Daily Illuminator Archive for August 2004

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August 1, 2004:
The one and only guest artist for Munchkin Blender is Aeire, creator of Queen of Wands. The Munchkin Blender set includes the credit very prominently . . . read article

August 2, 2004:
I drove to Houston today for evil purposes that are not available at your clearance. Lovely drive . . . read article

August 3, 2004:
When I dropped by the office yesterday afternoon on the way to Houston, there were four huge black buzzards sitting on the table on our back porch. Probably just enjoying the shade . . . read article

August 4, 2004:
So I finally got around to watching Episode 2 night before last. It was just as lame as anticipated . . . read article

August 5, 2004:
First Flash-game effort from a new studio . . . heavy on the atmosphere. Bookmark this one and dig it out next Halloween . . . . . read article

August 6, 2004:
To hear UFORC tell it, we should be shoulder-deep in BEMs . . . read article

August 7, 2004:
Are you one of those gamers who gets everything first? Does your obsession with all things GURPS know no limitations? . . . read article

August 8, 2004:
My latest article in Games Quarterly contains some suggestions for convention organizers. I selfishly hope these suggestions will occasionally be taken . . . read article

August 9, 2004:
The World Science Fiction Convention is in Boston this year . . . no doubt it's going to be a good one . . . and I've got a membership. But for some reason I just don't want to go . . . read article

August 10, 2004:
Thanks to Kira for helping me with a much-needed cleanup and redesign of my home page. She even did magic to the dinosaur photo so it's sharper and more contrasty . . . read article

August 11, 2004:
England is looking for a court jester. No word on benefits, salary, or promotion possibilities . . . read article

August 12, 2004:
So today I had the pleasure of buying Andrew Hackard a margarita to celebrate two Good Things. (1) Yesterday he finished editing on a project from . . . not from Hell, that's too mild. From the place where mommy demons tell little demons they'll go if they're bad . . . read article

August 13, 2004:
It's not enough to keep us in the dark about Nessie. Now we have to contend with people "disappearing" innocent victims just to hide conspiracies about documentaries about movies . . . read article

August 14, 2004:
Argh, what a world. Shared pain, says Spider Robinson, is lessened, so prepare to share some of mine . . . read article

August 15, 2004:
A couple of months back, we set up a calendar feed listing con appearances and other cool dates. Then we suffered an unfortunate lapse in maintenance . . . read article

August 16, 2004:
Steve Jackson Games announces the following releases for December, 2004: SPANC SPANC Them All! Life is good when you're a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl . . . read article

August 17, 2004:
The GURPS Basic Set Deluxe arrived just before noon yesterday and we immediately started processing Warehouse 23 orders and packing boxes. (Distributor orders will go out in a few days . . . or you can grab a copy at GenCon this weekend, if you're quick.) . . . read article

August 18, 2004:
In 1985, Steve Jackson Games started the Illuminati BBS, a one-line bulletin board running on an Apple II, to talk to the gamers and let them talk back. Some interesting things happened over the years, but our online presence has continued to grow . . . read article

August 19, 2004:
The Warehouse 23 staff are our heroes this week. They've been dealing with a huge stack of GURPS Deluxe Editions, getting them safely packaged up and shipped out . . . read article

August 20, 2004:
The GURPS Update PDF has been posted. This is a character conversion document; it shouldn't be confused with the book of the same title that allowed Second Edition players to "patch" their game into Third Edition . . . read article

August 21, 2004:
The following products are shipping to distributors right now and should be on the shelves of your local game store in the very near future. And we couldn't be prouder. GURPS Basic Set: Characters With GURPS, you can be anyone you want -- an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades . . . read article

August 22, 2004:
We're going to start the playtests of GURPS Ultra-Tech and GURPS Banestorm within a few days, with GURPS Bestiary to follow shortly thereafter. These playtests will take place on private mailing lists, but you still must be a Pyramid or JTAS subscriber to take part . . . read article

August 23, 2004:
Cloning your beloved Fido is a bit selfish, don't you think? Let's start with something that will be of immeasurable benefit to science and the world at large: small, fat birds . . . read article

August 24, 2004:
All of the SJ Games crew who attended GenCon Indy have returned home, safe and sound. Thanks to everyone who came by to look at the GURPS Basic Set (either version), or just to say hi -- it was appreciated. Major thanks to Jerry and the Adventure Retail gang, who once again made hours of booth work into free entertainment, rather than a chore . . . read article

August 25, 2004:
MIB Steve Donohue took some of our games to his wife Kristie's second/third-grade class in a school outside Detroit. Some of the kids wrote us thank you notes (and hurray to them!) . . . read article

August 26, 2004:
But without SJ Games, for the moment. The "Get Nifty" game, based on one of my very favorite webcomics, is off our schedule . . . read article

August 27, 2004:
Of course not. It is, after all, Alex Boese's Museum of Hoaxes . . . read article

August 28, 2004:
This is a bit embarrassing. The editorial staff has been fielding these "How come my store can't get any GURPS Basic Sets yet?" questions, and replying "No idea . . . read article

August 29, 2004:
This is going to be one of those times when I just point to somebody else's blog. John Kovalic just got back from Ropecon in Finland, and wrote a great report . . . read article

August 30, 2004:
Tom Smith's new album "And They Say I've Got Talent." There are others. Including . . . hee, hee . . . "Talk Like A Pirate Day." The production version doesn't have my voice on it (which, I hasten to add, is a Good Thing for all concerned) . . . read article

August 31, 2004:
Back in April, we posted a Iconic Lookalike Contest, in a brave attempt to find the parachronic agents filtering through our timeline. And now, we can finally reveal the Truth! . . . read article

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