Submitting to the In Nomine Collection
Or, I Have This Article And I Must Make EDG Scream

Typically, the number one best way to submit something to the In Nomine Collection
is to post it to the In Nomine Mailing List. The
curator of the INC scours the INML, searching for original resources, adventures,
fiction and humor so that he can place them lovingly in the embrace of the
Collection. (Don't believe me? It's in the listrules.)
"But," you say, "I can't (for one reason or another) subscribe to the INML! What
do I do then?"
Simple. There are only a few steps to making sure that you have an article ready
to be submitted.
- Make sure it's in text format. I can't stress this enough. If it's not
in text format - say, if you send me a Microsoft Word document, or even a preformatted
HTML document - then I have to convert it into a text document before I can upload it.
The reason is simple: I use templates for 99% of what I upload to the INC. If you send
me a Word document, I have to copy it into that template, which necessitates that I
change it to text format first.
As a side note, please don't send me HTML documents, pre-formatted like existing
pages. If anything, it makes more work for me - not only do I have to go through and
clean up the text itself, but I have to make sure that all of your HTML is okay.
- Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I do this, too, but it makes my
job a lot easier if you've done it first. What I'd especially like you to do is check
your work against the
In Nomine Stylesheet.
Again, I'll do it too, but uploading your file takes less time if I don't have to
change anything.
- If your document requires boldface, italics, underlining, or some other special
typesetting that can be done in HTML, indicate this without leaving text format.
You might use asterisks (**) for *bold text*, dashes (--) for -italics-,
and underscores (__) for _underlining_. Just let me know what you're using!
I'd hate to misinterpret your marks accidentally.
- Include your work in the body of your email. Do not send an attachment,
as this simply makes my life more difficult (and my email server may strip the
attachment from the email!). If you simply must send an attachment, please
send me a brief note first asking if it's okay.
- Send plain-text email. It's really a pain to have done all the work
you just did (reducing to plain text, changing all of your bold and italics to
*bold* and -italics-), and then have your email client decide to send HTML email
anyway. If you're having trouble with this, check
this page for help.
That should be all you need! All submissions, and any questions you might have,
should be directed to edg@sjgames.com.
Happy writing!

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