1. Performance Profile changes Removed the Waterproofing, Sealed and Self-sealing options from the Edit Vehicle Properties, Edit Body, Edit Subassembly dialogs. These have been re-created as templates in the Surface Features > Generic repository. Also for the GTS repository, GVDS repository, and WWIii repository. Moved the Lifting Body, Underbelly skid, Articulated Body and Flexibody options to the Edit Body dialog. Removed the Responsive option, as this is set on the Edit Structure Profile dialog. Moved the watercraft and submarine hull options to the Edit Body dialog. Moved the Wing Type choice list and sweep wing options to the Edit Wing dialog. Moved the environment setup text boxes (surface gravity, Atm pressure, liquid density) to the Vehicle Properties tab of the Edit Vehicle Properties dialog. Moved the Streamlining Level choice list to the Vehicle Properties tab of the Edit Vehicle Properties dialog. Moved the Controlled Instability and sub-options to the Vehicle Properties tab of the Edit Vehicle Properties dialog. Removed the Performance Features tab (and sub-tabs) from the Edit Vehicle Properties dialog. Updated the Performance Statistics tab of the Edit Vehicle Properties dialog to show three user selected performance profiles. Added a Robot Statistic performance profile. Added the Hovercraft performance profile Added the Mag-Leg performance profile Fixed Ground Performance profiles gMR/gSR calculations. Previous version used vehicle volume, new version uses body volume (as specified). Fixed Supercavitation performance profile, which used wrong thrust values for calculating supercavitation performance. Added Jump performance calculations to the GTS Jump Drive template. 2. Other fixes and updates The setting for the number of crew in the Edit Crew dialog is now saved. Added menu item for the trip time calculator, an external program to calculate space ship travel times. Fixed calculation of mast volume added to the vehicle volume being off by a factor of the number of masts. Changed the total weight of missiles, bombs, and torpedoes to be counted against the payload weight of a vehicle, not the empty weight. Added a Delta-V conversion for the Convert tool for converting the units of Delta-V (mph, mps, G-Rounds, G-Hours, meters/sec, km/sec) Stopped popping up the Edit Formula box for the Edit Custom Weapons template, ROF Mod text box, which is a text box and not a formula box. Added the Damage divisor for the APFS (Rifled) ammo. Removed the "TL7 CLGP" ammo from the Edit Ammo dialog ammo choice list. Fixed the tab order on the Edit component dialogs when the Quantity is a text box. Removed the GVB complaint when adding structure or armor to a canard wing or pontoon Have the Subassemblies listing for each subassembly include the parent component if other than the vehicle: e.g. Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, Wheels[Body:U] +3 Removed the Tools toolbar, moving the repository search function to the Repository Toolbar. The Mast subassembly exports the available sail area as the "Units" formula, to allow using a link to create sails of the proper area. Fixed bug where doing a file save-as, change the vehicle, then exit using the Windows (X) button would save the vehicle over the old file name, not the new file name. 3. Repository Fixes Traveller: Starships had most page references inserted and power in/out values updated Split the afterburner for the jet engines into a separate component in the Propulsion > Jet Engine repository. Added a generic weaponry/custom weapons/beam weapon template for people who wish to create their own beam weapons. Changed the performance profiles to be templates. Created a new repository (performance) to hold the templates. Added the many variables to the Edit Formula dialog to allow calculating all the performance profiles. Created the VEL_Weaponry.rep repository for all the weapons in Vehicles Lite. Added the spall liner from Vehicles Lite to Surface > Defensive repository. Added Rocket Arm option to Misc/Robot Arm/Arm motor template Added Crew/Generic/Mech cockpit template. Added a scaling broadsword to the Mecha weapon repository. Updated Mecha_Weaponry.rep: Moved the guns from Custom to Gun/Launchers to make weapons list smaller and more consistent. Added contact weapons. Fixed cost for TL 10 astronomical LLTV Fixed Weight/volume/cost for folding bunks. Fixed cost for TL8 Laser chemscanner Fixed IIF template defaulting to sonar. Fixed Battlesuit cost so startup cost is added only to the body section. Updated Robots_Weaponry.rep: Moved the guns from Custom to Gun/Launchers to make weapons list smaller and more consistent. Fixed robotic basic communicator to include the radio by default, and add option to remove it. Added spraygun from robots to misc/security Fixed cost for robot visual sensors. Fixed weight/cost for robot auditory sensors parabolic/acute options Added Infrared Communicator from robots to Instruments/Communicators. Fixed Crew Station, split crew station and passenger seat using normal or roomy options calculating a volume of 0. Fixed power requirements for the smaller computers (pico, nano, tiny, small, mini-). Fixed the Retarded Bomb option giving the wrong CPS. Fixed improved suspension affect on wheeled drivetrain. Added MHD Turbine core/slice and fuel tank for GVDS system. Fixed weight multiplier for the TL12 partial conversion drive to (0.1 x thrust) Added ramjet mode to Turbo-ramjet component for the ramjet performance when moving at ramjet speeds. Fixed description of Ceramic engines fuel requirements. Fixed the Aerostatic Lift formula for the Propulsion/Jet Engine/Super Turbofan engine. Added an empty option to the Weapons/Accessories/weapon bay template, so user can add weapons to their weapon bay of the correct size. Fixed the ROF for electric automatic weapons, was never able to select anything other than maximum ROF. Fixed Artificial Gravity unit allowing more than 10 units installed. Added vTotal_Motive_Power formula for Solid Rockets. Fixed cost of T:S sandcaster rounds Fixed ISP formula for the TL7 Ion Rocket. Fixed Total Weight formula for the TL7 Ion Rocket. Add the Improved (TL8) versions of the Gasoline, HP Gasoline, HP Gas Turbine, and standard Diesel to the corresponding templates. Add the Racing Gasoline engine to the Power&Fuel/Gasoline engines repository. Fixed typo in GPS total weight formula. Fixed volume of limited life support when multiple systems installed. Fixed cost of Crew/Accommodations/Toilet. Fixed Miscellaneous/Vehicle Access/passage tube. Fixed TL8 Advanced Batteries, removing the rechargeable option. Updated the TL6 Steam Turbine to include the TL(5+1) version from Steampunk. Add the Quick Access option to the battlesuit control system. Fixed the GS3e space drive propulsion fuel consumption to be in "spaces/hr" to match the fuel tanks, so the duration calculations come out correctly. Fixed typo with GS3e repository hold template. Fixed typo with GS3e repository antimatter bay template.