Daily Illuminator Archive for February 2014

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February 1, 2014:
At the Ogre Launch Party back in October, enterprising fan Natalya Labbe had a conversation with Phil about how much she liked Castellan, and about the possibility of translating it into Russian. The conversation went well, and Natalya proceeded to do just that . . . read article

February 2, 2014:
We're a little late in marking the occasion, but we can't possibly let the 40th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons go unmarked. Others have said plenty (here's an example), but here's what people at Steve Jackson Games have to say about it! Alex Kosarek  One of my most memorable moments was playing a cleric named Tom . . . read article

February 3, 2014:
Uncle Albert: a name that for years cunning car warriors and aspiring autoduellists have entrusted with their lives. He's back, with a newly released classic digital reprint of a future-retro catalog . . . read article

February 4, 2014:
On February 10th, we're going to launch a brand new version of Warehouse 23! The new Warehouse 23 is bigger, better, and more able to serve your needs, and we can't wait to show it to you! . . . read article

February 5, 2014:
Just a reminder: we'll be at New Orleans Comic Con this weekend, running and selling games! . . . read article

February 6, 2014:
Both Warehouse 23 and e23 are going down today (Thursday) so that we can put up the new version of Warehouse 23. Be patient, it'll be back up on the 10th! . . . read article

February 7, 2014:
Gamers in the Houston, TX area rejoice! Our own Steve Jackson is going to be making an appearance at OwlCon, which takes place February 21-23 at Rice University in Houston . . . read article

February 8, 2014:
When I celebrated my birthday not long ago, Anne Schweizer asked what I what like to have as a present. I replied, "Something geeky is always welcome," and I added what everyone else at SJ Games most likely does: "But please note: I already have most of the mainstream geek stuff." So she created the Great Cthulhu Cake, and she was so right . . . read article

February 9, 2014:
We have an official Twitter account, which you might already be following. Whether you are or aren't, there's something you should know: we all use it. it's not one particular person who interfaces with the fans; a number of people at Steve Jackson Games use it throughout the day . . . read article

February 10, 2014:
The 2014 New York Toy Fair starts on February 16th, and this year I'll be at the show with our friends from PSI, running through the gauntlet of sales meetings and trying to avoid eating from every single amazing restaurant in the city. Joining me in the sales meetings this year is our new Events Director, Kali Dugan, while Ross Jepson, our Director of Sales, mans the booth and does his best to entertain everyone who stops by and asks the ever-popular: "What is Munchkin?" Toy Fair is always an intense week of fun and productive talks, but it's the actual visit to the city that most excites me . . . read article

February 11, 2014:
It's up! We've launched the new version of Warehouse 23 . . . read article

February 12, 2014:
You're a hero in an organization that expects you to get things done; wouldn't it be nice to call on them when you need help? Now you can . . . read article

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