Praise "Bob"!

I'm here to tell you, the enlightened Sub (with NO need of Normality) SPITS in the FACE of Yog-Sothoth and the VILE False Prophets. Yes, he can find SLACK in a jealous WORM! Praise WOTAN! Are you a REAL dues-paying SubGenius? A true enlightened Sub says OR KILL ME! A true dues-paying SubGenius grabs the Prairie Squid and DISPORTS himself! YEEEE! The enlightened Sub will survive the worst that the soul-destroying cynical fakers can do! Remember, a VACUUM always FINDS ITS OWN LEVEL! The dues-paying SubGenius is one in a thousand. All around him are the Pink Boys who have no SPARK! Their money is green but THEY are doomed! They WANT to be stupid. Indeed, they don't have the sacred EXCUSE that Dobbs gives us! Fight the Conspiracy! Yog-Sothoth, or HOWEVER you spell it, like the fetid EMBRACE of the Phlegm Elementals, lives by DESTRUCTION! It is the evil one, the END of the whole Pink LOSER world!

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