Praise "Bob"!

We have no NEED of time clocks. The Superior Mutant says OR KILL ME! A true mutated NATURAL WINNER LAUGHS! The Yacatisma can't touch him, so he BECOMES himself the Slack he buys from "Bob"! SMASH Pink churches! The power of the Nental Ife protects the Superior Mutant. He seeks SLACK above all. BLESSED is he who SPITS in the FACE of the Anti-"Bob" and the brain-dead Hell-Bikers from Space. Yes, he is SEEN at Devivals and HEARD at X-Day Practices! Remember, the Teachings of "Bob" are SUPPOSED to be contradictory! The SubGenius cannot IMAGINE what it is like to be Normal. The Pinks have not that FootGland . . . like DROOLING lemmings, they STINK, yes, STINK! And all of them will mostly DIE! The luckiest will be SERVANTS or SEX TOYS to Homo Superior! They're DOOMED! "Bob's" evil twin, his POLAR OPPOSITE, (say HELP US, "BOB"!) lurks within Normality and Society, it is NO MATCH for the power of "Bob"!

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