> Next question...Of those ordinary mortals, ignorant of the war,
what stats
> would you give to a typical policeman, and typical fireman?
Well, they each have five forces (with the very rare six forcer who is either
a soldier or will be recruited Real Soon Now). Call it Corp/2, Eth/2, Cel/1
for most of them. Some, like detectives, will have a point shifted from
Corp to Cel to bump up that perception. Really macho guys might have one
shifted from Eth to Corp.
Inside of Corp, the stats can go either way. Nothing less than 3, though.
Inside of Eth, lean toward intelligence for detectives, investigators and
office people. Toward precision for beat cops and active firemen.
Inside of Cel, it's a matter of choice except for investigative types. Here's
some examples:
Joe the Cop Bob the Detective ----------- ----------------- Corp/2, Str/3, Agil/5 Corp/1, Str/2, Agil/2 Eth/2, Int/3, Prec/5 Eth/2, Int/5, Prec/3 Cel/1, Will/2, Perc/2 Cel/2, Wil/3, Perc/5 Rick the Fireman ---------------- Corp/2, Str/4, Agil/4 Eth/1, Int/2, Prec/2 Cel/2, Will/4, Perc/4