The Fnorder
Our first iPhone project. It's free! We created it for practice, for fun, and to further the plots of the Secret Masters. The Fnorder brings you messages from the Illuminati . . . encoded information and instructions for world conquest, for your eyes only. This is all for real! Honest!
Use it to boggle your friends . . . or ask it for help when you need to make a decision. Think of it as the I Ching for paranoids.
It also includes a variety of beautiful Illuminated wallpapers which you can use for your iPhone.
Original Fnorder design by Steve Jackson and Creede Lambard. Coded for the iPhone by Kira.
What They're Saying
- The Unofficial Apple Weblog says: "From legendary game designer Steve Jackson, Fnorder is a hilarious send up of Magic 8-Ball-style apps."
- Game author Bruce Baugh talks about the Fnorder on his LiveJournal.