Written by Sam Chupp, Genevieve Cogman, David Edelstein, Jo Hart, Joshua Mosquiera, Derek Pearcy, and S. John Ross
Additional material by Alain H. Dawson and Elizabeth McCoy
Edited by Chris Anthony and Alain H. Dawson
Cover art by Doug Shuler
Cover digital enhancement by Alex Fernandez
147 pages. PDF.
Price $7.99
Stock number 30-3322
Always Available – Click here to buy!
144 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $20.95
Stock number 3322
ISBN 1-55634-428-7
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Take The Long View . . .
Work in the present to create the future.
Herein find four Archangels who are more concerned with the future than the present. Meet Gabriel, Archangel of Fire, living in her self-imposed seclusion, searing mortal minds with divine inspiration. Khalid, the newly-returned Archangel of Faith, certain his cause is right yet unsure of his place in Heaven. Blandine, Archangel of Dreams, who has forsaken the councils of angels to explore the mysterious Marches. And Yves, the enigmatic Archangel of Destiny, who knows the potential for good in mortals and celestials alike.
Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy includes:
- New attunements, Distinctions, and Rites for each Archangel.
- The Truth about each Superior . . . explained by both friends and enemies.
- The duties and organization of the Servitors of Fire, Faith, Dreams, and Destiny.
- How each Archangel interacts with his peers, both in Heaven and in the Realms Below.
- Alternate versions of each Superior for non-canon campaigning.
- Adventure seeds, from the most glorious cities of Heaven to the most squalid slums of Earth.

- Warehouse 23 offers scenarios and Superior writeups, in digital form, for In Nomine – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and buy them now with a credit card or PayPal.

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