Fan Artwork!

(There's not much here, but as I get more, this page will get prettier.)
Angel GIF by Chuck " STYX "
Ryan (cryan@us.bnsmc.com) (Who would love feedback.)
A Habbalite by Chris Nichols.
- (Explanations/commentary for all the pictures are accessible via the
link to Nana's artpage, but I'll link the stuff individually below.)
- Daphne
and Esther (a Bright of Lightning and her familiar; a character in
a game)
- Duncan (That's
a burnscar from a Malakite of Fire... Ow.)
- Rebecca
(the aforementioned Bright using her real name. In celestial form.)
- Esther
(reliever of Lightning. Zap!)
- Zaidekel
(an Ofanite of Dreams.)
- Shinaru
(Cherub of Dreams; a very interesting portrayal of a Cherub, indeed!)
- Dinah, Seraph
of Judgment (Nana does *great* wings; I'm jealous. --arcangel)
- A Kyriotate!
Official Art!

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Elizabeth McCoy <arcangel@prismnet.com>
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