Interview with the Habbalite

By Leath Sheales


Excuse me? We are not, I repeat, Not, demons. We are angels, just like the rest of those weak shiny bastards up top. Ever heard the saying "God moves in mysterious ways"? Well that applies to us. Just because we have to work in the Pit with the scum, while he lets those weak fools live up top. We're the Punishers, and He only lets those humans in up top whom He feels don't need punishing. We may not agree, but who are we to question the Will of God? The rest of the human souls go below, and we punish them for it. But before they go up or down, they're out of His jurisdiction and into ours. We punish them on Earth, letting them know what they're in for if they don't repent before they die. Of course, we only punish the guilty, but all of them are guilty of something. You can feel it in their emotions and twist it so they know the full extent of their failure. I've yet to meet one who didn't deserve Divine Punishment.

The Elohim? Weak fools too scared to act and punish the guilty. It's hard to believe that we evolved from them. And I do mean evolved. The Elohim are balancers, weighing good against bad, but too afraid to act once they've seen the evil inside. We are the obvious next step in the ladder. Survival of the fittest, so to speak. We developed the strength needed to abandon simple good versus bad and to punish bad. I don't know why, but for now God sees fit to allow the Elohim to continue existence. I suppose in one sense he needs breeding stock to develop the strength required and evolve into us, the Habbalah. I also suppose that God has always had a place in His heart for the weak, and protects His less-than-perfect Elohim creations. In His Divine Glory, He knows that we need no such protection. We are strong enough to survive the horrors of the Pit when the rest of His angels would perish in their weakness. We know that on His unknowable face He smiles upon us, His chosen. We are his right hand, His Divine Wrath, and we will be there lifted above all others on that final day.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. That man walking past the window has given in to unholy temptations and he must be shown the error of his ways. Good day to you.

By Leath Sheales.


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