Xinda loves to see Brya squirm, despite how much he's
impeded her over the last three centuries. The only
thing she would like more is to have him with her in
Hell. It all started back in the glory days, during
the Black Death. She was just playing her part,
wandering around, spreading the germs, infecting
everything she could as she was told by the Duke of
Plagues when she saw him. This beautiful, robust,
strapping man was undoing everything she had just
done. On top of that, he was showing the people how to
prevent future contamination! Well, that wouldn't do.
Xinda was going to follow him and wait for an
opportune time to kill him when he suddenly used a
Wary of him now, she reported to the Duke, inquiring
on who this mysterious hero was. He told her he was
just some angel and to not let him interfere with her
duties. Xinda, having seen first-hand "just some
angel" completely and thoroughly reverse her work,
decided to disobey orders and shadowed the angel, Brya
was his name, for awhile. He was glorious to watch.
Everything he did was so precise, nothing was thrown
in for flair, and on top of that he made it all easy.
His actions were so fluid and relaxed it looked as if
he was dancing. She wanted to dance with him. But how?
He was a cog in the Heavenly machine and she was a
lackey from Hell. Well, maybe she could make him dance
with her. She bided her time. Then she saw him blanch.
He reacted to some small group of idiots whipping
themselves. Looking into their background she found a
Balseraph pulling their strings, fooling them into
thinking they were getting into Heaven by beating the
sickness out of themselves. If this is what got a
reaction out of Brya, Xinda wanted to be at the center
of it, so she "took care" of the Liar. Pull a few
strings and any number of forces can be lost and
scattered in Abbadon. Then Xinda set out to make these
Flagellants something. Something to bring Brya to her.
It wasn't until after he had gotten his word did any
of Xinda's bait work. She lured him into the Black
Forest and they were together. They danced and talked
and loved each other. Oh sure, he was less than
half-conscious for most of it, but Xinda knew he
enjoyed it. That's probably why after he died he spent
so long in Trauma. He couldn't get her out of his
mind. That's also probably why he buried himself in
his work after he came back. Nothing she did would get
his attention. She thought small pox or yellow fever
or even Typhoid Mary herself would've lured him out.
Hell, Xinda figured four centuries of working at
becoming his antithesis would have garnered something.
It wasn't until she started up the Flagellants again.
Oh, he came right out. But this time Xinda's got a
different plan. She can't let him know she's doing
this. She knows that he knows someone's out for him.
She also knows he's tried to get help, but nobody
believes him. That's the trick though. Nobody can
know. If he becomes paranoid enough, all of his
friends won't be his friends anymore. He won't have
anyone except his word. But when his word starts
turning on him, Brya will fall, and Xinda will be
there to catch him. She will care for him when no one
would. She will become his world. Then they will be
together forever.
Xinda's Personality
Xinda has taken to her Word quite easily. She pretty
much does what she's been doing for the past
millenium, spreading plagues. Except to get her Word,
besides having to dispose of a few undesirables that
got in the way, just spread plagues that didn't kill.
Sure if left unattended they were deadly but as long
as her beloved Brya and his cronies did their part her
job was secure. When Saminga asks about her mortality
quota she cranks sickness up a notch, letting it fall
again when the heat is off. That's life.
Her plot to make Brya fall though, that's her own
secret project. She's had to silence several infernals
who got too close to her plan, and one or two
loose-lipped conspirators. She's been posing as a
divine messenger to a small sect of Flagellants now
for seven-hundred some years, manipulating them into
key positions. Right now, the plan is to disassociate
Brya with his compatriots. Since he's on his corporeal
tour, evaluting the state of his Word, this has been
quite easy. The three vampires she has tailing him
don't know their just window-dressing. When they're
caught, and they will be, they think they're working
for a Calabite with a taste for stalking and killing
health nuts. The Calabite is named Dwayne and he
thinks Xinda has his undead watching Brya because she
wants to keep tabs on her enemy. The Flagellants are
shared with a Djinn of Lust named Buolis. The sexual
twist Xinda had to put on the Flagellants doesn't make
her happy but it keeps them rather prolific for a
secret decadent club of S&M freaks; Besides, Buolis
doesn't ask questions. When Xinda needs fodder for her
portion of the club he hands them over. Xinda's inner
circle of Flagellants retain the original mission,
albeit with updated methods and missions.
The Flagellants
God wishes to punish mankind. Because of their
dedication, the Flagellants have been chosen to be His
deliverers. They are to bring back the Black Death.
With cultures of it stowed away this wasn't hard to
implement. However, it wasn't enough. Man knew how to
battle it, so the Flagellants need to attack on more
than just one front. They plan on contaminating the
New World with a multitude of viruses through hundreds
of facets. Contaminating food sources, spoiling water
tables, dispersing airborne viruses, and plain, old
direct contact. Once everyone is sick, the Flagellants
can once again spread across the land showing mankind
through example the path to salvation.
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