Addiction: Dice
By Moe Lane
Corporeal Discord: 1 CP/level
As Corporeal Addictions go, this one is actually
pretty mild: the sufferer simply has an unbreakable
and uncontrollable urge to regularly go out and
purchase various types of dice.
A successful Will Roll is necessary to resist
purchasing, modified as follows:
-(level of the Discord)
-1 for every week since the last time dice were
-1 if the dice are speckled, metallic, crystal clear,
shiny or otherwise barely different than the rest of
your dice.
-1 You've just rolled a critical failure with your old
dice (obviously, they're jinxed and you need new
-1 You've just rolled a critical success with your old
dice (obviously, they're drained and you need new
-1 You're not rolling any criticals with your old dice
(obviously, they're useless and you need new ones).
-3 You already have enough dice to choke a horse (by
now, it's not an obsession, it's a collection, and
collections need to be expanded, right?).
+1 You legitimately need dice (It's a guilt thing).
-1000 The dice in question are made out of actual
meteoric iron.
Really, the only reason this has a point cost at all
is because having this addiction is worth -1
reactions/level from Judgement, the Game and all
Lilim: the first doesn't like superstitious behavior,
the second will provide you with all the dice you
need, thank you very much, and the third can think of
so many better things to spend your money on than
those stupid polyhedrons...
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