Designed by Steve Jackson * Illustrated by Greg Hyland

Sample CardsRulesninjaburger.comSteve Jackson GamesFun Ninja Things
Secret Ninja Death Touch box

216 oversized cards, 3 black ninja dice, counters, and a rulesheet.
Suggested Retail Price $34.99 * Stock number 1903
UPC 837654320259
Out Of PrintClick here for dealer info

Now you can join the elite Ninja Burger delivery team! You will learn to deliver tasty burgers and fries anywhere. You will bring honor to your franchise. Failure is not an option.

The twisted minds that brought you Chez Geek and Munchkin are back. Based on the popular website at, this hilarious card game, designed by Steve Jackson, pits you against your fellow trainees in a new Ninja Burger store. Learn the secrets of stealth, swordsmanship, and customer service. Fight for honor, respect, big tips, and that coveted promotion . . .

This new, deluxe edition combines the original Ninja Burger with the cards from the supplement, Sumo-Size Me! and adds counters for tracking honor and money.

It's fast-moving. It's fun. You get to be a ninja. What more can you ask from a game?

No matter how secure your office,
how deep your bunker,
how dedicated your guards . . .
we deliver your burger in 30 minutes or less.

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