Written by Eric Burns, Emily Dresner, Jo Hart, Derek Pearcy, Anthony Ragan, S. John Ross, and John Tynes
Edited by David Edelstein
Cover art by Christopher Shy
147 pages. PDF.
Price $7.99
Stock number 30-3323
Always Available – Click here to buy!
144 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $20.95
Stock number 3323
ISBN 1-55634-442-2
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men
And these five Demon Princes thrive on man's hidden vices. Vapula, Prince of Technology, teaches disdain for nature and reverence for artifice. Valefor, Prince of Theft, urges men to take everything and give nothing. Mammon, Prince of Greed, supplants contentedness with covetousness. Fleurity, Prince of Drugs, supplies the most-reviled – and most-desired – substances on Earth. And Alaemon, Prince of Secrets, buries the truth and rejoices in lies . . .
Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches includes:
- New attunements, Distinctions, and Rites for each Prince.
- The Princes' allies in the pursuit of evil . . . and their foes, both demonic and angelic.
- Life in the service of Secrets, Drugs, Greed, Theft, and Technology.
- What each Prince's friends and enemies really think of him . . . and what he thinks of them.
- Alternate versions of the Princes, tailored for styles from the comic to the unrelentingly tragic.
- Adventure seeds to help introduce these Superiors into ongoing campaigns.

- Warehouse 23 offers scenarios and Superior writeups, in digital form, for In Nomine – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and buy them now with a credit card or PayPal.

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