Praise "Bob"!

"Bob" tells us to love the Friend of "Bob", who RANTS! Or not. The enlightened Sub REVELS in the X-Day Practice in the sight of JHVH-1. He will survive the worst that the unspeakable Men In Black can do! SMASH the Conspiracy! You can TELL the true Friend of "Bob". He - obedient to Bulldada - SPITS in the FACE of Cthulhu and the slobbering black-suited ANDROIDS. Yes, he is BELOVED of JHVH-1 because he has PAID HIS DUES! False Sanity is the foe! The MIBS may be fools, but they are still part of the Con! Yes, the worthless black-suited killers (mere genetic mistakes, accidents who belong in the DUSTBIN of history) have NO Nental Ife! And they don't understand that a BAD ATTITUDE is our SALVATION! We will take their money, but we want MORE! The mad NHGH, as the Sacred Stencil tells us, LUSTS for your tender SOULS! And that godLIKE lust is exposed by the BURGEONING Nental Ife of the enlightened Sub.

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