Written by Elizabeth McCoy and Kris Overstreet
Additional material by James L. Cambias, Kenneth Hite, and Matthew D. Grau
Edited by Elizabeth McCoy
Illustrated by Ramón Pérez
Cover art by Ramón Pérez
38 pages. PDF.
Price $7.99
Stock number 37-3314
Always Available – Click here to buy!
Once a Servitor of Flowers, Zadkiel – Cherub Archangel, humanity's mother-protector and champion – seeks to straddle the line between peace and violence, aiding all Words as best she can. But to demons, she shows only her harshest side. Her Servitors are spread thin, tasked to be what the angels around them are not: medics for War, guards for Flowers, shields for the Sword. And, above all, bound to protect all mortals who are not Hellbound.
In Nomine Superiors: Zadkiel includes:
- a description and history of this Archangel, including attitudes and relationships with factions on both sides of the War. Learn about her affinity for Islam, and how that has affected her outlook.
- details of the Choir Attunements, Servitor Attunements, Distinctions, and Roles available to those who serve Zadkiel, plus a sample Servitor and Saint for both In Nomine and GURPS In Nomine. Discover the protective power of the Aura of Divinity, and how the Ofanim of Zadkiel are able to move really fast!
- full information on the organization, policies, and responsibilities the Zadkielines adhere to. Why does she greatly prefer female vessels? Why do Free Lilim enjoy special protection? These answers and other secrets are revealed . . .
- variations for Zadkiel that put a twist on the ideas presented here. Make her more or less religious, or present her in an entirely different light.
- rumors and adventure seeds to incorporate Zadkiel into a campaign. Humans always need protection.
Come, stand in the shield wall, and learn what it is to Protect.

- Warehouse 23 offers scenarios and Superior writeups, in digital form, for In Nomine – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and buy them now with a credit card or PayPal.

- FAQs, articles, mailing lists, reviews, unofficial In Nomine sites, and much more.
- MUSHes and other online environments for In Nomine.
- Character sheets for In Nomine, provided by Tafka J.
- Discuss In Nomine in the Steve Jackson Games Forums.

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