"So you wanted to know about my story? I have no problem telling you; we both
have all the time in the world for this. I'm effectively immortal and you're
not going anywhere for a while."
The man settled into his chair and stared out the window as he collected his
thoughts. "Eden was definitely paradise, but I would hesitate to call it
Heaven on Earth. That's a disservice to the glory of Heaven in my opinion.
We had seasons there, but the climate never bothered us. Whether that was
from the manner of our creation or Divine Intervention, I am not sure even to
this day."
"Ah, you also wanted to know about Lilith. Not a shock. Everyone who talks
to me always asks about her. Let me just give you an idea about her based on
a phrase I heard a few months back: No matter how gorgeous she is, there is
always someone who got tired of putting up with her crap. Don't get me wrong;
I still love her. She was my first love and my first wife. Yes, she
exercised the free will God gave her and chose what she called freedom. The
problem with Lilith is that her grasp of freedom is shaky. She has always
seen freedom as doing whatever she wanted without consequences. She believed
in that so thoroughly when Lucifer gave her power, she sold her children into
slavery without hesitation. And yes, I heard the stories about how I rejected
her because I wanted her to be subservient or she wanted to be on top during
sex." The man rolled his eyes and shook his head. "It's a bit more accurate
to say that I rejected her because of the selfishness I saw in her. I had
hoped she would change, but she took her own path and I let her go."
The man stretched and watched the sun rise through his window. "And so Eve
was made from a part of me. You know the rest of course. That whole thing
with the Tree of Knowledge, getting chased out of Eden by an angel with a
flaming sword, blah, blah blah. Contrary to what some people or demons may
have said, I never held any grudge towards Eve about that. I think it was
inevitable that one of us would eat that fruit. I was angry with God for a
while for being little more than a lab rat for Heaven. But by the time I knew
the term lab rat, I had gotten over my anger centuries ago."
"So I put the knowledge that I gained to good use. Eve and I found a place to
settle down and raise a few children. After a few centuries, I went to
Heaven. But I was restless there. I knew I could do so much on Earth and I
chose to go back. And that is what has kept me on Earth for so long. My time
on Earth and what I had gained from the Tree of Knowledge changed me just as
Lilith was changed by Lucifer." The man stood and walked over to the chair
where the Shedite struggled to free her host. The Corrupter never knew that
her search for facts on the First Man would lead to this. The smile he gave
her filled her with more fright than she had ever known.
"Which brings me to you, Shedite. Do you remember that man you tried taking
over three days ago? That was what brought you to my attention." He leaned
close and put his hand on the chest of the person the Corrupter was riding.
The demon's world was filled with the expression on Adam's face.
"Lilith has her Daughters. I have my Sons. And I don’t appreciate filth like
you trying to bring them to harm."
The Shedite screamed as she was ripped away from her host. Adam took his time
in killing it.
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