Habbalite of Factions
Knight of Deception
Angel of Boundaries
By Moe Lane
Corporeal Forces: 2 |
Strength: 3 |
Agility: 8 |
Ethereal Forces: 5 |
Intelligence: 8 |
Precision: 12 |
Celestial Forces: 6 |
Will: 12 |
Perception: 12 |
Word-Forces: 13 |
Skills: Chemistry/4, Dodge/3, Fast-Talk/4,
Fighting/3, Knowledge (Law/3,Psychology/3), Lying/3,
Ranged Weapon/2 (rifle), Tactics/1
Songs: Charm (Celestial/3), Empathy (Ethereal/4),
Hysteria/3, Light (Celestial/6), Shields (All/2),
Tongues (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/2)
Attunements: Habbalah of Factions, Imbroglio,
Polarize, Knight of Deception, Angel of Boundaries
Extra Rites: Juvenal gets two Essence for initiating a
conflict between two people, if it involves a boundary
dispute. He also gets one Essence for encouraging one
person to kill another over a boundary dispute.
Vessels: Human male/2
Roles: None currently: he's trying to build up one, but
he hasn t gotten far yet. Juvenal usually prefers one
that's at least level/3, Status 3.
Dissonance: 0
Discord: None
Artifacts: None
Ah, the old days. It was amazing how many fights
could get started over a simple piece of rock.
Juvenal used to be a Servitor of Stone, but that
didn't last long. He had too much trouble dealing
with the heated emotions going on over the human
proclivity for starting a century-long vendetta over
six square feet of land that really didn't belong to
anyone. After a while, the Elohite started to think
that the ungrateful fools were touched in the head -
and, when a Power has gotten to that stage, Falling is
almost a formality.
Malphas understood the Punisher's sudden revelation
that all of this was a test of God's, of course:
really, for a damned demon the Prince of Factions is
quite unconsciously sensible of the Lord's real plans
for humanity. So, humans want to fight over a
meaningless symbol, do they? Well, then, the best
thing is to encourage that, make them express all the
anger and petty hatred that they're keeping
imperfectly secret. Whoever wins is obviously less
undeserving of the empty honor. It improves the breed
(God knows that nothing could make them any worse).
Juvenal is actually in recovery, right now: David
doesn't particularly like defectors, and this one is
most annoying at times. The last bout with Stone's
Servitors managed to strip a few Forces from the
Habbalite, so Juvenal is trying to hide out and lick
his wounds. Unfortunately, he has difficulty keeping
his mouth shut - and simply cannot bear to stir the
pot, above and beyond the call of duty, wherever he
goes. He possibly should have taken up his Prince's
suggestion that he stay in Hell for a while, but even
a Habbalite isn't insane enough to get involved in the
perennial border disputes about where one Principality
ends and another begins...
Angel of Boundaries: Juvenal can look at a boundary
dispute and immediately determine every claim and
counterclaim involving it, plus which side actually
has the best claim. He could care less about who is
actually right, but knowing gives him more options.
He can also double the duration of his Habbalite of
Factions Attunement when it involves a boundary
dispute. Finally, Juvenal always knows when he's
crossed a corporeal boundary.
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