Numinous Corpus: Two-Dimensional

By Moe Lane (


Called "The Song of Pancakes" by more irreverent celestials: well, actually, most celestials seem to like calling it this. Even Laurence is on the record as using the name.

The performer still exists in three dimensions: he or she just becomes very, very thin (about as thin as the edge of a sheet of paper). While using this Song, the performer has a -5 to Strength (minimum 0), and weight is divided by 10. Body Hits remain the same.

Aside from the obvious uses (hiding in cracks, slipping under doors, floating down from great heights), any hand to hand attacks will do a straight 1 point of damage per level of the Song, and ignore any normal Protection or armor. On the other hand, the performer also loses any inherent Protection and armor that he might have, as well. In fact, most combat actions will require a Strength roll (as suitably modified above): the only thing that the performer can actually _do_ easily is run right at his target and try to inflict a particularly nasty paper cut...


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