Daily Illuminator Archive for November 2010
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November 1, 2010:
It's an age-old question. What's more magical: nature or technology? . . .
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November 2, 2010:
November is the eleventh month, meaning we've passed the 80% mark for 2010. Where the heck did the year go? . . .
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November 3, 2010:
Tonight, for the first time, w00tstock came to Austin, and I went. If you are reading this, you should go . . .
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November 4, 2010:
October was a month of many events, but we still managed to ship some games! These all should be on store shelves now, available for your buying pleasure.
Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction
It's getting easier to find the conspiracies all around us . . .
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November 5, 2010:
I know it was a long time ago, but you remember our Munchkin Party Night Contest, right? You'll also remember how we ended up choosing two stores: Tribe, which had their party last weekend, and Richmond Comix, which is having their party . . . today! . . .
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November 6, 2010:
I've spent this week in the Boston area meeting with our primary factory rep -- Grand Prix International. We discussed upcoming projects, planned our big 2011 reprint schedule (it's vital that we keep the Munchkin line available at all times), and generally just said hi . . .
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November 7, 2010:
GURPS Low-Tech -- by William H. Stoddard, with Peter V . . .
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November 8, 2010:
Conspiracies are fun. Weird groups, wacky characters, and improbable events litter historical accounts of conspiracies, proving the old "truth is stranger than fiction" meme . . .
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November 9, 2010:
We've dropped the price on Frag Gold Edition! Now, the huge (21" by 33"!) playing board, six dry-erase character sheets, 112 cards, and handfuls of dice, figures, and tokens are just $34.99 . . .
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November 10, 2010:
Somehow, GURPS Low-Tech has sped along its print track, and the rumors are flying that it has already arrived in the warehouse. Conspiracy theorists are opining that the "we sent it to press" announcement was just a smokescreen, and the actual files were sent back in 1987 . . .
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November 11, 2010:
The geeky GURPS editors are now previewing a PDF of GURPS Tactical Shooting, by Hans-Christian Vortisch. It won't be long before you can get your hands on it . . .
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November 12, 2010:
You've heard we're doing a second printing of Zombie Dice, right? Since we bundled ZD and Cthulhu Dice together for their first printing, we figured we'd do the same on this batch . . .
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November 13, 2010:
The availability of rare raw materials, like neodymium, europium, and erbium, are necessary for national security, says the Congressional Research Service. And since all of these materials are currently imported into the US, where these materials will come from is a worrying question to some . . .
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November 14, 2010:
One of my (many) hobbies is self-binding books. I don't do anything terribly fancy – mostly what can be done at the local copy shop, with a few extras – but I can do them at home, in short runs if I want to . . .
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November 15, 2010:
This week, the e23 releases couldn't be more different. But variety is the spice of life, so let's take a look.
GURPS Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers and Kings is a sourcebook on the technology that often goes forgotten in traditional RPGs -- politics and medicine, instruction and music, laws and monuments . . .
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November 16, 2010:
Today the crew drives up to Dallas, ready to play games at BoardGameGeekCon. Sure, they'll run our games -- Revolution! and Nanuk were both popular requests last year, and I'm certain our dice games ( Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice, if you've somehow forgotten) will see some table time . . .
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November 17, 2010:
More munchkinly maddness, hitting game store shelves in March 2011!
It's the ultimate book of spells . . . the Munchkinomicon. But beware! . . .
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November 18, 2010:
As next week is Thanksgiving here in the States, we'll be closed on Thursday, November 25, and Friday, November 26. We'll all be out of the office, so feel free to leave us a voice mail or e-mail, and we'll reply as quickly as possible when we return on Monday, November 29 . . .
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November 19, 2010:
Don't let anyone back in Austin know, but we're having a little too much fun working at BoardGameGeek Con. All five of us here probably would have worked for free if it had been the only way to attend the show . . .
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November 20, 2010:
Just in case you didn't have enough Munchkin or Frag on your Christmas wish list, these items should be on store shelves now!
Frag Gold Edition: FTW
Frag is about blowing stuff up. This expansion brings you new things to blow up, new weapons to blow them up with, and new places to do it . . .
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November 21, 2010:
(Is it really the middle of November? Where has the month gone? . . .
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November 22, 2010:
Last week, e23 released two magazines: Pyramid #3/25 and Space Gamer #48. Let's see what's inside . . . . .
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November 23, 2010:
If you've played Revolution! you know how easy the core mechanics are to learn. If you haven't, let us show you! . . .
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November 24, 2010:
Like most businesses, Steve Jackson Games has had its ups and downs. The past couple of years, things have been doing quite well . . .
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November 25, 2010:
Here in the States, today is Thanksgiving, when we balance being thankful with being ridiculously full of turkey and stuffing. At my house, a nap is the usual result . . .
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November 26, 2010:
Are you a fan of Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga, but haven't kept up with the series? Or do you love space opera, and have been thinking you should check this Miles guy out? . . .
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November 27, 2010:
We've shipped even more stuff to your local game store! Why, you'd think it was the holidays or something.
Revolution! - The Palace
Welcome to The Palace! . . .
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November 28, 2010:
Pictures of comets are very cool. In the past, the appearance of a comet usually spelled doom for some king or other, but today, they're just wanderers, spinning off into the night . . .
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November 29, 2010:
We're still all groggy from eating mountain-sized piles of Thanksgiving carbohydrates and enduring the stresses of 13-hour lines to save $80 on a laptop, so we've spent most of the holiday weekend staggering back and forth between the refrigerator and bed. Have we missed anything in the past few days? . . .
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November 30, 2010:
Social interaction is an essential element in roleplaying games. Adding relationships and dialogue to tactical wargames is what created roleplaying! GURPS has always included rules for social standing and character interaction . . .
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