - ------- "We've always been under siege. The 'Real World' keeps shoving us into corners -- so we've built some worlds of our own. Now whoever's controlling this... wants to take those worlds away. Well, I call that interplanetary war." -T. Campbell, "Fans: the Fandom Menace" >From: "Manny Nepomuceno" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: IN> Yet another heresy >Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:32:00 +0800 > >And then he spoke. "Well -- yes," he murmured, clearing his throat, "it >seems we have a lot to get done." >And Eli stepped into the center of the Hall. > >:) Manny Neps > >p.s. Baal, of course, was stunned. > _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 12:40:36 -0700 From: "Perry Lloyd" Subject: Re: IN> Endurance Question > > Do Celestials ever tire? > > No. > > > Can they maintain top running speed for days, then? > > Yes. > > > This also further distances Celestials from humanity, as they will > > never full appreciate physical fatigue, they will never break a > > sweat from exersion, and they cannot fail any test of endurance. > > Yep. Of course, humans seldom *consciously* experience that > sinking sensation of being out of Essence, and never experience > dissonance or discord. > > Earl Thanks, Earl. Just wanted to double check. - -Perry "Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. " - --Kurt Vonnegut ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:05:32 -0400 From: "Eric Bertish" Subject: Re: IN> Yet another heresy > And then he spoke. "Well -- yes," he murmured, clearing his throat, "it > seems we have a lot to get done." > And Eli stepped into the center of the Hall. I am simply agog at the implications inherent in the use of Archangel-class Malakite of Creation attunement used on the strategic level. > p.s. Baal, of course, was stunned. I can imagine. How does a self-respecting Balseraph cope when he discovers that Heaven's Finest now carry spicy chicken wings instead of flaming swords? - -- Casca ("And if you hit them in the eye, the spice makes it sting!") ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:32:20 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rev. Pee Kitty" Subject: RE: IN> And next... On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Adams, David wrote: > Go for it. I like the idea a lot. My vote for Successors. Any care > to come up with what happened to the old word holders? Well, I'd imagine that'd be up to each writeup. Why limit it to just ONE concept? :) - -- Rev. Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian, Q4B4L! Meow! 'Frop (frop) n. [ATL Habafropzipulops] The only thing that can drop you into the wading pool section of your own soul while the lifeguard's body drips blood from the diving board into the water, creating a fractal pattern dictated by an equation which has been built into your DNA code since life began. Watch the pattern and learn next week's winning Lotto numbers. [Webster-Dobbs, 3rd ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:21:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Ryan M Roth Subject: Re: IN> Yet another heresy On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Eric Bertish wrote: > > And then he spoke. "Well -- yes," he murmured, clearing his throat, "it > > seems we have a lot to get done." > > And Eli stepped into the center of the Hall. > > I am simply agog at the implications inherent in the use of Archangel-class > Malakite of Creation attunement used on the strategic level. > > > p.s. Baal, of course, was stunned. > > I can imagine. How does a self-respecting Balseraph cope when he discovers > that Heaven's Finest now carry spicy chicken wings instead of flaming > swords? > "Sir! Sir! The legions of Hell are storming Heaven now! This is the the final confrontation -- they've brought everything they have with them!" "What do they have, exactly?" "Un-numbered hordes of demons, weilding flaming weapons, relics of untold power, ancient Songs, and Hell-knows what else." "I see. What do we have?" "Umm... 13 marbles, a Canadian penny, three paper clips, a photo of JFK, some pencil shavings and, of course, a bunch of pocket lint. Oh, and Jean says we can use a couple of his old 286 computers, too." "Some days you just got to pity the poor bastards." Ryan Roth ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:37:13 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rev. Pee Kitty" Subject: Re: IN>A Question about the Resonances of Fate On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, WileyC wrote: > It depends on the Resonance, really. In those cases that a demon has a > informational Angelic Resonance, then they can be used over media the same > if an angel was using it. > > The REAL question is whether a Lilim can use the 'sensing' part of her > Resonance on media. I believe tha answer was, yes, she could but she > couldn't convert that to a Hook. Information would be gathered, though. According to Canon, the answer is No. G:IN made it explicitly clear, and I believe there's a mention in the IPG as well that when a Lilim goes Bright her resonance expands to media as well. - -- Rev. Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian, Q4B4L! Meow! "I am the greatest man in the world; indeed I am SO great that I can afford great generosity: I encourage all others to adopt the DELUSION that they are as great as I. If they truly thought that they were themselves the greatest, they too would be as generous; and then we would all be able to HUMOR each other, in peace, for none would feel threatened by the now-harmless delusions of everyone else." -- Philo Drummond ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:39:11 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rev. Pee Kitty" Subject: Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, David Edelstein wrote: > james walker wrote: > > Remnants are treated as humans for most purposes, and are sometimes mistaken> for them. Does anyone have any idea what happens if Oathtaking is used on a> remnant? > > A Superior paying that much attention to a Remnant would probably > realize what he was. Oathtaking itself would probably not affect a > Remnant, but a Superior could graft a Force onto him if they wanted. But Oathtaking is being used by a non-Superior... just a regular (high ranking) demon. Sure, the Force comes from the Prince itself... but it's more of a "rubber-stamped", automatic thing, yes? From the description of the attunement, it didn't seem like the Superior was that involved in it. - -- Rev. Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian, Q4B4L! Meow! Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is _the best_. -- Frank Zappa, "Packard Goose" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:05:18 -0700 From: "Perry Lloyd" Subject: IN> Jordi's Wild Kingdom how about > > Jordi's Wild Kingdom? Jordi's Wild Kingdom Global Warming, Unprecedented levels of pollution and expansion, acres of Rainforest lost every day, over 100 different species of animal are endangered . . . Jordi's anger burns slow, but it burns hot. In order to help his servitors combat the problems humanity has caused, without directly reducing the human population (see the French game's Liber Angelis: the section on the RZO for a write-up of a secret organization of Jordi's angels hell-bent on wiping humanity off the planet), Jordi has starting granting powerful attunements to his most trusted and loyal servitors, typically only his grade 3 angels, though some exceptions have been made . . . These Attunements have been created based upon the attributes of endangered animals from all over the globe. When the attunement is active, it is not unusual for the possessor to have an aspect of the animal about them. text @ : - -Perry "And that's the hardest thing for a human being to do - be wrong. Do you know that people would rather die than be wrong?" - --from A Matter For Men by David Gerrold ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:41:19 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rev. Pee Kitty" Subject: Re: IN> Yet another heresy On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Eric Bertish wrote: > How does a self-respecting Balseraph cope when he discovers that > Heaven's Finest now carry spicy chicken wings instead of flaming swords? I just wanted to point out that this sentence would make a great .sig. - -- Rev. Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian, Q4B4L! Meow! "How does a self-respecting Balseraph cope when he discovers that Heaven's Finest now carry spicy chicken wings instead of flaming swords?" -- Eric Bertish ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 12:42:37 -0500 From: David Edelstein Subject: Re: IN> Swearing in Remnants. "Rev. Pee Kitty" wrote: > But Oathtaking is being used by a non-Superior... just a regular (high > ranking) demon. Sure, the Force comes from the Prince itself... but it's> more of a "rubber-stamped", automatic thing, yes? From the description of> the attunement, it didn't seem like the Superior was that involved in it. I'd say the Oathtaking would fail, since the Superior is sending a Force to be grafted onto a mortal, and altering a celestial (or a Remnant) is a bit different. The Superior might notice the failure and investigate further... - -David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:44:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Walton Subject: Re: IN> Endurance Question - --- Perry Lloyd wrote: > contests of Strength begin to make > very little sense. > Assuming that Celestials never tire, they need not ever > "exert" themselves > and therefore "Contests of Strength" should be used, > instead it would be > merely the Celestial with the higher Strength who wins. Not so. It is possible for a weaker person to win a contest of strength against a stronger person -- just ask all the guys in my Judo class who were bigger than I was. ===== Michael Walton, #9805-068 What came first -- the orange, or the color? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:58:49 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rev. Pee Kitty" Subject: Re: IN> Jordi's Wild Kingdom On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Perry Lloyd wrote: > Jordi's Wild Kingdom > > text @ : I like the concept! But the last two strike me as overpowered, frankly. I'd suggest that each ASPECT of the power cost 1 Essence, instead of activating all aspects for 1 Essence. Otherwise, why bother with the Frog when you have the Tiger, for example? - -- Rev. Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian, Q4B4L! Meow! :: Prayers are like junk mail for Jesus ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:13:05 -0400 From: Elizabeth McCoy Subject: IN> Fwd: The Angel of Faeries >Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 15:57:55 -0500 >Subject: BOUNCE Non-member submission from ["Charles Phipps" ] >From: "Charles Phipps" >Subject: The Angel of Faeries >Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 16:55:29 -0400 > >Milo >Cherub of Destiny (outcast) >The Angel of Faeries > >Cor-2 Strength 4 Agility 4 >Eth-4 Intelligence-9 Precision 7 >Cel-3 Will-8 Per 4 > >Artifact: Umbrella with Songs of Corporeal Protection and Ethereal Motion at >3/ > >Vessel: Human 2/, Butterfly 1/ > >Role: Milo Starling, Writer 4/ > >Skills: Writing 4/, Fairyology 4/, Myths 2/, Langauges (Gaelic 2/, Greek 2/, >French 3) > >Songs: Song of Dreams (Celestial 3/), Song of Form (Celestial 4/), Song of >Light (Ethereal 4/), Wings 3/ (Butterfly) > >Attunements: Dream Walking, Glamour Aura, Ley Line Walker > >Glamour Aura: This ability gives Milo the ability to enchant Faeries with >his wit, charm, and in general award winning bumbling personality and should >be considered having a 6/ in all social rolls with faeries. > >Ley Line Walker: Milo with this ability can track the ley lines of the >faeries with surprising accuracy. This ability allows him to sense where >exactly a fairy dream land is likely to be located or one of their rare >remaining tethers. > >Special Rites: > >* Create a new fairy from your writings >* Protect a Fairy from Harm > >Word Forces: 7 > >Appearence: Milo in his cherubic form appears as a large elephant with a >tendancy to dress in large heavy white clothing with spectacles. The glasses >don't actually compensate for any eyesight problem but the cherub believes >they make him look distinguished. His face rarely seems angry and when it >does it looks comical. > >In his human vessel Milo despite his skill in the song of forms he prefers >to take a human man entering his forties who is slightly overweight with a >perpetually bewildered look on his face. His penchant for white like most >angels carris over into his mortal form as do his spectacles though he has >been known to wear a monical despite the incongruity it presents in the >modern world. > >His second vessel appears as a tiny rainbow colored butterfly with a >beautiful sparkling look to it. > >Roleplaying Hints: While Milo is certainly older than any human he is a very >young word bound and has no idea actually what sorts of depths of trouble he >has managed to get himself into. Exceedingly nonviolent and cheerful to the >point of causing toothache he's not likely to survive his situation either >with great help from either the ethereal pantheon or sympathetic angels. In >any situation act like the model (that never really existed in real life) of >a proper gentleman and of the mind even demons are just people in a very >foul mood. > >Background: Milo (Aka Milo Starling writer for Hungry Tiger Press and >several smaller publications) is an angel whom has what might be construed >as a slightly bad position among the Host....he has a word that the Seraphim >Council refuses to believe he has. It's all a very big misunderstanding you >see which he just can't seem to resolve. > >A reliever assigned to shuffling L. Frank Baum's letters from his fans so >that the important ones to inspire him went to the author regarding his Oz >series, Milo fell deeply in love with the man's concept of faeries and was >fairly disturbed to think Heaven had waged war on them not so long ago. >When Mr. Baum sucumbed and he fledged he decided to pay a visit to the fairy >realms and see just for himself what they were like. > >Well the reception wasn't quite as warm as he'd have liked but ended up in >the curious altercation between an all out attack by the Tsaydim on one of >the Unseelie Court's princesses. Milo considered it an unseemly bestially >act for an angel to attack a lady placed himself inbetween the Tsaydim and >the lady and took the majority of their blows to the point he was nearly >killed before they broke off. Milo isn't sure what happened at that point >but attributes it to his praying to God for protection of the Lady...and God >responded by giving him a word. > >Under investigation for abandoning his duties to visit an Unseelie Enclave >Milo had the unfortunate luck to be tried by a former member of Uriel's >inquisitors who so repulsed by the idea of a Angel having a word of such >abominations as the ethereal fey that the Inquisitor suffered the dissonance >of an unfair ruling and sentenced him to death. The situation might have >been fixed by Dominic before his soul killing but for one of Blandine's >servants holding the man before his execution was so filled with awe that he >helped himself break his heart and escape the Tower to the Earth to continue >the task the Lord set out for him. > >The case of the so called Angel of Faeries is one of fairly low priority to >Dominic though of considerable interest to Blandine, Khalid, and a lesser >extent Laurence who believe that the young angel might hold the key to >proving (or disproving) God's disapproval regarding the Purity Crusade. Milo >doesn't consider such weighty matters any business of his and simply does >his best to promote belief in faeries of a good, just, and essentially pure >nature. > >The situation has also gotton considerably more complicated because of the >interjection of romance into the equation. The Unseelie Princess was so >touched by Milo's actions regarding her that she has switched her allegiance >to the Seelie Court and they have since fallen in love with Milo's eventual >hope they can share forces to create a child. Something which unfortunately >would not help his case at present. > >Yes the Lord works in mysterious ways... > >-Charlie > > >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > ------------------------------ End of in_nomine-digest V1 #2341 ********************************